
Jauary John

John was an exorcist who tries to help innocent people from the grasps of ghosts and other evil entities. He believes that he is helping those people in need, but is that true? Did he really help those people? He didn't want to believe the other way, those who raised him taught that. He has a secret that even he himself doesn't know. What would happen is that those in the opposite faction take advantage of this and try to manipulate everything. The powers that he has will end those innocent people's lives? Did he finally get corrupted according to the enemies? Let's dive into the story of Jauary John and find the answers. { writers note } This is my entry for WSA 2024. Please support me by adding it to your collection and gifting some items, power stones and golden tickets.

minatoflash · Fantasy
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242 Chs

let's fly to find the Carvinines

With grim determination settling over him, John acknowledged the perilous trap laid before him. Yet, in his heart, he knew there was no alternative but to confront their adversaries head-on. The lives of the villagers of Lomania hung in the balance, outweighing any consideration for his own safety.

Turning to Sister Veronica, John began to formulate their strategy, his mind already racing with tactics to outmaneuver their foes. Together, they mapped out their approach, leveraging every ounce of their combined knowledge and skills to counter the looming threat.

Meanwhile, Natasha embarked on a perilous mission of her own, determined to uncover the elusive hiding place of the Carvinines. With stealth and cunning, she set out to gather vital intelligence that would tip the scales in their favor and bring them one step closer to thwarting their enemies' sinister plans.