
Jauary John

John was an exorcist who tries to help innocent people from the grasps of ghosts and other evil entities. He believes that he is helping those people in need, but is that true? Did he really help those people? He didn't want to believe the other way, those who raised him taught that. He has a secret that even he himself doesn't know. What would happen is that those in the opposite faction take advantage of this and try to manipulate everything. The powers that he has will end those innocent people's lives? Did he finally get corrupted according to the enemies? Let's dive into the story of Jauary John and find the answers. { writers note } This is my entry for WSA 2024. Please support me by adding it to your collection and gifting some items, power stones and golden tickets.

minatoflash · Fantasy
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242 Chs

Found them

As Natasha ventured deeper into the darkness of the underground chamber, her heart pounding with a mix of trepidation and determination, she couldn't shake the uncanny sense of déjà vu that enveloped her. It was as if her daydream had foreshadowed this moment, guiding her steps through the labyrinthine depths of the Carvinines' lair.

Drawing upon every ounce of stealth and cunning at her disposal, Natasha crept silently through the shadows, her eyes keenly scanning the cavernous expanse for any sign of movement. And then, like a revelation, she spotted them, dark, menacing shapes hanging from the walls like grotesque echoes of nightmares.

The Carvinines, dormant in their slumber, resembled nothing so much as bats suspended from the ceiling of a cavern, their forms twisted and contorted in eerie repose. Natasha's breath caught in her throat as she observed them, her senses alert to the slightest hint of danger.