
Jason Redemption

How many years have he been killing, Dying and returned to kill again. when will he stop his revenge if you want to call it that, what if he lost contact from his mother? what if he got a new body? And what if he wake up in a unknown alleyway. this is Jason Redemption A My hero Academia story Also sometimes it's very, very short chapters NEW COVER! disclaimer, I do not own MHa, it belong to rightful owner

KyuKuro · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

battle at USJ...old path crossed again

Jason turned around following shigaraki and Kurogiri. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt in his chest as he looked into Tsuyu's eyes, remembering all the things he had done in the past six years that had left her behind without a single notice or warning he just left. How

He had promised her that he would never leave her side when both were kidnapped, and here he was, doing just that, feeling conflicted about his decision.

Jason followed after them and about a few days later after class 1-A with All Might as the teacher, they were going to kill him with Nomu. Jason could see it's regenerative healing ability is nearly compared to his, although his is a bit slower. Jason has spent the past week fighting the Nomu, he was more flexible than he was when he was just a tank, now he is more agile enough to move.

Jason thought it was almost impossible to kill the Nomu as it kept absorbing the hit and kept regenerating, he had to exceed it's limit and deal a devastating blow, but he can't afford to let them know he had the Nano X in his blood. and all he could was slashing it, punching it but it was doing nearly nothing.

The Nomu tried to land a hit on Jason, but thanks to his daily training for three years, he had become quick enough to dodge and parry its attacks. He could still feel the wind from its punches and kicks, but he was able to keep his distance.

Jason cut off its leg and hacked and slashed the Nomu but the Nomu kept regenerating. Nomu threw a punch right at him, but Jason dodged with his mist teleportation. What can he do against a foe who regenerative is better than his and has more of this 'Quirk' thing.

Just keep beating the shit out of it as it still has a limit, but Jason also felt he was running out of breath so could he outlast Nomu? He is Jason the camp crystal lake serial killer, the Hockey mask villain, reaching a height his old counterpart wouldn't dream of gaining these extra supernatural powers. Of course he can…

Until Shigaraki called the fight to stop as it still needed to fight All might. "I gathered many low-rank villains who wanted to kill some student's but also those who hated All Might, Hockey Mask Garduis, let's go."

—AN: Jason Villain Name is Hockey Mask, Gardius…inspiration from Yugioh mask archi-type.


Shigaraki, Jason, Kurogiri and Nomu were standing on a Fountain while the villains walked through the gate from Kurogiri and while they stood there, there was no sign of All Might, the number 1 Symbol of Peace. Shigaraki went on to ramble on about killing the kids. All Might, might appear…

Jason thought…killing Tsuyu was not something he wanted or would do…He already hurt her without saying where he went or a goodbye.

Then as the villain marched forward a Pro Hero, He was a tall and slender man with a stern look and a slightly tired expression. He wore a black mask over his eyes and a dark cape with a hood, and had a pair of goggles tucked into a pocket on his cape. His scarf grew longer and grabbed a hold of three villains, slammed them together There were few words exchanged about Eraser Head.

"Idiots, he is Eraser Head!"

"He can erase quirks by looking at them!"

"Erase? huh…Are you gonna erase the quirks of heteromorphic-type villains like us too?"

A bulky and spiky villain with four long arms ran at Aizawa and tried to launch an attack on him, but Aizawa dodge. "No I can't."

and landed a blow to his face sending him flying in the air and launched his scarf wrapping around the villain. "But the skills of guys like you…"

and next dodge an attack behind and side kicking the opposition. into three others.

"are statistically more likely to manifest in close combat…" and launched the bulky villain into the others.

"So I took the measures against that."

Then he went on rampaging, sending flying kicks against a girl with drill hair, a man with a skeleton horse skull. Following his action he wrapped a villain by his scarf and sent him flying.

Jason looked carefully, his predatory eyes just laying in wait for the prey to get tired or slip, he resented himself for choosing this dark path once again, but it was what he was best at.

The whole class and Thirteen ran towards the exit and came halfway before a black mist purple hole appeared on the ground and out came Kurogiri.

"I won't let you." And grew bigger and bigger taking over a large amount of space.

"Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves into the home of the heroes, U.A High School, in order to have All Might, The symbol of peace, Take his last breath."

As the class faced the villains, they were both terrified and shocked.

"I believe All MIght should have been here. Has there been any change? Well that is neither here nor there. This is the part I am to play."

Thirteen was about to launch something when her finger suit unlocked itself, but Kirishima and Bakugo launched themself at the villain.

With his explosion, Bakugou spewed dark smoke, which blocked the vision of what was happening. Kirishima and Bakugou were dumbfounded and Kurogir went on talking.

Thirteen shouted at both of them to move away.

"My job is to scatter you all and torture your to death!"

the purple mist surrounded us and for a second I thought of the shadow realm, would it be like this? Many of the class were in the purple mist and felt a strong wind gust at their faces and tried to compose themselves.

it was que for Jason to move, he won't resent Tsu for hating him, it was maybe meant to be this way. He was tasked to go towards the mountain area. turning himself to mist, he was descending away slowly with the wind taking him, he had time…nothing to stress about.

Denki, Jirou and Momoi were surrounded with their backs to the mountain, and equipped by that onix-ponytail girl. Jason saw the blonde one quirk was electricity and he can somehow only touch them before they also get shocked.

it didn't seem he could shoot it so he would be an easy target as long as he doesn't get too close.

next was the long ear girl, she could control the sound so she is a long range type and it better to get close before she can do what she does against these weak villains.

Next was the Onix-ponytail girl, she has more weaknesses. Jason can count on his 4 fingers…6? Math was never his strong suit and he didn't learn math in his sign language class.

After a while they managed to deal with all of them, Jason wasn't surprised and he could finally stretch.

Jason promptly teleported behind Jirou and knocked her out with a blunt attack behind. Next Jason kicked the blonde boy sending him flying 2 meters away and the boy felt a huge amount of pain in stomach.

"Whaa!!!-" Momoi can't say she wasn't surprised they got taken out so fast and now he slowly walking to her, she was about 6 meters away and he could throw his machete ending her life, but Jason like to play with the food, Momoi couldn't move she was in deep shocked, no matter how much she wanted to run, it's like her body won't listen as Jason every slow step Momoi fear grew bigger and bigger until the blonde Pikachu managed to get up and tried launching an attack, which Jason simply turned himself to mist letting the boy phase through, Momoi quickly created a vacuum and tried sucking Jason into it.

AN–not that kind of sucking.)

Jason was surprised it would work, and so quickly stabbed the vacuum with his machete with a stab upwards. Jason has to be careful from now on. Jason hurried to swing his machete at Momoi who barely dodged and prepared a shield in case alongside net trapper.

Jason was calm, looking at the trembling girl. He would get help as soon as he turned his head on the bodies of the two he defeated, Momo looked over to Jirou and Denki as a man with skellectual mask as he held Denki by his neck collar and one foot on the poor girl.

^ it's time, retreat Gardius.^ Jason didn't feel very accomplished, but it was best to retreat as Kurogiri told him pro heroes arrived and immediately fled the scene, back to them.

he saw the now pro heroes step up, one began shooting and Jason hurried deflecting and cut through the bullies.

They were about to leave until Jason got entangled with one of the pro heroes, Kurogiri couldn't take a chance with Thirteen using her quirk so Jason was left to fend for himself.

Ectoplasm made 20 clones, Cementoss is bending cement surface to his own will like Jason 'quirk'. Jason hurried to vanish from the scene until Snipe got a good shot in the middle of his activation, Jason bled on shoulder, but it slowly regenerated.

He never took down a lot of people before. He put his weapon ready as when the 20 clones of Ectoplasm he dealt, Jason quickly moved to dodge the attack and proceeded to take out the clones one by one. He used his machete to stab and slash his way through the clones, leaving none alive. He was able to take out each of the clones in a matter of seconds, while also keeping an eye on the long range shooter. Cementoss threw cement block at him, and to everyone surprise had to bend the metals around blocking the attempt and also eliminate the clones.

"Is that villain for real?" students, heroes, Deku and Nezu all wondered watching him take on the pro heroes.

When present Mic used his Quirk volume to increase his loud voice towards Jason as he felt pain in his cochlea. and held onto his ears suffering. Midnight stepped in and finished him off with her quirk spreading around miasma as Jason slowly fell to his sleep.

when Midnight got closer she removed the mask and to her horror…

She recognised the boy she lost 3 years ago.

"No way..."