
James Hook And The Mirror Of Darkness

Once upon a time, there lived a normal couple in a normal colony of a normal city of New York. They were very happy with their lives and only wanted a child. They decided to go to the orphanage next week, but who knew that God was listening to them that day and decided to drop a child on their front door. And this child would change the future in an unimaginable way.

Destango · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter # 11

Now Mr. Stern was no longer present in the hall. Ryan and Angelina had a plain, still expression on their faces. Angelina said, "Mr..." and Ryan completed the question, "... Hook?". James bit his tongue, Mr. Stern had blown his cover. Then Angelina said, "Now we don't know what is more surprising" and Ryan then said, "Your phoenix, or yourself". Firstly, James calmed them down as they were the only one who had heard clearly. But still other students were whispering to each other, "Did Mr. Stern said Hook?", "No, it must be your imagination", "But the boy does have the same white hairs as Thomas Hook", "And he has a legendary class phoenix"

Then James explained to Angelina and Ryan his so-far normal and lonely life which is, at the moment, not so normal nor so lonely. "So..." said Angelina, "You don't know about anything?". James said, "Yes, I didn't even know that magic existed before this day. So, Angelina do you know something about my parents?"

Angelina was about to say something when suddenly Night took off from James's shoulder and started following a white phoenix with blue eyes which was just summoned a moment ago. Both were racing in the entire hall, above people's head, under the tables, then Night cornered the white phoenix and they started screeching at each other. "Master...", said the fairy Cinderella to Angelina and she asked that what was the matter. Cinderella replied, "This might not end well". Hearing this, Angelina looked closely at the white phoenix and yelled, "James! Call your phoenix back now! Your phoenix and that phoenix's species are at a war and they are dangerous rivals of each other! If you don't call him back now, we might reach the ocean's bed!"

James then quickly told Night to come back but he was well engaged with his enemy. "He's ain't listening James!", said Ryan. James was now worried. If Mr. Stern founds out about this, he will get James struck off. Then he suddenly remembered something and started looking here and there and saw a boy eating peanuts on the next table while. watching the show. "Let me burrow this for a moment... Thanks!" said James while snatching the pack of peanuts from the boy's hand. Then he yelled, "Here Night! Have some peanuts. Mmm... There really good". After hearing this Night's expression suddenly changed and he dived towards James and landed on his lap. After eating some peanuts, he happily went back in the necklace. Suddenly someone from somewhere yelled, "Snow!" and the white phoenix turned into a beam of light and flew in the direction of the voice. James stood up from his chair to find the owner of the white phoenix but wasn't able to pinpoint the location. All James knew that the owner was a girl (From the voice). After a moment later, lunch arrived in an oddly manner. About more. than 100 small clouds like things came marching in the main hall with dishes on top of them. Then they started merging with the tables and disappearing while leaving the dishes on the table. James also noticed that some people were as surprised as him

while some considered it normal.

After having lunch, James and Ryan paid a temporary farewell to Angelina and went

exploring the ship. So they spent most of their time exploring the ship and after having

lunch in the main hall, they went into their room to have some sleep. At midnight, they

were suddenly awoken by an emergency announcement. "What in carnation!!!" yelled Ryan while waking up. The announcement said, "Attention all students! Be warned, as we are about to enter the transfer zone. Now if you don't want to serve an injury, then procced to the chairs that will appear under the dear's head. There was a dear's head in the room near the door that James didn't notice before. It was a really creepy head. Then suddenly two chairs emerged from the ground like a lift. "Aww man! I hate this part of the trip", said Ryan while rubbing his eyes and sitting on the chair. James followed him and sat on the chair and suddenly their arms and legs got chained to the chair and they were immobilized. The chairs then descended down and they were at the basement. There were many chairs with teenagers stuck on them and in front of them was a huge glass to see the outside scenery.