
Jada and the lord

Jada is a young orphan naive girl that was sheltered away from the world ruled by pureblooded vampires and other mystical creatures that were unknown. Her fate changed when she became hostage to a pureblooded vampire Lord, who seek revenge against the kind that imprisoned him. ***EXCERPT*** Their attention was taken by the butler who was just passing by to ensure the mansion windows were closed. Jada felt her face heat up again as they were seen in an intimate position. Leo stood up straight, he sent a glare at the butler who felt sweat dripping from his forehead. Jada ran out of sight at the intervention. Both men looked at the direction the maid ran towards. Grey turned to look at Leo to see a pair of cold red eyes staring at him. “I am sorry for interrupting milord”, He gave a slight bow. Without a word, Leo turned to follow the came direction Jada ran to. “I’m kind of curious, has my master fallen in love with the young girl?”, Leo heard Grey say. He halt. Leo turned to look at his butler. “What do you think?”, He raised a brow. Without waiting for a reply he walked out of sight with his hands tucked into his pockets. Grey felt things were about to be different not only for the lord but also for him. Disclaimer! The cover is not mine. Credits to the original owner

OverlordHufflepuff · Fantasy
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14 Chs


"Here, drink this", The lady passed a cup to her. "I can't accept medicine from people I don't even know their names", Jada tilt her head.

"Oh pardon my manners, I am Lisa, I work in this mansion and I am also well versed in medicine and herb and you have met my little sister Maya", She curtsy a little.

"Little sister?, one moment I thought you were her mother", Jada chuckled. "She just prefer calling me mama", Lisa smiled bitterly away from the view of Jada. Jada took the cup in her palms, staring down at the dark liquid. She took a little sip. Jada spat the content out.

"It's so bitter", Lisa laughed at her behavior. The door creaked open and Maya walked in holding a large leaf.

"Right on time!", Lisa exclaimed. Walking towards the ten year old girl. Taking the lead from her, she stalked towards Jada. Pouring a quantity of honey into the cup she stirred it.

Jada tasted it. "Uhm". She nodded before she drank all the content in a go.

"Now let's get back to work, Maya", Lisa turned to her sister.

"What about her", Maya asked.

"She'll be fine here, away from the housekeeper's eyes", She turned to Jada.

"I'll come in the next two hours to take you to the room we'll both share. Don't leave the room. We don't want you to become a vampire's meal when you barely recovered from the shock". She rushed out taking Maya with her.

"Vamp... Vampire?", She stuttered. The door shut before she could confirm her doubts. She stood up and walked to the small window,

Staring out she saw the sun setting. According to bedtime stories, vampires comes out at night as sunlight burn their skin. She has to escape from this place before the sun sets, Vampire are scared of sunlight right? She thought.

"Vampires should be sleeping now". She whispered to herself. She looked down at the white satin dress she was wearing. She doesn't remember wearing this the other day, brushing the thought out of her head. She covered her shoulders with a thin sheet of cloth that laid on the mat.

She reached for the door. Taking a peep out, there was no one around. She breathed out in relieve. She was right they were asleep. Muttering courage she dashed out. Taking different turns in each corridor.

Few minutes passed, Jada couldn't find the exist. Slowly down to catch her breathe. She saw a silhouette in a balcony.

Walking closer, she saw it was a male with his back to her. He was watching the sun.

She walked to him. "Hey sorry to interrupt, I am at tough corner, can you show me the way out. I can't find my way out!", She breathed out.

The male turn slowly. Bright green eyes stared down at her small figure.

She drew in air. Sharp jawline, strawberry blonde hair, Some locks fell forward shielding his bright green eyes, pale pink lips, a silver earring dangling in his right ear.

Jada would has sworn there was no male that looked better than him. "And why should I help you?", He raised an eyebrow.

Jada didn't know why she suddenly turned nervous under his gaze. He had a stoic look on his face.

"Vampires...They would awake anytime, you better run or hide too before the sun set", She pointed at the sun.

"And why should I hide?", He looked at her, his eyes taking a good at her physical appearance.

"They'll suck your blood dry", She remarked.

"I can't help you, aren't you a maid, what are you doing running around my mansion". A frown graced his face.

"You are mistaken, I am not a maid, I got kidnapped",

*Kidnapped?, last time I checked your life was spared* Leo said inwardly.

"While you stand there waiting for your doomsday, I'm out of here", She dashed out.

Leo watched her retreating back. He felt he just adopted a puppy to stay in his mansion. "If She isn't careful she might be the one attracting the vampires to herself", He cursed under his breathe.

"Milord", a voice called behind him.

"Grey, you came sooner than expected", He stared down at the figure that was bowing at him. A knee on the floor, right hand on his chest and head looking at the floor, the tail of the butler uniform swept the floor.

"I came as soon as I had enough intel",

"Did you get the list?",

"As you wished milord", A parchment appeared in Grey's hand.

Raising his head to look at his Lord.

Dark red eyes stared down at him as the sun finally hid itself making the hallway darker.

A maid rushed holding a lit candle. She lit the lamps on the hallway with the candles fire.

The wind blew strongly causing the lamp close to the balcony turn off. It was about to rain. She walked to the balcony, shutting the glass door this time, she lit the lamp again.


The thunder rumbled. After the encounter with the handsome male, she caught sight of Maya who was brushing a mare's fur, Maya saw her before she had a chance to hide.

"What are you doing out here, mama would be mad if she sees you out of the room and the housekeeper...", before she could complete her sentence she was interrupted by a loud voice. "You lazy girl, I told you to fill the jars you are here playing with a mare", a Middle Aged woman fumed.

Raising her whip. She swung it in the direction of Maya. Without thinking she reached for her wrist. Maya shriek expecting the hit but it never came. Opening an eye, her jaw fell when she saw Jada holding the madame's wrist that was held up high.

Madame Mary, The housekeeper bright red eyes widen in shock. This was the first time someone interrupt her when she was about to give out punishment. To be stopped by a lowly human irked her.

"Filthy Slut!", She removed her hand from Jada's grip easily. being a vampire she was more powerful than an average male human.

Without holding back her strength, she landed a slap on Jada's cheek.

Jada fell from the impact, one moment she felt her life flashed right in her eyes. She spat out blood. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth.

"Who's this lowly whore, how dare she interrupt me?", She stormed.

Lisa rushed out right on time. Bowing, "I am so sorry madame, I told Maya to tend to the animal while I fill the jars and the lady is our guest, the one that was unconscious three days ago". She explained still bowing.

"Oh She, She's no guest, any maid that failed to abide to my rules would be punished. This should be the last time I get disrespected, next time I wouldn't guarantee your safety". She turned to look at her with disgust, Jada stared at space lost in thoughts. The housekeeper pushed pass Lisa.

When she was out of sight. Lisa rushed to help her. "Ouch", Jada whined. "I told you to stay low", Lisa whispered with a worried look on her face.

"This is not good", She signed. "If you get on her bad books which you already are, you won't last a month here", It started drizzling.

"Let's get inside, I'll tend to the bruise", Lisa said gesturing her into the mansion.

Heads up!, Massive release ahead.

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