
Jada and the lord

Jada is a young orphan naive girl that was sheltered away from the world ruled by pureblooded vampires and other mystical creatures that were unknown. Her fate changed when she became hostage to a pureblooded vampire Lord, who seek revenge against the kind that imprisoned him. ***EXCERPT*** Their attention was taken by the butler who was just passing by to ensure the mansion windows were closed. Jada felt her face heat up again as they were seen in an intimate position. Leo stood up straight, he sent a glare at the butler who felt sweat dripping from his forehead. Jada ran out of sight at the intervention. Both men looked at the direction the maid ran towards. Grey turned to look at Leo to see a pair of cold red eyes staring at him. “I am sorry for interrupting milord”, He gave a slight bow. Without a word, Leo turned to follow the came direction Jada ran to. “I’m kind of curious, has my master fallen in love with the young girl?”, Leo heard Grey say. He halt. Leo turned to look at his butler. “What do you think?”, He raised a brow. Without waiting for a reply he walked out of sight with his hands tucked into his pockets. Grey felt things were about to be different not only for the lord but also for him. Disclaimer! The cover is not mine. Credits to the original owner

OverlordHufflepuff · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Madam Amelia was made to stand at the middle of the village, the man behind her tugged her hair tightly making her let out a scream. "How does it feel like to see all you built crumble in a matter of minutes Amelia".

"No matter what I wouldn't plead for my life",

"How disappointing", The man spat out tugging her hair again. "We would succeed Leo, we have done it before and we will do it again",

"Uhm, you mean these filth, there is no one here to save you", He pushed her. She fell face first on the floor. The middle aged woman struggled to sit up, She stared blankly at Kate and Jada who appeared from nowhere. Before she could utter a word, she felt life leave her aged body.

Kate screamed as madam Amelia's head fell from her shoulders. Leo threw the head on the dirty wet soil. The body dropped with a tug. Leo mount his horse.

"What a waste of blood", He looked at the pile of dead bodies everywhere. Without turning he said, "Get rid of the other two, how did they survive to this point, Solomon?", He threw a fierce glance at Solomon, the commander of his army.

"Jada run, I'll hold them off", Kate said bringing a knife out. Jada couldn't move a muscle. She watched as a Kate ran towards the armed men with the knife. She watched as a sword pierced through her only friend. Tears streamed down her eyes.

Kate spat a mouthful of blood before her eyes lost it color.

"Kate!", Jada ran madly towards her best friend's body. Brushing the hair away from Kate face. She started at her pale pretty face and blood stained mouth.

She felt the tip of a cold blade on her neck.

"Stop!", A young man in his early twenties appeared. Solomon looked at him with a puzzled expression on his face.

Leo who was already riding away halt at the voice. "What is it Grey", He asked.

"She doesn't smell like a black mage".

Leonard raised an eyebrow.

"What is she?", He asked barely interested in the lowly being.

"More like a human, she could be of help. She might be taken hostage by them for their sacrifice",

"Hostage? Didn't you see how attached she was to the black mage, she might end up stabbing me while I sleep". Leonard chuckled darkly.

"She could help in chores or you could send her to the boulders she could do night duties like warming your soldiers bed", Grey grinned.

"For the first time Grey actually said something I like, when last have I bedded a lady, a century or two... I can't remember", Solomon laughed.

"Do whatever you want but no one touches her until I am sure she wouldn't make me loose a soldier. She now works in the mansion. Any offense from her and I'm sending her directly to the borders". Leo kicked his horse to start moving.

Jada didn't hear a word they said. She was lost in her world. A warm hand was placed on her shoulder. She looked at the young man. "Milady, I think it's better you let her rest", He gave her a reassuring smile.

Jada felt compelled. She nodded her head slowly. Grey helped her up to her feet.

He murmured some words into her ears and she fell limp in his arms.

"One moment I thought you killed her", Solomon chuckled. "Haha so funny", Grey said sarcastically.

Grey disappeared with the girl in his arms.

"I wondered why I wasn't born with such powers" Solomon murmured under his breathe. His light reds eyes looked around the village. "Set the village on fire along with the bodies", he instructed the soldiers with him.


"I think She's waking up", Jada heard a distant voice, her eyes lid felt heavy. She moan as she stirred on the bed. with body aching she managed to open her eyes. Large brown eyes stared down at her.

"Mama She's awake!", The girl exclaimed.

"Shh, Maya you are going to scare her", A brunette lady wearing a maid dress came in view.

Jada struggled to sit up. "Where am I?", her voice cracked. The lady handed her a glass of water. Jada hesitated. "You haven't had anything for quite sometime", She explained with a polite smile.

Jada throat felt dry. She drank down the content. Feeling her throat get better she looked around the room she smelt different kind of herbs. There were old sack bags stacked at the corner of the room.

"I discovered you might wake up sooner if you smell the herbs here", the lady walked around the room taking different herbs from sacks and chests in the room.

Jada watched her warily. She dropped the herbs in a small mortal. "Maya dear, go get the bee honey from the bee hive", the brunette lady said pounding the herbs.

"The bees keep complaining anytime I ask for honey!", Maya whined.

"Take the Rose flowers from the garden with you", she answered without turning. "Okay", Maya jumped from the seat she was sitting on. The door closed behind her.

"You need to replenish your lost energy, you slept for too long", she said with her back facing Jada.

"How long was I out?".

"Two days and half". She replied. Silence engulfed them.

The only sound produced is from the pounding of the herbs.

Memories of the other day flashed. Tears brimmed in her dark blue eyes.

"Kate...", She shuttered.

"Am sorry about what happened to your village". The brunette empathize. "On the bright side you are alive".

"What's the point being alive when I lost another family", Hot tears fell from her eyes.

Jada felt a hand on her shoulder. "There's still hope don't loose it yet and beside they would have killed you for their selfish gains and beliefs. Black mages are heartless creatures".

"Black mages?, such creatures doesn't exist", "That's what they want you to believe, such a sheltered child", she breathed out. "Over everything, don't try to avenge their deaths. The lord of this mansion wouldn't spare you a second time", She advised.

She poured water into a bowl with the powdered herbs. Taking a filter paper from a basket She filtered the substance. Come to think of it they both looked the same age Jada thought.

Sorry for the late update, I’ve been busy lately. Please rate the book. Thanks for reading.

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