
Izuku reincarnated in Dragon Ball with a Sistem

In this story two unfortunate souls had their lives ending way earlier than they should have and have been given a new chance in a different world, the world of DBZ

OldVoldyMoldyTMR · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


<p data-p-id="7e8cfc69c286f0406dd841014ea6c337">So if this wasn't obvious I'm not writing this anymore. The reason for that is that i'm just not having fun writing it and I have no idea of how to get certain things to work. One thing I did have an idea for was the ending and i'm gonna tell you what it was. I planned on ending it in the cell saga. I figured that I would end it with Izuku sacrificing himself instead of goku and then make up some bullshit reason for why he couldn't come back. I also feel like someone else could do it better. So i'm gonna say that anyone can write they're own better version of this story. Write your own version of this and put it in the comments of this chapter or don't. I really don't care what happens with this story anymore. That's all I wanted to say bye.