
Its a world of blending with group chat

I do not know English, so I used the translator to translate the story, and now this is a vulgar embodiment story in the anime world with a group chat and travel between the worlds of anime and novels . For more chapters please visit my patreon p@treon.com/Akasaki_Ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Chapter 67: 99% Mold Extraction

"Status screen," Akira muttered after slaying a colossal bear and collecting its dropped items.

It had been a while since Akira began hunting to enhance the extraction of the Gilgamesh Mold. He could feel his strength rapidly increasing with every magical beast he defeated. However, he had noticed that his strength growth had stagnated recently, so he decided to assess his progress.


[Name: Akira Nefuji]

[Main Race: Divine Spirit]

[Sub-race: Human]

[Age: 16]

[Gender: Male]

[Title: Incarnation of the King of Heroes, Favorite Person of the Goddess of Fortune, Master of the Gate, Master of the House, Person from Another World]

[Template - Gilgamesh - Progress - 99%]

[Class: None]

[Bloodline: ???? (not awakened)]

[Soul Connection: None]

[Blood Connection: None]

[Active Buff: ?????? (-50% Stats)]

[Cultivation: None]

[Cultivation Technique: None]

[Body Technique: None]

[Physique: Babylon Physique]

[Aura: None]

[Level: 22]

{Basic Abilities}

Strength: 15,000 > 7,500 (+321)

Agility: 17,000 > 8,500 (+365)

Endurance: 14,000 > 7,000 (+356)

IQ: 16,000 > 8,000 (+342)

Magical Power: 100,000 > 50,000

Spiritual Strength: 100,000 > 50,000

Luck: MAX

[Innate Skills: Babel Gate (EX), King's Aura (A), Status Window (B), Manipulation of Lust (S), Zaphkiel (SS), ?????? (?), Charisma (A+)]

[Active Skills: Physical Manipulation (A+), Clairvoyance (EX), Evaluation (B), Sensing (B)]

[Passive Skills: Weapon Master (S), Presence Concealment (A+), Self-Regeneration (Low) (C), Energy Mastery (A+), Semi-Instant Mastery (B), Divinity (Middle) (B)]

[Acquired Skills: Cooking (S), Housework (S), Basketball (S), Acting (S), Toxicology (A+), Disguise (A+), Literature (S), Hacking (S)]

[Resistance Skills: Magic Resistance, Spiritual Attack Resistance]

[Martial Technique:...]

"As expected from the Gilgamesh Mold, the King of Heroes," Akira sarcastically smiled upon witnessing his deteriorated state.

"It seems the Buff now only saves half of my stats," Akira muttered, observing the unknown Buff, then glancing at the template's extraction rate. "99%... looks like I'm almost there."

"I'll deal with it later," Akira muttered as he slammed the door shut, returning home to take a shower and prepare for school.

As he closed the door, a system notification appeared in front of Akira.

[Transfer assets]

[Materials available for transformation: Magic Deer Antlers, Black Bear King Skin, Magic Stone (A), Raksha's Tusk... etc.]

"What's this?" Akira asked, puzzled by the seemingly endless list before him.

"This is one of the effects of the Gate Master title, allowing you to exchange magical beast items for real money," the notification explained.

"And rest assured, Master, this money is legitimate due to manipulation... Well, all you need to know is that it's safe to use," it continued.

"Okay," Akira nodded, not particularly concerned about the legitimacy of the money.

With that thought in mind, Akira located all the items in his inventory andAfter locating all the items in his inventory, Akira was surprised to find that he could exchange items from Aincrad. Overcoming his initial surprise, Akira began selecting the items he wanted to exchange, leaving the rest behind through the door.

Once he finished the selection process, Akira pressed "Yes," causing a large pile of money to cascade in front of him. He couldn't help but marvel at the mountain of money, which stood as tall as him.

"How much money is this?" Akira asked, his eyes fixed on the bundles of 10,000 yen notes, realizing the substantial sum before him.

[5,900,000,000 yen] appeared on the screen in front of him, thanks to his evaluation skill.

"Not bad," Akira commented with a satisfied smile as he stowed away the money. He then opened the door and walked out.

Akira found himself in the same alley he had entered before and decided to stop by a convenience store. The weary shopkeeper greeted Akira lifelessly as he entered.

It was still 5 in the morning, and there was an hour left until the shift exchange. The tired worker longed to rest and recover.

Unfazed by the shopkeeper's exhaustion, Akira roamed the store, opting to buy ready-made breakfast items instead of cooking. He stumbled upon various food items but ultimately settled on onigiri and pre-made sandwiches, enough to feed everyone at Sakura-sou.

Akira planned to buy breakfast not only for himself and Mashiro but also for Asuna, Misumi, Chihiro, and even Ryunosuke, who occasionally helped take care of Mashiro. However, he felt guilty about excluding Mitaka and Kamigusa, so he decided to buy for everyone.

With that in mind, Akira purchased breakfast for ten people, taking into account his own larger appetite. He didn't forget to buy a baumkuchen specifically for Mashiro, knowing her fondness for it.

"..." The sleepy employee couldn't help but open his eyes wide in shock upon seeing the contents of Akira's shopping cart.

Ignoring the worker's surprise, Akira paid for his purchases and left the store, heading back to Sakura-sou. He placed the breakfast items in the kitchen and then made his way to Mashiro's room, leaving a bag of baumkuchen on her table before quietly departing.

Afterward, Akira took a shower and prepared himself for school, his thoughts consumed by how he would confess his love to Mashiro. Despite watching numerous school romance anime, he knew it was impossible to confess in the same grandiose manner.

"Cowards never win. I'm going to confess tonight," Akira mumbled, determined not to act like a coward. However, the mere thought of confessing to Mashiro made his heart feel like it would explode.

Trying to calm his racing heart, Akira walked through the nearly empty streets, pondering his approach. Upon reaching Sakura-sou, he placed the purchased breakfast in the kitchen and headed to his own room to take a shower and get ready for school.


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