
Itai shoukan : Painful summon

Ryouta matoi who was in a paralytic state all his life was released from the hospital and finally goes home, only to find he had a sister , but had lost his memories of her, after regaining his memories and when no one seems to remember her, he takes it upon himself to look for her. but before he could he got summoned to another world were he is to become a fugitive.

Miyukikurogane · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Karte 5: Training to the extreme!

"so you're the one shiva told me about on the magus script"

There was a Deep silence as the woman walked towards them , she drags Ryouta to a table, And they both engaged in smalltalk. Shiva was left wondering what she was up to ,the fact that the girl without knowing Ryouta somehow crafted a conversation out of nowhere seemed weird to her.

"what are you scheming"

"my my, what do you mean?"

"you know exactly what i mean"

She smiles and whispers in shiva's ears " I WANT HIM TOO" . Shiva glared at her and then turns towards Ryouta , haven't felt the need to escape the awkward situation Ryouta tried to leave, But then.

"were are you going" both of them asked him and then the girl walks to him a says they didn't make introductions since she just ambushed him with a conversation out of the blue .

" i'm luna Cornelia , and you are?"

"Ryouta matoi, Nice to meet you"

shiva looks at the girl with an even meaner glare ,the the girl elicited a "hee-hee-hee", Ryouta was a bit lost. The woman began to touch Ryouta's arm, lower stomach and chest and looked Amazed as she did so , she kept on repeating "oh...i see" and then she stoped.

"I'm gonna train you"

"so that's what you wanted from the start huh, even so i'm the one training him i'm not gonna hand him over to the likes of you...., wait that might be what he needs now, okay i'll let you train him from now till the battle royale begins"

Ryouta and luna left the hall to a cave where his training soon began

"So from today i'll be training you"

"okay and what is this training gonna be about cuz i already have magic down perfectly"

"No you don't. from what shiva told me, your output is all over the place"

"my output?,oh yeah that was what was off about the information shiva poured into me , i tried it but it was too complex to follow"

"that's because your doing it wrong everyone has different output gauges, mine is 200%, shiva's is 250% and from what i can tell your's is way higher"


he was fascinated, he listened carefully as luna instructed him on how to keep his output in check, she helps him channel his grey energy keeping it steady as he focuses on gauging the grey energy released as he increases and decreases his output, before they knew it , it was already dark out. they began to walk to the group hall and report back to Shiva then Ryouta asks her.

"what was your real goal by doing this"

"i...see,you can't trust me can you"

"i'm not about to become all buddy buddy with someone i just met, especially not on this island of all places"

"even if you say so, i really don't have any ulterior motives here"

"still not gonna trust you"

Shiva waves them "hey how's the training coming along"

"fine,i guess. she's taking good care of me"

"ya, Ryouta was really good today, it was his first time doing something like that but he was a natural"

"wait what do you mean first time did you guys..."

Shiva turns bright red but knew luna was just teasing her so she calmed down afterwards

"Nice try Bitch your not trick me that easy, i use memory magic you know "

"so you need memory magic to tell if i lie you're pathetic, just means without your magic you'd be defenseless"

"why you "

a small blond kid if animal clothing approaches them, it's Dare he had been looking for Ryouta and shiva since their last encounter

" ah ha i found the creep, this time i'll"

she knocks him out again. luna tells shiva "isn't It that boy who can't use magic of 7 tier above, why his grey energy level is soooooo low. But i hear he's a master at obtaining skills from all class and great at hand to hand combat. i believe he's a pugilist. wait he could also help with Ryouta's training after all he hasn't learnt skill and they are somethings you can't teach using memory magic right".

"yeah,your right . wake up Dare how long are you gonna lay there"

he wakes up .

"You did it again sis, it hurts you know"

"well it's time to be useful, you're gonna be teaching that boy skills"

"no way I'm gonna do that, besides skills take a few months to learn a we only have one month and 28 days till the battle Royale it's impossible"

"how about this if he learns a skill in two days you're gonna call him boss until you're miserable life is over"

"i'll do it and if he doesn't he'll never come around you again"


"wait, wait, no one's consulting me before things like this happen".

luna smiles

" thus is gonna be fun".