
Itai shoukan : Painful summon

Ryouta matoi who was in a paralytic state all his life was released from the hospital and finally goes home, only to find he had a sister , but had lost his memories of her, after regaining his memories and when no one seems to remember her, he takes it upon himself to look for her. but before he could he got summoned to another world were he is to become a fugitive.

Miyukikurogane · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Karte 4: natural change

shiva was scared of Ryouta's sudden change in aura.



Ryouta remained mute for some time, but then falls to the ground from exhaustion and anemia

"Ryouta, are you ok "

"i'm so friggin tired"

breaths heavily as he looks up into the sky and then clenches his hand into a fist

"man, magic is soo amazing"

" i take it you now know how to use magic"

looks at her with a cocky expression, she replies with a disgusted face.

" it's incredible it feels like i could use it from birth, it seems your memory magic is more awesome than i thought "

Ryouta glares at shiva . shiva smiled in return.

" you used your memory magic to do something to me didn't you"

"you keep getting good at figuring me out"

" up until recently i felt animosity and the need to be cautious around you but those feelings suddenly vanished"

Shiva laughs , " i can't have the person i use to take down the king feel animosity towards me now can i, it'd be a pain so i altered your memories a bit , making you think i was a trustworthy person you could let your guard down with".

" don't ever mess with my mind again ", holds her shirt.

"and what if i do, your forgetting a key thing her if you kill me you'll never have a chance at find your sister, so think wisely boy".

with a frustrated look in his eyes as he lets go of her shirt

" ugh, why are you like this"

" i told you, you're in a place were only horrible people reside the moment you let your guard down someone will take advantage of you"

she goes back to see how James was doing . she found him crying because of they destroyed his beloved inn and James was just 7 tier mage so he couldn't use a rebuild spell and if he tried it would likely fall apart because of small scale casting and it can only affect with a town level range but it can't create objects within it's scale

"she's gone, my beautiful inn"

Ryouta walks up to him

"let me fix that"

"time magic 4-a tier " Area reverse"

every destroyed building around them suddenly reversed to how they were before the battle.

"thank you, blackie"

"don't call me blackie"

shiva calls out to Ryouta.

"you can use time magic too"

" and several other magical forces too"

"i want you to tell me everything about your magic".

Ryouta explained that he used magic of 2nd tier and he had learned four forces of magic, time, dark void, gravity and spatial manipulation. and my affinities for magic are shadow, fire, water, earth , wind and their sub affinities like lightning that's about all of them. then my maximum output is 500 percent.

"that's amazing your definitely not human, you have all affinities of magic even their sub abilities that alone makes you crazy strong, but from what you tell me you can't use light magic or creation magic and other magic of those properties"

"yeah, that's it "

James looks at shiva with a confirming expression, shiva replies with a nod

"it seems it's time"

"i believe you're ready for what comes next"

"what are you people scheming?".

[a few minutes later]

they took Ryouta to a place where a group of some sorts resided, and there were all criminals about a 12 of them.

" look here Ryouta, much like that other criminal group the scavengers me an my old man here are of this group "Dark crow"

"huh, wait is this what you meant by me becoming a fugitive "

"No let me explain"

she explained that this group island was a place full of criminals in the sense that they were sent here as ordered by the king as a form of imprisoning of a wide scale. Each port leading to and from this island was guarded by some imperial knights and the island is supervised by one of the kings knights Sir Geraint, leaving the island would be impossible, but she left using a teleportation spell although it was impossible for her to travel with it to the human capital , because of teleporting is spatial magic and she can't use a force like that for long even though its one of her magical forces due to her not being able to use 3rd tier magic. she could only transport her self to an island closer to the kingdom then swapped her gender for man's to get through the security without being caught but for some reason it wore of a while after when she was already within the kingdom and thats how she was spotted. Every criminal here had been sentence to death but this island is to confine them until their respective dates arrives. criminals who want to change their fate are given an opportunity to enter a tournament in the capital that would soon arrive, thats why on this island different groups are formed and will fight battles against each other on the day of the pardon tournament but first a battle Royale will commence two months from now to reduce the number of group entries. the king stated only ten groups will be able to participate and only one would come out victorious, which ever group is pardoned will be free and have their criminal record removed. Ryouta wasn't a registered criminal so the plan was to kill some of the guards and then be reported as a criminal for him to enter the tournament.

"wait you want me to kill the guards, but what if the king's knight catches on , won't he kill me on the spot?".

"we'll train you so that you cam even take him on, you can use 2nd tier magic so he'll be no problem".

the criminals looked at him in awe, they were shocked he could use 2nd tier magic.

"wha...what you can really use 2nd tier magic"

" i see why shiva wants you so much".

a girl in a brown shaggy like attire with metal plating on her shoulders, chest and legs said as she walks towards him.

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