
Itachi: I am a mugiwara

After defeating Kabuto Yakushi and eliminating all the filthy reincarnations of the Fourth Ninja World War, Itachi, who was burdened with countless darkness and contradictions, completely conveyed his will and love to Sasuke and left the ninja world with no regrets. But just when Itachi thought everything was over, he regained his 18-year-old body and actually came to the bottom of the Sabaody Islands in the pirate world! WARNING: THIS IS A TRANSLATION SO I APOLOGIZE FOR THE GRAMMATICAL ERRORS

Shaka_De_Virgo · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 9


Except for Robin, Usopp and the others all had their eyes widened. Nami said: "There is indeed a rope tied to the bald sea monster. Could it be..."

"That's right, just as you thought."

Itachi crossed his arms and looked at Nami. "This so-called ghost ship should behave the same way on the bottom of the sea as the ship that attacked us. It was pulled by monsters."

"It's just that the ship is too big, so we have to find monsters like this to pull it."

"Besides, there are people on board."

Itachi stared closely at the dark figure standing on the bow of the boat. At this moment, on the Flying Dutchman, a black shadow stretched out its webbed palm like a fish man, pointing at the huge bald sea monster Kou Kou Lang.

"Koukou Lang, Poseidon, you are right. If you eat the boat, you will not be able to get the treasure."

"Look at those stupid humans driving a nice ship. Judging from this, there must be a lot of treasures on the ship."

"Sink them for me!"

Koukoulang raised his fist and shouted: "Wow!" Everyone on the Sunny was still studying the rope when they saw that Koguchiro was aiming his punch at them this time!

"Franky, use the wind cannon!" Nami shouted back in panic.

"It won't work. If I use it again, I need to replenish the cola energy. It's too late."

Franky looked at Itachi subconsciously, and he found that not only was Itachi not looking at the bald sea monster, he was also looking in other directions.

"That's...Kraken, it's attacking the sea monster, and..."

As Itachi muttered, the sea monster Kraken suddenly accelerated and ran quickly, hitting Kuguchiro in the face with a tentacle punch!

This scene shocked Franky and the others.

"Sea monster, how could it be?"

Kouguchiro was knocked to the ground by this heavy blow, and the dark shadows on the boat also murmured in confusion. "The sea monster Kraken? Why would you attack Koukoulang?"

"Hey Poseidon, fight back!"

Hearing this, Kouguchi stood up and was about to punch again when Kraken's tentacle punches hit Kouguchi's face like a machine gun.

"What's going on!" Usopp said in surprise.

"They're back." Itachi looked over Kraken's head. Above Kraken, Luffy, who was in the bubble, stretched out his hand.

"That's enough, stop it."

Kraken heard Luffy speak and let go of his hand. Koukoulang's face had swollen into a pig's head and he fell to the ground with a roar.

"Hey, look at the head of the sea monster, that's Luffy!" Brook pointed at Kraken.

Above Kraken's head, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji were crowded into a bubble. Luffy waved to everyone excitedly in the bubble, and he slid the bubble back to the Thousand Sunny.

"I'm back!" Luffy waved to everyone excitedly.

"Luffy, Zoro, Sanji!"

"Great, you are still alive." Chopper burst into tears.

"Where have you been now? I thought you were in danger." Nami breathed a sigh of relief.

Zoro frowned slightly, "These guys are really worrying."

"He actually got separated from us."

As soon as Sanji saw Nami and Robin, his nosebleeds couldn't stop coming out.

"Here we go again, Sanji..." Usopp was helpless.

"Sanji's condition still hasn't improved. It seems that he needs to continue stimulating treatment." Chopper took out the photos of Nami and Robin.

When Luffy and the others returned to the Sunny, Itachi found that Kraken had fallen under the Sunny and raised the Sunny above his head.

"It's better to be comfortable in your own home!"

Luffy jumped onto the lawn of the deck and stretched out. "Sanji and I's bubbles were burst, so we both hid in Zoro's bubble."

"I almost died."

"Don't do such worrying things in the future!" Nami said.

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay. Speaking of which, it's great that everyone is okay!" Luffy raised his hand happily.

"Ang!" Chopper nodded vigorously and looked at Itachi beside him.

"We are safe, thanks to Brother Itachi."

"Souda Souda, Brother Itachi!" Usopp and Chopper couldn't help but hug Itachi's thigh again.

Itachi looked helpless.

"Itachi?" Zoro still looked at Itachi very warily.

"Yeah," Nami recounted what happened when he came here just now.

Luffy happily jumped to Itachi's side after hearing this. "Tear trough man, you are such a reliable person!"

"It's okay, it's all what I should do."

Itachi's calmness and Luffy's excitement were such a stark contrast. Luffy wanted to blurt out those words, but Itachi asked him first.

"Speaking of which, did you really conquer this sea monster?"

Itachi pointed at his feet, and Kraken had already steadily raised the boat above his head.

"Yes, I want to use a small squid to pull the boat and become a senior diving navigator!" Luffy smiled and showed his big teeth.

"Squid? This guy is obviously an octopus, right?" Usopp looked down at the side of the boat.

"It's smart to use this guy to come back, Luffy." Itachi said.

"Hehehehe," Luffy smiled and commanded Kraken. "Yosh, little squid, start pulling the boat and set off!"

After feeling Luffy's Haki power, Kraken held up the Sunny and began to move forward on the bottom of the sea.

"Speaking of pulling the boat, it won't burst the bubbles with just a little force." Usopp was a little worried.

Seeing Luffy conquering Kraken, everyone's attention was attracted and they completely forgot about the ghost ship beside them. Seeing that the Sunny was about to leave, the people on the boat roared: "How can we let him escape? Chase him quickly!"

But at this moment, someone discovered the abnormality first. "That's not right, Captain, look at the volcano in front of you!"

The captain of the Flying Dutchman, Vander Decken IX, took a closer look and saw that the volcano had begun to erupt.

"Oh no, kids, get out quickly!"

"Koukou Lang, Poseidon, pull the boat!"

Hearing Vanderdeken's voice, Koukoulang responded quickly, grabbed the rope, raised the boat, and ran away.

Usopp looked at Kuguchiro running in front of him and sighed: "The bald sea monster really pulls the boat!"

"Oops, the volcano is about to erupt." Itachi suddenly noticed behind him.

"The distance is too close, we have to escape quickly." Nami looked at the volcano not far away.

"Luffy, tell Kraken, we need to run away quickly!"

"Yosh, hey little squid, get out quickly!" Luffy jumped up and shouted.

"We seem to be on the way to escape now." Itachi stood on the bow of the ship, looking at Kraken who was running wildly below. Robin stood beside him and was also looking at Kraken, sighing: "It's really ugly to run away."

"Is there a connection between minds?" Usopp wondered.

"What does it mean? It must also know how terrifying a volcanic eruption is!" Frankie looked behind him, where magma and thick fog were erupting.

"Don't walk so fast, I want to see the volcano erupt with my own eyes." Luffy was still smiling.

"One look at us will kill us!" Nami said angrily.

At this moment, a volcano next to the Sunny ship also erupted! Lava and mudslides covered the hull of the ship in an instant. Kraken, who was pulling the boat, was so frightened that he opened fire. Several tentacles flew like hot wheels and ran forward desperately.

"I'm going to die!!" Chopper was hot and scared, jumping back and forth on the boat.

"Nami, hasn't Fish-Man Island arrived yet?" Usopp cried as he jumped back and forth.

"Right away, keep going." Nami said, looking at the pointer.

"Go straight..." Usopp looked forward, his eyes suddenly as long as his nose. "There is a bottomless abyss ahead!"

"Luffy, we must not jump down, it must be hell, hell!"

"That's it! Little Squid, come on!" Luffy jumped onto the bow of the boat excitedly.

The volcanic eruption behind him became more and more intense, and the magma was almost approaching the hull of the ship. Everyone held their breath and concentrated on this shocking moment. Just before the magma was about to swallow the Sunny, Kraken jumped into the abyss, escaping the magma.

"Oh my god, I'm saved." Chopper almost peed with fear.

"Wait!" Franky pointed upward, "What is that?"

"Oh no, it's mudslides and rocks from a volcanic eruption!"

Above the abyss, countless rocks larger than the hull of the ship were seen rolling down the abyss together.

"If a rock of that magnitude hits us, we will be shattered to pieces." Usopp rubbed his face vigorously.

"Little squid, get out of the way!"

Luffy directed Kraken, and Kraken jumped forward suddenly, but the mudslide was too dense and it was impossible to avoid it.

"Hey Luffy," Zoro looked at Luffy. "You hold my legs, and I'll go outside the bubble and split these rocks."

Zoro pulled out the autumn water. "Yosh, what a great idea!" Luffy stretched out his arms and grabbed Zoro tightly.

But just as Zoro was about to jump out, Robin had already used her fruit power, growing a hand on Zoro's body, and held Zoro tightly.

"Absolutely not!"

"Why, Robin?" Zoro looked at her confused.

"This is already a deep sea of 7,000 meters. If you go out, you will be crushed by the sea water!"

"What should we do? We can't be stoned to death, right?" Zoro gritted his teeth and looked upward. A stone was about to hit their heads.

"If we can buy a little time to leave the trench, we can still escape..." Before Nami could finish speaking, she heard the sound of someone jumping out of a bubble above her head.

"Who's out?" Luffy raised his head.

"That's... Uchiha Itachi!" Zoro stared at Itachi who jumped out of the bubble.

"If he goes out so rashly, he will be crushed by the sea water."

"Uchiha Itachi!"

"Itachi! Does he still want to use that water dragon?" Nami felt that a mudslide of this scale was not something that the water dragon could stop.

"Brother Itachi, come back quickly! You will die!" Chopper jumped up, trying to use fur to strengthen Itachi.

"That guy," Zoro was worried. Itachi, who had just emerged from the bubble, was already being pressed until his veins bulged. His Mangekyō Sharingan had appeared.

"Although it's overkill, there's nothing we can do about it."


Itachi's body began to be wrapped in fiery red bones in the center. The fiery red shiny bones grew rapidly, and almost instantly the upper body of a huge skeleton warrior appeared.

"Ah, that's right!"

Luffy and the others looked at Itachi in shock. They saw Itachi wrapped in Susanoo waving a hand, and Susanoo, who was rapidly transforming into a skeleton, had already transformed into a Totsuka sword!

As Itachi waved his hand, the Totsuka Sword exploded with a fiery red slashing wave. This sword wave instantly cut all the falling stones in half!