
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 23


I rolled on my bed, my phone kept ringing like hell. It was a weekend, and I was definitely not going to work today, so whyyyyyyy.

I sat up tired and exhausted. I didn't have the energy right now to talk to anyone. I picked my phone, my eyes twitched when I saw George's name.

"For God's sake George!!!!" I yelled at him through the phone.

"Where are you Gwendolyn?" George yelled at me with the same intensity. He seemed agitated through the phone, like I'd care.

"Home Daaaa!!!" I was about to hang up when he said.

"Have you checked the Internet Gwen?" I frowned at his words. Check the Internet? Why would I do that. I sat up straight.

"No" I answered

"You're every where Gwen, on TV, platforms and so much, for Christ sake why didn't you say something" he yelled at me intensely. "Get dressed and August as well. I'm coming over to pick you both"

I hung up quickly and turned on my WiFi, my eyes widened at the first news headline that popped up.

"Gwendolyn Kingsley has an affair, what relationship does she have with Mr Everest and is he the father of her son?"

"What in the world happened while I was asleep?" I quickly got out of bed and ran to my window. There were a few newscasting vans parked outside my gate. "No no no no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!"

I ran to August's room and quickly bathed him. How the hell did I get here. I quickly got him dressed and ready. Taking him to my room, I laid him down to sleep a little while I take my bath. I could only wonder what Darren would be thinking right now. Was this happening because of the lady I fought with yesterday? Wait a minute I didn't do anything wrong.

"God help me" I yelled in the bathroom.


Darren sipped his coffee quietly at the balcony of his mansion while he watched the news casters outside the gate. He really needs to meet Gwendolyn but he didn't want to be interviewed either, he hated the camera. He racked his brain for the best way to get rid of them.

He picked his phone and dialed German's number.

"I'm with her" German replied over the phone.

"If I ever see a mere shadow of Felicia in this country I'll pulverize her" his jaw twitched, if it weren't for German's quick action. Felicia would have been bruised by now.

German dug his hair tiredly, beside him was Felicia who looked furious and sad. They were both in the a private aircraft. It belonged to the Dwagan family.

Both were silent for a while, German wanted to ask "it's true so don't waste your time asking" Darren smiled warmly "I have a son German, and he looks like me"

German chuckled lightly and leaned on the plane seat. "Well, look whose a father. Kimi will be giving birth soon, I'm sure it's a girl"

"I'm not letting my boy do that shit, you moron" Darren retorted and sipped his tea slowly, his dark gaze was still on the newscasters."I'll call you later, there are lots of rodents at my gate"

"Don't trouble your lawyer this week Darren" German hummed in enthusiasm. Darren hung up the phone and gulped down his coffee.

Felicia was furious, she didn't expect her cousin to be okay with the whole situation. "You're fine with this" she yelled but soon regretted it.

"Are you crazy or something?" German pulled her by her shoulder. "Do you have the slightest clue of the mess you're in" Felicia glared at him subtly.

"You fucking disgraced the Dwagan family with that stupid most insensitive stunt of yours" Felicia became a little bit concerned about her actions "you're in for a big trouble" German left her shoulder and sighed "you are such a pain in the ass"

Darren walked out of his house fully dressed in a black suit. He's hair was waxed perfectly, revealing his handsome face. Standing by his door he stared at his gate coldly.

The newscasters were all yelling outside the gate, they all wanted to hear the thoughts of the top CEO of the most famous company in the country.

He pulled out a remote in his pocket and cleared his throat. "I'm late for work, get away from my gate" his voice echoed out from the gate.

"Sir can you tell us if the headlines are true" a male newcaster yelled from the other side of the gate. Others began to yell and ask series of questions.

Loud engine noises filled the atmosphere and there was a heavy gush of wind. Darren tilted his head indifferent to the sound and the breeze.

A helicopter landed in his front yard, the camera soon began to click. Immediately two bodyguards stepped out and walked to Darren, they both ushered him to the helicopter.

All the newscasters were flabbergasted and annoyed. Some got into their van and chased after him while some began their reports.


A long line of bodyguards stood in a straight line on both sides of Gwen's gate. They held back the vicious crowd of news reporters. Gwen hugged August tight and hid his face, she didn't want him to get affected by the flashy lights from the cameras.

George also walked beside her, he covered her face and tried his best to keep calm. His face was distorted in an unpleasant way, he looked furious.

Gwen got into a black limo that was parked by her gate. Right after the car drove out.

"Mommy what's going on?" August leaned closely to his mother and rested his head on her body. Gwen sighed and looked out the window. Thankfully, there weren't any vans or newscasters following them.

"It's alright baby" she rubbed his head gently. George stared at his sister and nephew, he really wanted to tell them what awaits them but he decided to keep shut. It would be better if she had no clue.

Gwen's phone beeped and she checked the message she just received.

"Are you alright?" Darren texted, Gwen smiled warmly when she saw the message.

"Yes, I'm heading to my parent's estate" she texted back.

"Good, send me the address. I'll pick you" Darren texted back. Gwen paused for a while, she didn't know if it was a good idea.

"Kingsley's estate, Royal CT" Gwen texted. She sighed and placed her phone on her lap while cradling August.

"It's the guy isn't he?" George glared at the phone. He had always sworn to pulverize and destroy the man who put Gwen in the family way. But to his surprise, the man was no other than the famous Darren Everest, a family more influential than the government.

"Let's not do this please" Gwen glanced at timid August for a while before looking at her brother.

"Fine" he mumbled and rested his head on the seat.


At the entrance of their mansion stood Mrs Kingsley, she looked very worried and anxious.


I stepped out of the car slowly, ever time I came here it always gives me a prick in my chest. I carried August in and headed for my Mom. I wasn't surprised with the look she gave me.

"Hi Mom" I whispered subtly and glanced at her. She stared at me for the longest time, I could just tell she was disappointed in me.

"Give me the boy" she said and picked August from my arms. "He's waiting"

George rubbed my back gently and smiled reassuringly. Well that didn't quite calm me but at least I could nod. I walked into the mansion with sweaty arms and a heavy heart. I didn't know what to expect from him, this would be our first conversation in six years.

I already knew he'd be in the living room, I stood at the white huge double door in front of me. I knocked twice and stepped in.

There he was sitting on his favorite couch. It was a white and gold royal chair. I remembered playing around him whenever he sat there.

"Good morning Dad" I said nervously. I felt a heavy weight on me. I couldn't move an inch further into the extravagantly decorated room.

"Gwendolyn" I held my breath when he called my name. It's been so long that it sounded strange to me.

"Yes Dad" I replied calmly, I had to be calm and composed right now.

"Come here and stand in front of me" I gulped in all my fears, anxiety, pain and sadness. I gathered all the courage I've stored up over the past years and walked up to him.

Standing in front of him made me feel uneasy, what did he possibly want to say to me?

"Is he the father of your child?" Questioning who was a stupid move right now, I could already tell he had seen and read all the headlines about me.

"Yes" I whispered calmly while gripping both my hands tightly.

"And you never said a word" I pressed my lips against each other, what did he expect me to do. I was already swimming in the regret of not telling Darren about August and now this happened. "It had to be that woman's son"

I could hear my father growl underneath his breath, was he angry at me or someone else. "You had to disappoint me once more Gwen" i sucked in a lot of oxygen. "A man who impregnates you and flees abroad, an irresponsible man Gwen"

"He didn't know about the pregnancy" I retorted, why did I do that.

"Don't give me that shit, are you that stupid huh?" He yelled at me harshly causing my body to quiver. "Parading with a man who abandoned you, or has he so much hypnotized you that you're willing to spread..."

"He didn't know I was pregnant " I yelled back angrily. "I decided to keep my pregnancy as a secret, where's all this coming from anyway"

"You're not going to be with that woman's son, do you hear me?" he yelled angrily"he can have his son I don't care but you will have nothing to do with him"

"What do you mean by that?" I looked up to his cold heartless eyes.

"Listen attentively to me and listen good" he's voice had sweat forming on my face, I don't know this man. There was no way the man I stood in front of was my father. "I and my family will have nothing to do with the Everest family, so whatever trash you've built up with that man get ready to burn it"

"You're talking as if I'm having a mere affair with him" Anger soared through my veins. "I have a son for him, you expect me to ignore that fact. Do you realize you're calling my son trash?"

"Was he anything more? If it weren't for your mother I would have made sure you aborted that child"

I balled my hands into hard knuckled fists. "What kind of a father are you?" I yelled angrily.

"You don't raise your voice at me young lady" he stood up and pointed at me with a cold glare.

"You disowned me anyway, so why, why should I listen to you?" I stood my ground and stared at him with the same intensity he gave out. "Why now?" Tears blurred my sight. "You left me, you loathed me, you didn't say a word to me for six good years. And now, now you think you can just jump back in and make decisions for me"

"I know what's best for you" he retorted calmly.

"Yeah, and I know what's best for me is to build a family for my son. I don't need your shit" I wiped off my tears before they could roll down.

"You'll never be happy with that boy" my father said with a firm resolve in his eyes.

"Haha" I laughed sarcastically "If Mom could take such risk getting married to you then I should try as well" those words were said out of reflex, I didn't mean to say it. My father looked furious, well the words were out anyway and i couldn't rephrase it if I wanted.

He raised his hand to hit me and I closed my eyes scared.

A loud sound echoed in the mansion, we both turned to the glass window, my eyes widened when I saw a helicopter landing in the polo field miles away from the mansion.

I already had a feeling of who had arrived, I quickly ran out of the living room. I frantically searched for my son.

"August!!!" I took a turn towards the balcony "Mom!!, August!!"

"Mommy" I turned to August who was running towards me with a grin across his face. "Mommy there's a helicopter outside, I and Granny saw it landing"

I quickly picked him up and ran towards the back exit that led to the polo field.

"Gwendolyn!!" I heard my Mom call me but I ignored her and made my way to the exit.

"Gwendolyn, please dear wait" I was already at the iron fence at the back. Opening the gate, I ran towards the helicopter at a full speed. August gripped my shoulders and giggled as I ran. He obviously didn't understand the situation at the moment.

"Gwendolyn STOP!!" I paused my running for a while and turned to see her precious face. I didn't know when next I'll have the privilege of seeing my Mom.

Darren was already standing beside the helicopter waiting for us. I dropped August on the grassy field and pointed at Darren. "Go meet him baby, mommy needs a second okay"

"Popsicle man!!" August jumped gleefully and ran towards Darren. Taking a deep breath I ran to my Mom at full speed, I jumped on her lightly and hugged her tightly.

She hugged me back and buried her face in my neck. She was my backbone and the reason why I'm who I am today.

"I love you mommy" I whispered in her ear. Pulling away from her slowly, she cupped my face in her hand and smiled. "Tell George I'll be fine" she nodded slowly, tears rolled down her cheeks but she still smiled warmly.

I left her hand and ran towards Darren, I was definite about my decision, i felt no regret for what i did.

"You alright?" Darren stood by the door of the helicopter, a man was helping August put on his seat belt.

"Yeah" i nodded sharply and held his stretched out hand. "Let's go"

Darren helped me get in, he assisted me with the belt and adjusted the straps. Smiling calmly he turned to the door, staring at my Mom and George who stood far away from the helicopter.

He closed the door " take us to the Villa"

"Yes sir" August kept gasping and laughing, it was he's first time in a helicopter so I didn't expect less.

I stared at my home as it gradually shrunk into shapes and dots in the ground. I sighed heavily. "You sure you alright?"

Darren held my hand and squeezed it gently. August placed his hand on Darren's and giggled brightly.

"I'm fine" I replied with a smile.