
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter 22

Gwen sat on the couch while parting August's back, he was asleep. Darren sat on a couch opposite her, it was already dark and most of the workers had already called the day. Both Gwen and Darren had flushed faces, having drowned in the moment, Gwen didn't realize she had kissed Darren in front of her staff.

"I should get going" Darren was about to stand when Gwen interrupted.

"Why not stay?" She tucked in a strand of her hair. "It's very late"

Darren's heart flutter at the way she talked to him. "It's fine" he smiled warmly at Gwen and then walked to August, squatting down he pat his head softly and looked up to Gwen who was staring at him.

"I'll be fine" Gwen smiled warmly and nodded.

Darren stood up and kissed her forehead. "I'll call you" he left right after. Gwen immediately stood from her chair and ran to the window. She waited for Darren to step out of the plaza.

Darren turned to her and waved her goodbye. Gwen did same and smiled brightly. Her heart kept fluttering with every step he took.

"Love you" she whispered to herself and closed the window. Walking to August she carried him to a huge couch at the edge of her office.


Darren walked into the office with a glamorous smile. Everyone were dazed and surprised to see their boss this happy.

He was so happy that he actually replied to the greetings of some of his staff.

Mikel who tailed behind him was also in a bright mood. He even wore a matching black suit like Darren.

His secretary ran to him with beads of sweat all over her face. Darren still had a smile on his face. "G-good morning sir" She stammered.

"Good morning" Darren replied gladly, he finally got to the reception of his office.

"Emm... Sir" his secretary kept adjusting her glasses as she tailed behind him. "You have a visitor sir"

"Who?" Darren hummed, right after he opened the door of his office.

"Baby!!!" A sharp female voice echoed in his office. Felicia ran to Darren with open arms. She wore a pink suit that exposed a huge portion of her breast and a mini skirt.

Darren dodged Felicia swiftly and grabbed her hand. "You had to be born Felicia" he cursed angrily. Her presence had totally ruined his mood.

"That's not the apology I was expecting, locking me up in a cell" he let go of her while Felicia adjusted her suit. Mikel had an irritated gaze on Felicia, he never once liked the girl.

"Seems like you want to get locked up again" Darren commented and headed for his desk. Felicia tailed behind him seductively.

Darren sat down with a slump on his chair and turned to the glass wall.

"Are you going to ignore me?" She sat on his desk and touched his shoulder.

"Don't touch me, your perfume is getting me nauseated" Felicia rolled her eyes and sat down.

"You've been happy these days" she folded her legs and pulled out her phone from her bag. "Wanna share?" Darren didn't reply, Felicia felt enraged by his silent treatment.

"I see you're seeing someone" she scoffed "so who is she?"

"Do you expect me to answer that?" Darren turned to face her.

"She must be your baby Mama" Felicia glared at Darren intensely. "You even opened a plaza for her"

"Hmm, I did?" He hummed.

"Who is Gwendolyn Kingsley to you?" Felicia asked coldly.

Darren drifted off, he wasn't sure himself. He really wanted to know where he and Gwen stand at the moment. They had spent some intimate time together, what were they to each other right now.

"Darren can you explain this?" Felicia pointed at the picture in her phone. It was a picture of Darren, Gwen and August stepping out of the cinema.

Darren looked at the picture and a grin stretched on his face. He didn't expect them to look this good in the picture. It was so good it would be nice for an enlargement.

"Mikel" he turned to Mikel who have been silently standing and glaring at Felicia.

"Yes Boss" Mikel stood straight and cleared his throat.

"I want an enlargement for this picture" he pointed at the picture in Felicia's phone. Felicia sat there dumbfounded, she expected Darren to be agitated at least about the picture, instead he looked pleased.

"You seem to have made my day" Darren smiled brightly, he collected Felicia's phone and relaxed on his seat.

"What relationship do you have with this woman?" Felicia asked in anger she felt like screaming at the top of her voice.

"Why are you asking when you already know the answer Miss Felicia" Mikel was the one to answer her question. "Mr Darren and Mrs Gwendolyn are exactly what you think"

"Darren is he telling the truth?" Darren wasn't even paying attention to her. His eyes were laser focused on the picture he was sending to his phone. To his surprise there were so many.

Darren's secretary who was obviously left in the fog stood entranced by Darren's smile. She had never seen him smile so bright as he did today. She as well was interested in this woman called Gwendolyn.

Felicia stepped out of the Everest's Cooperation in anger. Her driver was already waiting for her outside the gate. She got in and slammed the door hard.

"Where to Miss Dwagan?" The timid driver looked at his boss warily. Praying he won't get on her bad side.

Felicia glared at the skyscraper in front of her. A mischievous smile appeared on her face.

"Hmm let's play"


Gwen sat in her office, she had a lot of clothes arranged in the room. She was constantly checking the things in her room and the numbers in her phone.

Jesse was also in the room assisting her boss. "Six hundred thousand miss"

"Six hundred" Gwen wrote down what Jesse said in her cash book.

"What a bad timing to receive new stocks" she sighed heavily. August who was also in the room sat at the edge of the room with Jesse's daughter, they were both playing and having fun.


A white jeep rode into Gwendolyn's Empire. It parked in front of the entrance gaining the attention of the people who were either going in or stepping out.

Felicia stepped out of the car, she looked posh and classy in her pink suit. She eyed the plaza for a long time before stepping in.

"Welcome to Gwendolyn's Empire " an employee at the door bowed to her as she stepped in.

"Hmm" Felicia held her nose and squealed in disgust. "What kind of a person employs someone like you? You stink" she exclamated

The man who was insulted, sniffed himself and frowned. "Oh look, you don't even know that you stink" Felicia scoffed and walked in. She glared and eyed every human she walked pass.

Looking at how big the plaza was enraged her. She couldn't believe that Gwen had so much that she didn't have, Darren's heart, Money, a freaking huge plaza and fame. All the things that she could never have, even though she was a member of the Dwagan family. Jealousy swallowed up everything in her.

"Hey you I want to meet your boss" Felicia called out to another employee who was attending to a customer.

"Welcome to Gwendolyn's Empire" the lady greeted politely and smiled.

"So I want to meet your boss" Felicia glared at the girl. The lady in front of her was quite a beauty though not as beautiful as her. Her beauty somehow stung Felicia.

"Emm..." The lady looked around for a free employee but the plaza was jam-packed and everyone had a customer they were attending to "would you be kind enough to give me a minute I'll be done with the customer here and attend to you"

"Are you sick or something?" Felicia glared at her coldly. "I just asked to meet your boss do I look like I care"

Everyone turned to Felicia, she was totally throwing a fit in the plaza.

"Woman I believe you aren't blind" the lady who was being attended to spoke boldly, she looked very posh and classy just like Felicia. "She's attending to me, if you can't wait then leave"

"Who gave you the right to speak to me in such manner?" Felicia walked up to the woman and pointed at her. "Do you know who you're speaking to? I'm Felicia Dwagan you brat"

The woman laughed out sarcastically "if you are Felicia Dwagan then I'm the president's daughter" the woman stood up as well and pushed her chest high up.

The employee who stood beside the two immediately ran to inform her boss about what's happening.

A few minutes passed and Felicia and the woman both threw insults and curses at each other. A huge crowd had already gathered around them and were videoing the whole scene.

Gwendolyn walked in hurriedly, she quickly squeezed herself through the crowd and caught the women's attention.

"Hello, this is a plaza not a market please maintain order or I'll have to kick you both out" she warned, everyone turned to her.

"Oh well well well. If it isn't the star of the show" Felicia walked up to Gwen and scrutinized her. The more she looked at Gwen the more she felt jealous.

"Excuse me, should I by any chance know you?" Gwen asked politely.

"I am Felicia Dwagan and I know that you are Mr Darren Everest's Baby Mama" Everyone gasped.

Gwen frowned at her words. She was surprised about the news of her having a child for Darren but the word baby Mama stirred up larva in her blood. "Excuse you?"

"You heard me" Felicia glared at her. "I'm here to warn you to stay away from my man"

"And who are you to Darren?" Gwen asked with a scoff.

"A potential fiancee" the woman who was bickering with Felicia snorted out in disgust.

"Here I was expecting something juicy, you aren't even his legal fiancee and you came all the way here to pick a fight with a woman who has a child for him" the woman clapped her hands and laughed out loud. Felicia stared daggers at the woman. " who do really think have a chance with Mr Everest? She or you?"

"Watch your mouth you fool" Felicia turned to the lady angrily.

"Says the lady who has little to no ounce of dignity"

"Mommy!!!" Everyone turned to the little boy coming down the stairs with a paper object in his hand. "I did it mommy"

Mouths gaped and eyes widened, people who had their doubts were totally convinced now. August looked like an replica of Mr Everest.

Gwen stretched her hands and the crowd made way for the boy to pass. Picking him up in her hand she sighed. The truth was going to come out sooner or later, but deep down she wished later.

"SECURITY!!!" Gwen called out with a highly annoyed tone in her voice. Two hefty men walked into the plaza. "Please take away this nuisance from the premises" she pointed at Felicia and walked away.

Felicia was about to hijack Gwen but was caught by the guards.

"Let go of me, so you're really a baby Mama huh huh??" Everyone had their phones on Felicia as she was thrown out of the building.

"This is totally a new gossip for my blog, looks like God is on your side, Kira" the lady who stood at a very convenient spot in the hall had her phone on record.


In a dark room, there were clothes bags and papers scattered all over the floor.

Kira sat in front of her laptop and was laser focused on what she was typing.

" Hi followers

It's your girl Kira coming to you live with the most legit gossip of the season.

We are all acquainted with the top most handsome bachelor in the country.

Darren Everest, a top executive of Everest Corp and founder of the D-Tech. He is a very secretive man and we know little to nothing about his personal life.

We all have spread one rumor or the other about his relationship status. One of which happens to be popular among bloggers is the fact Mr Everest is considered gay.

But what if there's more to his story.

I recently visited the one of top leading fashion house in the country which happens to be Gwendolyn's Empire.

Yeah we all admire the independent Amazon, Miss Gwendolyn Kingsley, who is a full fleshed entrepreneur earning double the amount of a yearly paid government agent in a month. She's also famous for her unique and simple fashion styles that are bought by companies like Louis Vuitton and Versace.

Well we hardly know anything about her private life except for the fact that she has a son. We all built up crazy stories about her but what if, just what if one of the rumors were true.

I'll be uploading a video of a woman who was boldly accusing Miss Gwendolyn of being Mr Everest's baby Mama at her plaza this afternoon. Miss Gwendolyn wasn't quite fazed by the woman's accusation but was deeply offended by the woman's tone and aggressive behavior.

Now I as well was a little bit dazed by the news not until August Gwendolyn ran downstairs to meet his mother. Crazy fact is Gwendolyn's son is a spitting image of Mr Everest. I mean you can actually imagine what Mr Everest would have looked like as a kid.

So what if these two are actually a hidden couple and have a little story to tell. I mean I for one is very interested in their love tangle.

I was able to get my hands on some confidential photos of Mr Everest and Miss Gwen with her son leaving the cinema last weekend.

Tell me what you all think about this in the comment section. And I hope you all enjoy my article for today. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and follow. Bye fans."