
It could be love

Jia Armen got transferred to Gilvered junior high during 8th grade. She hadn’t excepted to move two hours drive away from the home she grew to love and the friends she’s known since in diapers. She’s never been through the ‘new girl’ phase and had no idea how to deal with it, seeing she’s been going to the same school all her life and had the same friends since growing up. She stayed in the shadows with her lips tight sealed as she watches and observe her new surrounding and the new people in her life. Soon things began to change during sophomore year. The Jock and badboy of the school, Caden Mathews started to stick around, what happens when he finds himself always hanging around her with her weird friend’s group, they shared a deep dislike towards each other, but soon they start to grow a different feeling towards eachother without even knowing it, what happens when Caden finds himself jealous whenever he sees her with another guy that isn’t him? What happens when Jia finds herself loving his company and looking forward to seeing him everyday? Could It Be Love?…

Not_eejjvel · Urban
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18 Chs

Welcome back to hell

It was the second semester of our sophomore year and we're asked to submit the form with list of subjects we would like to change or start to offer so we can get a new and more efficient schedule, but only if you want. I of course need a change of schedule cause I hated my previous one, I was dropping three classes and start to take the easier ones, which is why I can choose the ones I'd be able to get a C.

Sadly, I'm not your average student.

But I need to make sure I was on thesame page with my only friend in this shithole, literally my closest friend here at school, Abigail. Aby can be classified as someone that could be as a bestfriend, or more so...close, but not. Just kidding! Abigail Rivers is my bestfriend and I managed to manipulate her into dropping two subjects also.

"Hey!" I shouted all in the process to scare her,which was a mission failed if you really want to get into the details

"Yeah nice try" she snickered

"Sooo decided on what we're dropping yet?" I asked

"What do you mean 'we'" she narrowed her eyes at me

"Y'know,...we as in we we" I pointed between the both of us

"Jia.."she started, doing a face palm

"...Go choose what you're good with, okay"

"Yeah, sure" I mumbled and went back to my seat

Abigail is basically the only person I truly Am myself with at school, and when I say I'm myself I don't mean the good kind of "myself" I mean the crazy ass, rude, insulting, unimpressed, easily annoyed person that I am and not the quiet, almost mute girl I've been for almost three years to the entire class, hell the entire school.

I'm literally just a casual teen, trying to get through high school by watching Netflix, eating, sleeping and basically cursing everyone in front of me (in my head of course). I'm one of the very few Arabs in the school in my school, and most of them happened to be Muslims, so I'm the only non-Muslim Arab In the entire school. It sucks

I got transferred to Glivered junior High when I was in the 8th grade, and well if you haven't done the maths yet... I'm a sophomore second semester, now

yeah it sucks especially when I was forcefully dragged to this shit hole, if you're that slow and haven't guessed it...well I despise every living ass in this hellish place, except my Aby ofcourse and probably a few other people as well (key word being 'FEW')

For years I've been a very shy girl that happens to be dumb but beautiful. Of course Arabs are down right beautiful. Though most of the students find it hard to accept I'm an Arab and not a Muslim. Idiots! It's my nationality and has nothing to do with my religion beliefs or whatsoever.

Most...actually all the teachers thought I was a selective mute, I don't blame them. Sometimes when a teacher insists on asking me a question, they get nothing! Mostly because I don't know the answer but I also seem to loose my voice for that moment

I'm actually a VERY social person (no sarcasm) at anywhere but my school. I talk ALOttttt, but only few people know that...and like I said, the rest probably think I'm mute. I'm like superrrrrrrr cooooolll but they don't seem to notice (eye roll)

I live on arguments! I freaking LOVE to argue!! Arguments are basically the way to my stone heart. Oh and a bonus, I'm heartless asf.

I may not be the smartest, hell I'm not even an average student, well I'm a lower average when I don't try (thank holy GoDddd) and a mid average when I actually give in an effort.

I'm probably one of the top 10 most lazy people on the planet, and to top my icing...well I lack ambition or potentials *cries out dramatically* on the scale of 1-10, I'll probably be at negative three(-3), but then at least I don't get to be lazy and ambitious cause that won't end well. Lol if you know what I mean.

During the 8th grade, Vanessa was the closest thing I had to a bestfriend, at school

(we were both so soo sooo short it was an automatic friendship) we did everything together, but then during freshman year, we kind of just drifted apart, that's when Aby and I became close and I had to begged her to be sitting in to me in the classes we had together.

Vee and a few other people in the class get to testify on the real Jia, but all that changed at the start of sophomore year, suddenly I voiced out my thoughts (which were mostly insults) but I knew it would happen, I kept on wondering when the real me, the talkative socialist was gonna pop out.


I stepped into the principal's office to submit the form with the list of subjects I'm now to offer

"Jia! Good morning"

"Come in! Come in" he chimed in a weirdly happy mood

"Morning principal Adam" I said as I did a mental eyeroll handing, him the slip

"Ohh..."he said in realization

"Have you gotten it signed up by your parents"

"Yuppp" I replied, but if we're really getting into things...then well...I forged it. Don't look at me like that! Thier gonna 'not be so proud of their dumb dumb daughter'

He gave me my schedule, which thank holy fuckk I've gat A lot of free periods, I guess it's my lucky semester (I hope).

I met Aby by the lockers just in time.

"Hey, haven't seen you all morning, where were you?" She asked slamming her locker

"I came late...and I went to get my schedule" I replied putting some books in my locker

"Ouuu! Let me see"

I handed her the piece of paper as she brought hers to match it up

"Danggg we've gat almost every class together..." she started

"You're not gonna leave me alone" she cried

"Let me see" I said as I snatched both of the papers from her

"Yay!" I squealed

We had English lit, History, Economics and Biology together. I was on my own for Calculus and French.

"I don't want to have classes with you" Aby whined, as if spending time with me was worst than hell, which is NOT by the way

I know I get a little... okay I get distracted alotttt and never focus, and I kinda, maybe, just a lil bit drag her along with me! But that doesn't make me a bad classmate

"What do you mean" I gave her the glarest glare I can glare at a person

If that's a thing

"I'm the best person you can ever get into that shit show life of yours"

"Ohh please..." she started but I cut her off

"No I don't want to hear it" I said placing my hand In front of her to stop her from talking any further

"Let's just get to class" she sighed in defeat

Aby is super tall, and I mean 5'9 tall, while lil poor me on the other hand is just 5'4

So whenever we're walking side by side, it's kind of weird...not kind of! It is weird, cause I look like some angry goblin, don't even ask me why

We were having English, and darn the people here. And when I say people I mean: Caden Mathews, Nova Hart and Joshua Brett

Of all places they just had to be in the one class I hope I can try to focus on...and all three of them (sigh) can life get any better

Note to sarcasm

These are the official most popular trio in school (cliché ikr) but that's what they are...and no! Their not your stereotype badboys

I mean don't we all cringe from using that word 'badboy'

Caden is supposedly the most handsome guy at Glivered High, or the hottest sophomore. Don't even ask me if that's a thing because apparently In this dumb school, a whole fucking 'students choice awards' happens, with crazy shit categories like the hottest, funniest, drippiest ....

(if that's even a word, it's like who's got the best taste in fashion and can pull anything off, if you haven't guessed it yet...it's him)

Yes! This is the high school crap that happens at my school. But to be honest, popularity isn't much of a thing in my school, cause everyone knows everyone, and all that crap about people(girls) drooling when a guy like Caden walks in...well yeah, that shit doesn't really happen at this school

We all know he's hot (eye roll) get over it!

And if you're wondering if I got any of the awards, then it was right of you to wonder...cause I got one! Actually two (but I'm not proud of the first one) This is hard for me to bring up cause first of all...I had no idea absolutely clueless *wipes an imaginary tear*

I was nominated for 'worst in fashion' ouch! Don't get too curious...you're gonna hurt my feelings.

Well at first almost everyone voted for Aby, yes that Aby, my best friend Aby 'friendship goals' I know rightttt! After the announcement that Aby has the worst taste in fashion...Caden spoke up and said 'let's be fr...and that it was obviously Jia!'

Yes me! Jia me! Fuck you Caden!

But In way he was right but also capital FUCKING wrong! I know how badly I dress for school, I know that! It's not like I have a crush on anyone there or even think any of them is cool enough to be all dressed up for. But then honestly I've got great sense of fashion, I mean, during middle school, I literally wanted to become a fashion designer, I still have the journal I drew all my designs in

And that is a fucking fact which no one in this shit ass school seems to know, cause I'm pretty sure they have zero idea that I have an Instagram account! or that I have a much bigger social life outside than how they see me in this wretched school! Or the fact that I've got 6k followers on my Instagram! Over 70% percent of them are not active but hey, they still count.

On the bright side...I also got nominated for the 'prettiest freshman' ...and before you even start to think about laughing, well it was a bit complicated, cause over half of the freshmen voted me while others 'specifically the blind fools' voted for Mae, yes she's gat a killer body but istg she's not that pretty, I'm not saying this cause I'm jealous or anything

Don't look at me like that

All I'm saying is...the guys that voted her are just blinded by her body and obviously could not see my inner and the obvious one-outer beauty, c'mmon people! It's a potential...so I kind of got that one, or maybe not (as in second place) mainly because of Nova, he's technically the most popular guy in school cause he's the funny one of the trio and the badboy of the school, literally!

I know I said that word doesn't apply to them...well yeah I still stick to that...but he, he is the badboy of the school. Just that he's not as attractive as Caden is.

Have I mentioned Caden follows the rules and shit, well Nova doesn't...I mean he's probably a drunkey

Is that a word? Never mind

He's also the definition of a fuck boy, so him voting Mae as the prettiest is no surprise. I mean Mae is good girl, she just act stupid at times...cause she's this sweet harmless ladybug that does everything she's asked to do, yet people love her *eye roll* I mean we've never clicked but that doesn't mean I hate her or something...it's just...she's a goody-two-shoes and a book-smart, but she's so stupid and just...dumb

so basically the kind of relationship I share with her would be categorized as the one of "idgaf"

But there are times where we all sit in on the same lunch table at the cafeteria, sharing awkward eye contacts, topped with agreeing nods when the other person says something. But never a conversation of our own

While Joshua fucking Brett...he doesn't have much story to tell as he forced he's way into the trio. Joshua and I both started Glivered during 8th grade, he was such a fucking liar and a pretentious jackass, making everyone believe he was some super rich COOL kid, I saw right through that dickhead.

Joshua liked Vanessa during 8th grade, and probably still do, Vee was my best friend then...he was always all over us.

well...all over her, but you got that

He was superrrrr short back then, I'm pretty sure Vee and I where almost thesame height as him. And then boom! He was all 6ft freshman year...I mean, is that even fair

If I've probably left out my hate for Josh...well, I HATED him back then because of how he was always making me third wheel, but now! Well let's just say it's a neutral feeling, since we're no longer bsf and he no longer stick up his ass where ever she is

Ohh! And a bonus: he's ugly asf!

Yup! There's a smug on my face

I took a seat in front of Aby just as class was about to start, I looked over to the other end of the class room where Ethan was, we made eye contact and I gave him a forced smile and the middle finger, which he replied by repeating my actions