
it's about power (by iman)

this fanfic ,I will explain many power and how it's work I always read fanfic but every author was to stupid to develop their own mc power and it's make see like that mc was Nerf just you guess my chapter was small because I only explain how power work not a story. maybe I will point some fanfic about their power or you can suggest fanfic to me then I read ,after that I will see own to develop their own power as you see I didn't care about hater comments but suggestions or questions I still reply back

Vitrialia_Amermes · Anime & Comics
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light manipulation

Light Manipulation


manipulate light. Opposite to Darkness Manipulation.

Also Called


-Light/Photon Arts

-Light Element Control

-Lumen (The Lorien Legacies)



-Haos (Bakugan)

-Photon Manipulation

-Visible Light Manipulation

-Visible Radiation Manipulation


The user can create, shape and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight.

Primary properties of visible light are intensity, propagation direction, frequency or wavelength spectrum, and polarization, while its speed in a vacuum (299,792,458 meters per second/186,000 MPS) is one of the fundamental constants of nature. Visible light, as with all types of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), is experimentally found to always move at this speed in a vacuum.

In common with all types of EMR, visible light is emitted and absorbed in tiny "packets" called photons and exhibits properties of both waves and particles. This property is referred to as the wave–particle duality. The study of light, known as optics, is an important research area in modern physics.


Absolute Light

Bend and/or shift light particles

Holographic Projection


Visual Illusions

Clarity Manipulation

Color Manipulation


Gentleness Embodiment

Inner Light Externalization

Light Absorption

Light Attacks

Light Boundary

Light Contact

Light Conversion

Light Embodiment

Light Generation/Color Generation

Light Negation

Light Solidification

Lightling Manipulation

Manipulate the properties of light.

Move at light-speed.

Omni Purification

Personal Light

Light Concentration



Photokinetic Flight

Photokinetic Constructs

Photokinetic Immunity

Photonic Defiance

Manipulate things at light speed.


Light Aura

Light Bestowal

Light Transformation

Light Boundary

Light Defense

Light Deformation

Light Empowerment

Light Healing

Light Mimicry

Light Portal Creation

Light Sealing

Light Teleportation

Light Transmutation

Light Warp

Photokinetic Combat

Photokinetic Invisibility

Photokinetic Regeneration

Photokinetic Surfing


Conceptual Light Manipulation

Demonic Light Manipulation

Esoteric Light Manipulation

Laser Manipulation

Light Embodiment

Light Energy Manipulation

Light Magic

Light World Manipulation

Optical Phenomena Manipulation

Primordial Light Manipulation

Pure Light Manipulation

Psychic Light Manipulation

Sacred Light Manipulation

Spiritual Light Manipulation

Ultraviolet Manipulation


Big Bang Inducement

Day Embodiment

Electromagnetism Manipulation

Elemental Manipulation

EM Spectrum Manipulation

Energy Manipulation

Ray/Beam Manipulation

Emotional Energy Manipulation - through empathic light.

Fox-Fire Manipulation


Life-Force Manipulation - light is often associated with life force.

Light-Darkness Manipulation

Light Form

Light Weaponry

Light Artillery

Lightside View - by manipulating the bright areas of one's mind and soul.

Mental Manipulation - by learning to control light of mind and soul.

Perception Manipulation - by controlling people's visual perception of reality.

Photokinetic/Blindness Immunity

Rainbow Manipulation

Reflection Manipulation

Solar Manipulation by manipulating sunlight.

Spark Manipulation

Tachyon Manipulation

Truth Manipulation - light is associated with truth.

Twilight Manipulation when combined with Darkness Manipulation.

Vision Manipulation - light grants the sense of sight.


Author note

my writing have category in power ,some of you didn't know that power can do that because you think that not logical at all

but as you know ,you not a scientist and I am a scientist (plus always come with weird idea when experiment)

that's why sometimes I become sociopath because scientist like me need to do experiment at human sometime ( which make me know everything about human )