
It’s In My Blood

Even after the Blade Brakers won and became world champions, a type of beyblade that no one stands a chance against came out of nowhere looking for a worthy challenge as its offence, defence, speed and stamina are off the charts, taking out all that dare to step in its way, but even the strongest of beys have a weakness, right?

GogetaFanUwU · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 3

The plane landed in Japan dark at night as the Spirit Breakers got off stretching their aching bodies, after being sat in the same place for several hours just to battle against some team that isn't anywhere near their league. Alicia was the first to get off followed by Berly and then Leona who remained neutral showing no signs of being friendly, even though she would never harm a fly.

"We're here girls, Japan. A wonderful place filled with potential bladers! I just can't wait to break some spirits with my Falknir. They wouldn't know what hit them" Alicia counded excited while Beryl slowly glanced at Leona, who exhaled not wanting to be apart of their leaders selfish actions to show off her bit beasts power, to those who wouldn't even stand a chance against them.

"I'm tired, can we perhaps find a hotel to spend the night in? I want to save my energy for our match against The Blade Breakers" Beryl softly asked their leader who turned around unaware of the time, as Leona glanced outside revealing to Alicia that now wasn't the time to be messing around with ameteur bladers, especially before a match.

"*sighs*Fine. I guess we can stay in a hotel for one lousy night. BUT! That doesn't mean you guys get to slack off either, cause tomorrow is a very important day, as we are blading against some actual good competition which means you'll need to up your game. So don't show them any mercy! We are the Spirit Breakers, not a pathetic group of sissys!" Alicia called out to them give at least some motivation for tomorrow's friendly match, but even if one of them decided to lose, what would she do to ensure that it wouldn't happen again?

"They have a white tiger on their team, an old friend of mine. And I don't think Lee would want me to destroy a friend's bey, as that is classed as disrespect to them, and I don't want to become a outsider because of it" Leona replied giving Alicia some of her thoughts while their supposed leader lightly groaned facing her back towards them, very rude or is she trying to get the attention of a familiar? "Hey! I-" Beryl stopped Leona from causing a distraction in public allowing Alicia to walk off without them.

"It isn't worth it anymore, we can just find another place to stay for the night and meet her with the others in the morning. Kit wouldn't want us to be fighting like this, would she?" Beryl's words somehow calmed Leona as she scoffed glancing away in guilt, while Alicia stormed out not death enough when hearing Kit's name still being mentioned amongst her own teammates even after all this time. Beryl stuck by Leona's side constantly reminding her of how important she is to the team even without their leader's support, but no one knows why Alicia is acting like this. Is it truly over jealousy? Or is it something much more complicated than that?

When the next day rolled around, the Spirit Breakers were making their way to their designation where the Blade Breakers would be waiting when their bus sudden broke down midway towards the city.

"Oh no, what are we going to do? We're going to be late" Beryl announced in hopes to get an answer as Leona remained glancing outside of the bus without a care in the world, just plainly looking for something interesting to pass the time.

"I'm not walking the next 2 hours on foot! Are you trying to cause an accident, old man?" Alicia complained blaming it all on the old bus driver, as Beryl could be seen trying to calm the angered teen down while protecting the innocent man with her own body, as he tries to solve the problem.

"I-i'm trying as fast as I can!" the old man replied scared of what this kid could potentially do if this bus doesn't get going in the next 10 minutes.

"Just sit down already, Alicia. A walk isn't going to harm anyone, and besides it'll be good for the match we're going to have, but if you want to stay here then go right ahead" Leona randomly spoke before pushing past the two, as she jumped off the broken down bus being the only rational teen around without a single complain about the distance she's about to walk.

"W-wait for me!" Beryl exclaimed chasing after leaving Alicia speechless as she watching her own friends abandon her on this bus. Leona couldn't care less about what their supposed leader had to say, a walk is good for them than taking the lazy bus option.

"Where are you going? If you walk it now it's only going to make you 30 minutes late to our match! Leona! Beryl!" Alicia called out to them from the bus' doors, but neither of them glanced back not even once, it was as if they didn't even care about her just like she does about their feelings. "Grr! Fine! If you want to walk then you walk, I couldn't care less anyway! And don't come crying to me once your legs begin to ache!" Alicia lastly yelled as Leona just gave her a silenced thumbs up not caring if they needed her help or not, neither of them would be complaining.

"Why are we walking? I thought you wanted to go against Ray?" Beryl asked filled with confused curiosity as the sound of the bus could be heard starting, but Leona didn't seem to care and continued on her pursuit on foot.

"I ain't lazy unlike Alicia. I refuse to be anything like her, and even if Kit was here, she too would've walked than catch the bus filled with infectious diseases. And it'll help us increase our speed and stamina for our match against the Blade breakers" Leona replied sounding very serious in her tone refusing to let their new leader get the best of her for not having a bit beast, and yet remained undefeated. The bus drove passed causing Beryl to glance to her right seeing Alicia's glare aimed directly at them filling her with instant regret.

"S-she's going to kill us! I don't want her to destroy my bey, please tell me that Meglaseapant is going to be okay? She has to be.." Beryl panicked like headless chicken as Leona exhaled loudly refusing to let Alicia get away with this, and grabbed her teammates wrist stopping the sweet potato from making the situation anymore intense that it needs to be.

"Meglaseapant is going to be okay.. Alicia isn't going to touch your bey or I'll have to deal with her, as teammates know to never touch another's bey without permission or it's classes as disrespect" Leona remarked reminding Beryl that nothing bad was going to happen while she's around to deal with it. Even after being left behind to walk without Alicia this gave the two some time to catch up, and build the connection they had once lost since the split of their team before it was soon rebuilt by Alicia being its new leader, putting a whole new meaning to the team's name Spirit Breakers.

It has been over an hour since Leona and Beryl had began their journey on foot without any instructions on where they're meant to be going, making everything far more difficult for them. Beryl thought she had seen an hallucination of their old leader walking by, but Leona saw nothing which confirmed that a break was most likely needed before they think about continuing on any further.

However, word spread like wildfire as fans surrounded them left and right wanting autographs from the two legends that stood before them, but even with Leona not having a bit beast she remained surprisingly popular thanks to her status, and odd appearance to the community making her one heck of a blader.

"Leona! I'm your biggest fan?! Please sign my bey!" a young little boy called out with his bit beastless bey in hand, as she pulled out a pen and written down her signature down on the kid's bey as he gasped in explosive happiness, before running off completely satisfied.

"See, you don't need a bit beast in order to be appreciated" Beryl said seeing a soft smile come across Leona's face, finally feeling that relief they needed without having Alicia mouthing and complaining about them 24/7.

"I know, but sometimes there's times when a bit beast is direly needed in battle, as Kit once told me 'that it's always the blader not just the bey that makes them a worthy advesary' as we all know that without the blader the bey would be useless" Leona replied using a little note Kit once educated them which since then kept her going to become an even stronger blader, with or without the perfect bit beast to lead her straight to victory. Even if Kit wasn't there the team still respected her, but only guilt remained in their hearts for allowing such a monster to take control and drive everyone apart.

"I still remember those words like the back of my hand.. I just need to hear her voice one more time, and I'll be set for another one of Alicia's lectures. They are the worst, all she does is whine about everything instead of helping us improve as a team" Beryl added talking smack about their leader as Leona nodded along agreeing with a slight look of shock on her face when hearing those words, not seeing her this brave to even mention anything about Alicia without having a huge mental breakdown afterwards.

"Y-yeah.. me too" Leona replied stunned before pushing her way through the crowd the best she could while dragging Beryl along with her. When the team finally got together it could visibly be seen that some conflict had happened between them and their leader, which led the group to split up and travel their own way, even if it made them late for their friendly match against The Blade Breakers.

"You guys never listen to me, and yet here you are late for a single friendly match" Alicia said scolding the two for their selfish decision to head the rest of the way by foot, than wait 10 lousy minutes for a bus to be fixed. "As for you Leona, I expected better from you, but you're only proving to be a bad influence on, Beryl" she added now picking individually one on specific member as she squinted her eyes at Alicia, offended by her menacing words that struck like knives.

"I think your family drama can wait after we have our match. I wanna see if the Spirit Breakers are truly unstoppable as the rumors say they are!" Tyson stepped forward stopping Alicia's little rant as he was excited to test their power, and see if he stands a chance against the elite tournament especially this one coming demanding that a team four or a plus one to fully qualify, unless you're like the Spirit Breakers then three bladers are enough. Alicia stepped forward with a cocky smirk thinking she is better than all four of them together.

"Bring it on squirt! I'll take you on any day, anywhere, cause no matter how stronger you get I will always come out on top!" Alicia barked back showing no mercy to her new rivaling team, if they were even worthy the title of being a challenge in the upcoming tournament.

"Alright! Let's get this party started?!" Tyson exclaimed as the others other than Kai sighed expecting much from him, as it was like looking himself in the mirror with the same amount of energy that's being passed between them, even if Alicia had black medium wavy hair and dark blue eyes.

From afar Carlos could be seen pearing from the shadows unhappily watching the two teams chat when glancing from Alicia to Kai the two leaders of both teams. Kit soon emerged by his side with an annoyed sigh, with both of her hands deeply buried in the front pockets of her grey camo cargo pants.

"I did exactly as you asked and found them. Now where is my money?" he quietly asked as she pulled out a handful of cash worth at least ten thousand, tightly stuck together by two elastic bands so no money would be lost. "Jackpot baby!" Carlos said to himself before leaving Kit as a satisfied customer while she kept a close eye from a safe distance away in a nearby alleyway.

"I wonder why they're challenging the Blade Breakers? With the condition the team is in now, it won't take long for at least one of them to crack and lose for the first time.. Alicia.. It better be you" Kit said to herself in a serious tone while glaring directly at her target, sending a bone chilling shiver down Alicia's spine, as both teams when inside to get ready for their friendly match in the big beystadium arena.

"Huh?.." Alicia turned frantically as if feeling an uneasy presence, but nothing could be seen for miles making her think that it was all in her head, before quickly catching up with the others unaware of the day she is about to have.

As expected the Spirit Breakers were already winning against The Blade breakers by 1-0, after Beryl took down Max with her superior defence and stamina tactics that ensured the team's first victory. Ray was next as Alicia pushed Leona forward forcing her to face a friend she hadn't seen in years, but as she made it up the stairs to the huge sized beystadium, a different feeling traveled through the area around them. He softly smiled reminding her of the good times they had back at their home village with the others, before her disappearance.

"You had everyone worried disappearing out of the blue like that.. Why did you run away? Lee spent countless nights trying to find you, scared that something bad could've happened, but I'm just glad to see that you're alright" Ray said with a hint of relief making Leona feel bad for making them worry about her so much, even though being apart of a team without a bit beast does put a lot of straint and responsibility on your shoulders, if you want to keep up with the others.

"I'm sorry, Ray. It had nothing to do with you, The White Tigers or the village.. I just didn't want to put you guys into shame for not having a bit beast, so I went on my own journey to find one, and possibly come back worthy enough to be called a White Tiger, but I don't think Lee would forgive me for my selfish decision" Leona's reply opened his eyes finally knowing the true reason for her disappearance, as she showed him her empty bit chip proving that this journey has just about begun.

"He isn't that mean, but why need one when you've already gained the title of unbeatable? Even if I win now, I know for a fact you'll come back even stronger in our next match" he replied getting his bey ready to launch, as Leona did exactly the same no longer feeling anything to fear, trusting Ray's words knowing that he would never lie to her about anything.

"Less chit-chat and more blading, come on! I have a brat that needs to be dealt with as soon as this match up ends, so hurry it up and win!" Alicia yelled purposefully picking on Leona's last nerves, but she took a calm deep breath on and gently exhaled to fully concentrate her mind on this one match. The others weren't fond on Alicia's words already starting to have a grudge against her style of leading such a promising team.

"3!.. 2!.. 1!.. Let it rip!" They both yelled before allowing both of their beys to shoot straight into the stadium, as they zoomed around like animals, until actually clashing head to head, with neither of them showing signs of backing down.

"I got to admit, even without a bit beast your bey sure does pack quite a punch!" Ray complimented on her skills, smiling by the fact that bey without any need of support could even survive for this long, especially against a powerful bit beast like Trigger.

"Thanks.. you surely have become quite the blader yourself, but that doesn't mean you can go easy on me just because you have some fancy bit beast. Show me what you've got!" Leona wasn't having Ray hold back any of his power, even if it meant breaking past her limits to prove a point, that not every battle can be won with a bit beast sealed within your bey. A bond must be made to ensure a clean victory, no matter what the obstacles may be.

Kit stood in the shadows nearby the walkways that connected with the stadium, silently judging Alicia from a safe distance, making it too hard for anyone to spot her, while she kept her back pressed against the solid, cold cement wall.

"Alicia.. she needs to learn a serious lesson about patience and respect. Those are two of many important factors you need to have when leading a promising team to victory" Kit deeply thought while carefully glancing at both teams at their teams imperfections.

"Ah. There you are, I've been looking high and low for you" Mr. Dickinson's could be heard approaching behind her, as she turned seeing the old man standing there playing with his moustache.

"What is it, old man? I'm trying to analyse the competition" Kit coldly replied as he chuckled loving her enthusiasm before suddenly stopping while remaining overjoyed for a rich man, as Kit continued to watch the others fighting to see who is the better blader. "Leona isn't going to last much longer.. she's toast" she thought using what could be seen, as expected Leona's bey was thrown out of the stadium standing both teams being evenly scored 1-1.

"Competition? Ho ho! Don't you mean your future teammates?" He replied as Kit turned around looking slightly shocked when hearing those words, hearing him chuckled to himself.

"Are you serious?.. A team filled with boys.." Kit was lost for words until Alicia's loud mouth brought her around, a ruckus no one wants to listen to.

"I'm going to crush you and your pathetic leader for wasting my precious time?! I came here to fight against champions, not a pathetic group filled with little sissy's!" Alicia meanly insulted The Blade Breakers reaching her true colours in front of them, but that wasn't all she had done. Tyson's bey was destroyed by Falknir's relentless attacks, even after the battle was already won. He remained down down on his knees with a busted up Dragoon in the palms of his hands.

"Hey! We aren't a group of sissys! You are for destroying Tyson's bey for no reason!" Max called out stepping up for his pal just like the others who stood by his side, unhappy about Alicia's approach to beyblading.

"Why are you trying to destroy our beys? We did nothing wrong to you guys other than fight a fair match, but no, you had to go ahead and ruin the fun!" Ray then stepped up having a word or two to say to their leader as he raised a fist up to shoulder level refusing to let this girl get away with this.

"Oh, yeah? None of you are even close enough to prove anything. So why even bother asking when you know for a fact that you'll never ever win a single match against me?" Alicia replied rubbing it in, absolutely clueless of what was to come if this unwanted cockiness continued to go on any further.

"If you're going to keep talking smack, then why don't you try and take me down, huh?! Or are you just too chicken to fight?" Kai challenged temping Alicia as he now stood where Tyson once was readying his launcher, while she laughed at him wickedly almost mocking him.

"Chicken? Even our previous leader can come out with better insults than 'chicken'. You boys are truly stupid and very predictable" Alicia replied with a cocky smirk readying her launcher to destroy once against another bladers bey just for the fun of it.

"Aw~and here I thought you didn't care about me" Kit's voice came out as everyone turned seeing her standing there with both arms crossed beside the Blade Breakers bench, ignoring everyone else other than Alicia who looked completely shocked to actually see her there.

"K-Kit.. W-what are you doing here? You aren't apart of this pathetic team, are you?" Alicia's attitude had completely changed once she had arrived, just like a dog is towards its master. Mr, Dickinson emerged beside her which wasn't that much of a surprised, but what he had in store would surely shock both teams.

"..." Kit remained silent as she glanced over to Mr. Dickinson not very pleased about the idea, but she knew she had no other choice than to accept.

"Heh heh.. Back at the bottom, huh? That must mean that I am the most powerful blader in the entire world now!" This instantly caused Kit to glance back at Alicia with a cold glare, daring her to say it that line again, about to take a step forward and face the brat herself.

"Now, Kit. Do you remember what we talked about?" Mr. Dickinson stepped in stopping Kit while she kept her back faced towards him, refusing to let anyone get in her way even if it meant giving them the cold shoulder, when in the presence of someone she greatly hated more than anything.

"I know, I ain't stupid. Just let me take care of this brat before you announce anything, okay? I need to prove something" Kit replied while walking towards the stairs ignoring everyone in the room other than Alicia, as she remained stood remaining high above everyone else not knowing the danger in this situation. "Move.." Kit calmly demanded in a neutral voice while coming up to where Kai was stood making him step down from his post.

"You're going to challenge me? I guess I can remind you why I'm far superior than you, and your pathetic excuse of a bit beast" Alicia stepped over the line as Kit squinted her eyes at the brat remaining cockily smiling at the rivalry she had made. "However, even in the upcoming tournament that's going to start in next 3 months, I expect to see you at your best, just after I finish humiliating you in front of these idiots, and claim my rightful title as the unbeatable champion!" Her intentions were clean, Alicia was only in for it for power and nothing else regarding anyone else in the team, proving that she isn't fit to be a suitable leader for the Spirit Breakers. Kit scoffed before cracking a smirk which soon wiped the smile of Alicia's face.

"About that, Alicia. Your team has been sadly disqualified, due to illegal activity involving your bey, but don't worry. You can always find a worthy fourth party to join. However, I'm going to decline on your offer before you even think about asking me to be apart of whatever 'this' is, as I have no intentions of join a team that has a pathetic, self centred, egotistical, psychotic, brat for a leader!" Kit's words were cruel, and yet truthful leaving everyone flabbergasted, as she got out her bey and launcher preparing to put some sense into this kid. Her words angered Alicia despite them all being harshly true.

Alicia growled to herself before doing exactly the same, but having nothing else to say as a comeback or hell with surely reak havoc. Everyone went back to their bench's and prepared to watch a battle, which wouldn't possibly be seen happening again for at least two years from now.

"Who should I route for? Kit and Alicia are both super strong bladers! What if I pick the wrong one?" Beryl suggested to Leona who huffed annoyingly and remained in silence, not wanting to choose either side or it'll cause more conflict in the team.

"You may be powerful, but there is one thing you're lacking.. and that's having complete trust in your bit beast, you selfish fool" Kit thought still glaring intently at Alicia who remains cocky, and over her head with the power of Falknir, but without him she would be classed as useless to the team unlike Leona, who trains endlessly everyday to be on the same platform as they are.