

Waking up from a dream, a screen appears in front of Sam Diaz. [System Initializing] "huh...?" [Isekai System Online. Hello User Sam.] "What..." [This system will allow the user traverse worlds and help others.] "..." [Do you accept?] ---------------------------------------- An Idea that has been plaguing my mind for awhile. An Isekai System. The ability to traverse fiction, reality and what can be considered unreal. Hope you enjoy.

Xeno_Elemental · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 - The Isekai System

<Pls Enjoy.>

-3rd Person POV -

[Initializing System]

Sam Diaz slowly opened his eyes, his mind still foggy from sleep. As he blinked away the remnants of his dreams, he noticed something peculiar floating in front of him—a translucent gray screen. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he tried to make sense of it.

"Huh...?" Sam muttered, his voice tinged with surprise. He couldn't help but fixate on the enigmatic screen, wondering what it was and how it came to be. To ensure he wasn't still caught in the clutches of a dream, he pinched himself, wincing at the sensation. The screen remained, confirming its existence.

Within the floating window, bold words appeared: [Isekai System online. Hello User Sam.]

Sam's eyes widened, his curiosity piqued. This was unlike anything he had ever encountered before. The system seemed to offer him the opportunity to traverse different worlds and help others. It was an enticing proposition, but he had reservations and needed more information.

"Can this be real?" Sam whispered to himself, his mind filled with a mix of skepticism and intrigue. To test the system's validity, he decided to ask some probing questions.

[Do You Accept?] the system prompted, awaiting Sam's response.

Sam hesitated for a moment, contemplating the consequences and risks involved. He wanted to ensure that this system was genuine and beneficial. With a determined expression, he addressed the system.

"System, can you provide more details about this Isekai System?" Sam asked, his voice laced with caution.

[Yes, User Sam?]

Sam took a deep breath before continuing. "Can you explain how this system works and what it entails for the user?" he inquired, his eyes focused on the floating screen.

The system responded, providing a brief overview. It explained that the Isekai System was designed to transport users to different worlds, empowering them to grow stronger and assist others in various quests. Sam nodded, absorbing the information, but he still had concerns.

"Is participating in this system mandatory, or do I have the choice to opt out?" Sam asked, his voice tinged with a hint of apprehension.

The system paused momentarily before replying, [If the user wishes, the "Isekai System" will disappear.]

Sam's eyebrows furrowed further as he pondered his next question. He wanted to ensure his safety and understand the scope of his involvement.

"What happens if I were to die in one of these other worlds? Can I truly be killed, or is there a safety net?" Sam inquired, his voice betraying his concern.

The system remained silent for a moment before responding, [No, if the user dies in the isekai'd world, the user will be transported back to their original body. However, there may be consequences related to ability transfer.]

Sam felt a wave of relief wash over him. The assurance of his safety provided some comfort, but he still had further inquiries.

"Can you clarify the nature of the quests? Who am I supposed to help, and what kind of tasks will be assigned to me?" Sam asked, eager to understand the purpose behind his endeavors.

The system responded, [The user will be given specific quests based on the world they are transported to. Examples include "Become a Hero" or "Become a King."]

Sam nodded, absorbing the information. The quests sounded challenging yet exciting, but he had one more crucial question.

"What happens to the world I leave behind? Will everything I've done be erased, or will my actions have a lasting impact?" Sam asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

The system answered, [When the user leaves a world, their actions and impact will remain. The world will continue to evolve and progress based on the changes initiated by the user's presence.]

Sam felt a sense of relief wash over him. Knowing that his actions would have a lasting impact reassured him that he could make a meaningful difference in each world he visited. However, another thought crossed his mind.

"Can I choose which worlds I want to visit?" Sam asked, hopeful that he would have some say in his destinations.

[The Isekai System will transport the user to worlds from their memories. However, the user cannot directly choose which worlds they will be sent to.]

Sam nodded, understanding that while he couldn't control the specific worlds he would visit, the system would draw from his memories to ensure some familiarity. It was an intriguing prospect, opening the door to encounters with beloved characters from his favorite stories.

With his immediate questions answered, Sam's mind shifted to logistical concerns. He needed to balance his new adventures with his daily life, including school. Taking a glance at the time, he realized he needed to prepare for the day ahead.

"System, will time continue to flow in my world while I'm in another world?" Sam asked, hoping for a smooth transition between the two realms.

[The time in your world will be paused while you are in another world. It will resume upon your return.]

Sam breathed a sigh of relief. Knowing that he wouldn't miss out on significant events or cause worry among his loved ones brought him peace of mind. However, he couldn't help but wonder about the practicalities of managing his time.

"System, is there a way for me to gauge my own strength or progress?" Sam inquired, aware that having an understanding of his abilities would be crucial in unfamiliar territories.

[The system will display your status. It will provide a comprehensive page containing all your information, including stats, skills, and other relevant details.]

Sam nodded, appreciating the system's ability to provide him with the necessary information to assess his growth and capabilities. It would serve as a valuable tool in navigating the challenges he would face in the different worlds.

Curiosity piqued, Sam raised another question. "System, will there be other individuals who have also been isekai'd like me? Will I encounter them during my travels?"

The system responded, [Yes, there is a possibility of encountering other individuals who have been transported to other worlds. However, your own status and information will remain hidden from their observe skills, ensuring your privacy.]

Sam's relief was evident. While he was intrigued by the idea of meeting fellow travelers, he also valued his privacy and wanted to keep his own abilities concealed until necessary. The system's provision for maintaining his anonymity eased his concerns.

However, another thought crossed Sam's mind. "System, do you have a gender?" he asked, curious about the nature of his newfound companion.

[The system can be customized to have a male, female, or genderless persona, according to your preference.]

Sam considered the options before responding, "I think I'll keep the system genderless for now. It seems more neutral and fitting."

The system acknowledged his decision with a simple [Understood].

Realizing that time was passing, Sam shifted his focus to his immediate responsibilities. "System, can we continue this discussion later? I need to prepare for school," he stated, eager to make the most of his remaining time.

[Of course, User Sam. We can continue whenever you're ready. Have a productive day at school.]

With a sense of excitement and anticipation, Sam got out of bed and began his morning routine. The prospect of embarking on an extraordinary journey with the Isekai System fueled his steps, filling him with determination and curiosity about the worlds he would soon explore.

As he headed out the door, he couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the possibilities that lay ahead. The Isekai System had presented him with an extraordinary opportunity, and he was ready to embrace the challenges and adventures that awaited him on his path as an isekai traveler.

<Author Section>

A simple chapter rewrite for this one.