
Goblin Layer

<Avip: < strong>So... is anyone interested in being a beta for this Fic? I need a hand with English.>


"Any problem, kid?" Asks the Goblin who dragged me into this unusual situation.

I was excited about the idea of becoming more powerful and finally going after my Harem, but it was still strange to have to submit to this breakfast.

"No problem, Tyss, it's completely normal for someone my age to start the day with a poisoned soup that will give me the buffs necessary for a marathon of fun." I replied.

"Good! So quit bitching like a fag and eat that shit." Say the Rambo goblin.

Setting aside homophobia, I was more bothered by being offended by someone dominated by me yesterday.

"Naughty girls don't receive gifts from the master." I commented, taking a sip of the soup.

Kyss froze, glared at me with a furrowed brow, and whispered something.

"Sorry, Jason." Kyss say, unable to look me in the eyes.

"Who would have thought... food works miracles." Adds Tyss, laughing at her older sister. 

While the two argued, I decided to eat my soup quickly and then check my buffs.


Poison [Mandragora's Roots]:

Aphrodisiac: Reduction of inhibitions and increased desire.

Stamina booster: Increased resistance to fatigue and exhaustion.


If I gain XP from fucking, it might be a good idea to increase my vitality and maximize my performance.


Name: Jason

Class: Hero Lvl 2

HP: 30

MP: 0

Status: Poison [Mandragora's Roots]








FP: 0

XP: 10%


"My life level increased to 30. I hope that's reflected in bed too.

I stop and gaze at the little goblin I'll be lying down with tonight.

"Hmm…" The goblin looked like a hungry dog eyeing a juicy piece of steak.

Despite her behaving like a lustful zombie, I doubt she's worse than her sisters; after all, Kyss started by punching and threatening me. How much worse can the youngest and shyest of the three be…




What do I do? I've been feeling so strange since Jason arrived. I've never seen a human before and out of nowhere this man arrives, so tall, beautiful, kind and… oh my goodness, he smells so good. My head feels weird, my legs shake, and my kitty gets all wet and hot, it's almost unbearable.

"Shall we Zyss?" Jason said, getting up from the table, extending his hand to me.

"Y-yes." Even though I stuttered, I managed to give an answer.

Even though I was anxious and shy, I wanted so much to hug him, squeeze him and touch him, but I held back and was content with just holding his hand while he led me to his room.

The walk to the room was silent, my heart was pounding as my breathing became heavier.

"Everything is fine?" Jason asked as he stroked my hand with his thumb.

"Y-Yes, I'm sorry, I-I'm a little scared, but I trust you."

He smiled at me.

That confident, kind and so beautiful smile. My heart almost stopped for a moment.

"Zyss, I need to ask you something."

"What would it be, Jason?"

"Do you really want to do this?"

"Huh?" I replied confused.

"I see you're excited and part of you really wants this, but are you sure another part of you really wants this too? Don't you want to stop and think better?"

"Jason, I… I'm not sure how to answer that. I'm still scared, but I felt bad knowing I was deceiving you about the 'housework'." I replied, staring at the floor, embarrassed.

The poor guy came here thinking he was just going to clean the house or something, but here I am participating in his rape…

As I looked down, denigrating myself, a large, caring hand reached my head and began stroking my hair. Looking up, I came across Jason, who was kneeling, petting me with a big smile.

"Don't be like that, that's my problem with Tyss."

"But I'm taking advantage of you!" I exclaimed in horror at my own words.


My heart caught in my throat at his dry, blunt response.

"But since I'm already in this mess, I couldn't help but get the cutest of the goblin sisters, right?"

"C-c-c-cu-cu-cute?" I asked confused.

Jason just smiled, nodding his head.

"I just wanted to know…" I mumbled in a low voice with embarrassment. "It will hurt?"

Jason looked at me with a raised eyebrow, caught off guard by my response.

"Your sisters don't have any problems, Kyss was forceful at first to tell the truth." He responded with a yellow smile.

"Huuum…" I mumbled, looking down anxiously.

"But don't worry, I'll be gentle and stop whenever you want if it hurts."

"Thanks." I replied, finally looking into his eyes.

In silence, we entered the room, Jason carried me like a princess to the bed and placed me gently on top of the animal fur covers. He sat next to me and smiled.

"Can I kiss you?"

He's looking at me.

"W-What? Sure!"

I'm terrified and happy at the same time, he's going to kiss my mouth! This is so…

Jason came closer, his face on mine, and gave me a modest but passionate kiss. His lips were soft, warm, and… yummy.

"Mmmn, Jason…"

My heart is racing so fast it feels like it's going to come out of my chest.

"Your lips are so delicious, I want more!" I told him, pulling away for a second, only to come back with more force.

I just allowed myself to hold on to Jason's arms as I deepened the kiss, my face burning with the realization that I was kissing a human. Jason pulled away to catch his breath.

"You're so hot." He said, with his hand still on my head.

Before I could respond, Jason began taking off his clothes, starting with his shirt. 

I wasn't lucky enough to see Jason without clothes yesterday, but I could have sworn he was smaller and thinner, not that I'm complaining about him now.

"Shall we take off your clothes?" Jason asked with a seductive smile.

I responded with a nod and Jason removed my overalls and the rest of my clothes very gently.

"A-Ah, don't look at me so much, I… I'm skinny and puny."

"You are adorable and perfect." He responded kindly.

"A-ah, that's, ahh!"

Jason hugged me, got closer, his hands went to my ass and squeezed my buttocks.

"A-ahh Jason, your touches make me so…"

I didn't even need to finish, as the bed was already getting damp with my fluids.

"So excited. You're so wet, it feels so good."

He took his other hand between my legs and massaged the lips of my vagina with his index finger, while his thumb lightly touched my clitoris.


I moaned as loud as I could, the pleasure was hitting me in waves, it was a miracle I hadn't cum yet.

"Wouldn't you mind spreading your legs?"

"S-s-sure." I responded, anxiously.

Without saying a word, Jason pulled me close to him, with his right hand he pointed his dick towards the entrance to my kitty, while with the other hand he got on top of me.


He said before bringing his head closer.


Jason kissed me savagely, his tongue entered my mouth while his cock penetrated my vagina without any pain.

"Do you think you can continue?" Jason asked, breaking the kiss.

"P-p-please, can you go deeper, faster, I want more…"

I respond desperately and anxiously, Jason understood and looked at me with affection and kindness.

"Okay, but I'll still go at a slow pace."

SLAP! -----SLAP!

He moved in and out of me, dragging the head of his dick along my walls.

"Jasooooon." I moaned loudly. "I never thought sex would be so good!"

It's all so perfect.

SLAP! -----SLAP!

It felt good, the slow pace kept me excited, but I couldn't reach orgasm.

"Jason, I… I-I don't know how long I can hold out."

"Do you want to stop?"

"NO!" I responded by shouting without meaning to. "I'm sorry, it's just… it's something else."

"You can order whatever you want, my beauty." He said, winking at me.

My stomach jumps with joy when he calls me beautiful.

"I want you to go faster and harder, please."

Jason chuckled at me, followed by a kiss on my forehead.

"For you, Zyss? All."

He started to thrust faster and faster.


I couldn't help it and writhed in pleasure beneath Jason as he hugged him tightly.


Jason was fucking me as hard and fast as he could.




Jason started to shake, his breathing became uneven, and then our mouths opened and a moan that neither Jason nor I could hear escaped our throats.

Jason entered with all his might, making me feel the best in the world as well, as hot liquid was pumped into me.

"Aahhh, Jason, you're so perfect." I told him after panting.

I pulled it up by the neck and glued our lips together in the same way our lower parts were still connected.

Everything was wonderful, much better than I could have imagined.

Then why…

"Aaaaaf!" Gasped Jason, breaking away from our kiss.


"10% again? So it's confirmed." Jason said, looking into space.

Why wasn't it enough?

"Didn't I come on too hard or hurt you, Zyss?"

Why did I want to-, NO! Why did I NEED more?



[Thongle Gearwhiz]



"You have to accept this invitation." They said.

"Working for a Lilim is a unique opportunity," They said.

The Rune Mistress is the best person in the world to be your patron, they said.

"You'll be able to work on anything you want." They said.

Not only have I spent the past few years developing these dull mirrors and crystals to store audio and images, but when I finally got back to working on enjoyable things like Chachamaru's rocket boots, I was forced to stop everything for an urgent project.

"WHAT THE HELL, DAMN IT!" I shout to no one alone in the castle dungeon.

My laboratory doesn't have enough space for this new project, so to make matters worse, I have to adapt this massive dungeon as well.

Ever since that demon witch Belethra arrived, my life has gone to hell. All my plans went down the drain, and now I'm stuck up to my neck in this damn project that mixes magic and technology.

Not that I don't like a challenge, but this situation is completely beyond my standards. The simplest part of this endeavor is creating a receiver for a magical frequency I had never heard of until today.

"Now, the hardest part."

I flip through the pages of an old notebook handed to me with the orders and contemplate the biggest problem: integrating a pandimensional runic matrix with the system.

And to make matters worse, Yzhilde wants to supply magical energy with electricity for the project. How does she expect me to make magic and technology collide like this without everything exploding?

It's as if she thinks we can simply turn moonbeams into electricity. 

"No, darling, things don't work that way in my world of gears; you have laws like the law of equivalent exchange, damn it."

I need more coffee, a lot of creativity, and maybe even a bit of gremlin luck to survive this forced collaboration. This invention will either be a damn feat or a spectacular explosion.

"Maybe it's not so bad after all." I commented, smiling at the idea of blowing up a Lilim's castle.


My pyromaniac fantasies were interrupted by Chachamaru kicking open the door to the dungeon.

"Miss Gearwhiz, brought the cables you asked for." Reported the Automaton, carrying 5 huge boxes in each hand.

"Put them near that pillar."

If it weren't for Chachamaru and the seemingly limitless resources of the Rune Mistress, this project would be impossible.

"A unique pandimensional matrix directly linked to a soul," I comment aloud, thinking about the project in front of me. "It must be a powerful soul."


I thought today would be peaceful, especially with my larger build, nice sex with the shy goblin in a loving mom and dad style.


But nooooo... out of nowhere this girl screams as if she were Linda Blair possessed by a demon.

"Zyss?" I asked, worried about the little goblin.

As soon as I moved away, my dick came out of her pussy, which made her aggressiveness worse.

I thought today would be peaceful, especially with my larger build, nice sex with the shy goblin in a loving mom and dad style.


But nooooo... out of nowhere this girl screams as if she were Linda Blair possessed by a demon.

"Zyss?" I asked, worried about the little goblin.

As soon as I moved away, my dick came out of her pussy, which made her aggressiveness worse.

"ROOOAAARRR!" She roared, leaping toward me.

I fell back onto the bed with the goblin huffing, growling and sniffing my balls.


Her green eyes were wide and her pupils dilated.

"No!" I exclaimed in fear. "Please, what are you going to do?" I ask worried.

She lowers her head and licks my dick from the base to the head.


I couldn't believe what was happening, she was licking and sucking with more enthusiasm than her sisters.


"Oh Zyss."

She picked up a good rhythm and started to speed up, choking on my dick.


With both hands surrounding her, she held my member firmly. She felt her fingers squeezing the base and tip of my flesh, holding it and massaging it with her small hands. The feeling of their hands was divine.

"Cum!" I moaned loudly. "Is that where the Silver finger skill comes from?"

My hips have already started to move towards his hot, tight mouth. I felt my member throbbing in the girl's throat.

"FUCK ZYSS!" I screamed, trying to escape, but at the same time, fucking her mouth. 

My hips buckled and I came deep inside her mouth.


Her throat pulsed and she swallowed.

I wanted to get out of there and I didn't know where.

"M-MO-MO-MOR-MORE!" She stuttered, yelling.

She continued sucking, licking and sucking my flesh. Her rhythm was so fast that she seemed to want to swallow my dick.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my GOD, OOH MY GOD!"

Her eyes didn't stop with me, but she moved her head back and forth.

"AAAHHH!" We screamed at the same time and I came once again in her mouth.

My spine tingled and I squirmed with my member still in her mouth.

When Zyss finally released my member, I was tired and panting, but less tired after having sex with Kyss yesterday. Is this my improved vitality?

I called up the status table and noticed something peculiar.


Name: Jason

Class: Hero Lvl 2

HP: 30

MP: 0

Status: Poison [Mandragora's Roots]








FP: 0

XP: 30%


30%? As? Shouldn't it be 20%? If the XP went up for cum shots, should it be 40% or 35% because of the blowjob, or does only vaginal penetration count?


I'm taken out of my thoughts when I feel a tongue running across my belly button, my stomach, my chest, and my neck.

"More." Said the goblin in a desperate tone, almost crying and begging.

I should stop while I haven't gotten hurt yet... but I need more information about repeat sex and XP.

"Bring it on." I responded without knowing what would happen.

The goblin gave me a voracious smile, licking her lips.

"That was a mistake."

Zyss was wild, her body was burning with excitement, and she was ready to attack. Seeing her chance, she pushed me, laying me down on the bed in one leap, falling with her pussy on top of my still hard cock.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" The goblin grunted when she felt the member settling in her pussy.

Her legs shook as she felt the hard meat inside her tight, wet pussy.

Zyss's pussy was pulsing as she was pulling me in, her entrance was wet and tight. Her uterus was squeezing the head of my dick tightly.

Zyss's eyes closed as she rolled on my dick, savoring the sensation, but after a few seconds the girl stopped and looked at me, smiling devilishly.

Without any care, she began to move her hips, moving up and down on the member.


"Uhn!" The girl groaned. "This is so good." She said between panting breaths.


I tried to sit up, but Zyss sped up, leaving me unable to think, much less act.


The girl began to increase her pace.


"Uhnn... Uhn... Uhn... UHNNNNNNNNNN!"

Zyss continued bouncing and bouncing on my hard cock, the sound of skin slapping against skin mixed with the girl's grunts.

"AHHHHH!" The goblin screamed, her eyes were closed.

Her mouth opened wide as she moaned.

"Y-YOU ARE S-VERY G-HOT!" She yelped. "Y-I... I G-CUM-CUMAAAAAA!" She screamed, throwing her head back.

The goblin clung to my thighs as she milked my balls.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Zyss moaned, her insides contracting tightly around my cock, squeezing it as if she were trying to pull it away.

My hips were shaking and I seemed lost in the pleasure of her tight, hot, wet pussy.

"AHHHHH!" I scream, cumming once again, Zyss felt like she was cumming every second, her insides pulsing as she contracted around my cock.

Zyss fell forward onto my chest, panting and sweaty. I ran my hand through her sweat-damp hair and asked her.

"How was it?"

The goblin looked at me dumbfounded, tears began to fall from her eyes.

For a second, I was worried that maybe she had hurt herself, but her response calmed me down immediately.

"It was like a wonderful dream." Said the goblin crying with relief and joy. "Thanks, Jason."

"I'm here for it, Zyss." I respond embarrassed with praise.

A comfortable silence settles in the room, with Zyss lying on my chest while I caress her head and back.

I take the opportunity to check my XP and notice that I have 35% XP. I soon concluded that, after the first one with the same mamono, it gives me 5% XP. Is this to encourage me to find other species? Or at least not keep fucking the same mamono over and over again?

Who created this crazy system?

"Jason." Zyss' sweet voice whispered in my chest.

I looked at the little goblin who, despite having let go, still had a little shyness in her eyes.

"I want to ask you something."

"Yes?" I respond with curiosity.

"... more." She whispers, the goblin with a red face.

"You want more?"

"Sorry." The goblin say embarrassed, hiding her face in my chest.

The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.

That's what I should say, but looking into those big, expressive green eyes, I couldn't say no to her.

"Do not apologize." I respond, lifting her head and kissing her forehead. "I don't know how many more times I can have sex today, but how about we find out?"

"Realy?" She asks the excited girl.

"Yes, you were a very good girl, and now I want to treat you right." I respond, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Thanks." The goblin said, her eyes shining with expectation.

"But take it easy, please."

"I promise I will be much nicer." The little goblin stated.


"There were 1 vanilla, 2 in the mouth and 1 crazy ride." I spoke out loud, counting on my hand. "And they're still going for one more?"

"Miserable." Kyss grumbled. "He only came with me once."

"On the other hand, you had sex for hours and you almost flooded the room with cunt juice."

Angry and embarrassed, Zyss frowned and turned her head away.

Jason had really changed. He was more confident, his physical resistance, which was once pathetic, had improved significantly. I couldn't help but admire the tenacity he developed, turning him into a more robust companion in bed.

"The big boy fired 4 shots and is going for the fifth, we'll see if he can really handle it."


8 times…

I came 8 times in total today, it was clear from my status's XP counter.


Name: Jason

Class: Hero Lvl 2

HP: 30

MP: 0

Status: Exhausted








FP: 0

XP: 55%


The little sex fiend, now sated, slept hugging my torso.

Even though the last two cums came out with her pushing the bar a little and with a little pain, I'm not mad at her, after all, thanks to her I discovered an interesting function of the system.


Goblin Layer Achievement Unlocked!


Now that the little one is asleep, I can check Achievement.


Goblin Layer:


Darkvision: As a goblin you see in the dark as if it were a bright day.


Attribute bonuses? And an extra skill?

Is this for all the mamonos I fuck 10 times? If I have sex 20 times do I get another Achievement?

"More." Zyss's murmur breaks my train of thought.

I look down worriedly, but I notice that she is still sleeping.

The goblin's sleeping face makes me relax and sleep overtakes my mind.

"Tomorrow I'll worry more about that."

I give the goblin one last kiss on the forehead and close my eyes.


"It's truly remarkable what the two of them managed to accomplish in just one day." I comment, admiring what the dungeon had become.

"Hmph!" snorted the proud Lilim, chest puffed out. "Despite being grumpy and more bellicose than most gremlins, Thongle is a competent and explosive genius."

"You mean competent and exceptional?"

"He-he... no." Said the Lilim, awkwardly laughing.

Despite the fear of an imminent explosion, the gremlin's work was remarkable.

The grand castle's dungeon had been transformed into a technological laboratory, a sanctuary of fusion between magical energy and science.

Covered by intertwined cables like enchanted serpents, the laboratory pulsated with a peculiar energy, a mixture of arcane sparks and electronic glimmers. Green-tinted glass containers, holding mysterious liquids emitting an ethereal glow, filled the shelves. It was as if the very essence of magic intertwined with the cold rationality of technology.

In the center of it all, five circles were drawn, one in the middle and the surrounding others, resembling a domino number five. In this spot, Yzhilde would inscribe the runes of our old work, and the other four were for capturing energy from the system that the gremlin was creating, stabilization of connection, signal emission, and reception.

Initially, my witch's heart felt a slight discomfort in the face of the unknown. But as I watched that unusual spectacle, a charming curiosity took hold of me. The fusion of two worlds that once seemed so distant was happening before my eyes.

This merging of energies filled my heart with hope of finding the soul more quickly than I had thought.

"How long until everything is ready?"

"Thongle-chan said she would finish her part in 3 days, but after that, we'll have to test the compatibility of the runes." Said the Rune Mistress.

"Last time, it took 2 years." I complained, already scowling.

"True, but this time I already have a foundation to work with." Commented the Lilim, examining the gremlin's work. "I would say 3 months, we can have a functional connection, 7 months at worst."

I breathe a sigh of relief that it won't take that long. I've already waited 15 years; a few months are nothing.

"Any sign of the old connection?"

"Huh?" I murmured surprised.

The Lilim's question caught me off guard, but I went to the old scrolls, and when I found the runic matrix I wanted, I channeled my mana.

"That's strange."

"What do your magical eyes see, Bebe-chan."

"It has grown in power but hasn't leveled up."

"Ooooh! Sugoi ningen-san."

"Maybe it's not a good thing; he might have been affected by mamono mana. He might have... 'married.'"

The shadows around me move, and a bad feeling hits me. I know nothing about this soul, but there is a chance it's already married, and that worries me. I'm afraid that it made promises to someone else. It hurts me, and the darkness that usually comforts me now suffocates me.

Uncertainty is difficult; I wonder if I can handle this discovery. I feel helpless, as if I'm just a spectator. I tremble at the thought that maybe it has chosen another path, while I struggle with difficult emotions, and all our efforts may have been in vain.

Warm and delicate arms hugged me from behind.

"Don't despair, Bebe-chan."


"Shhhhhhh." The Lilim silenced me, placing her finger on my lips. "We won't know until we finish our work."

"What if he's married? Will all of this have been in vain?"

Yzhilde separated from the hug and looked at me with tenderness and melancholy.

"There's no use focusing on those negative feelings now, Bebe-chan. Focus on the present, as for the future... we'll face it together." The Lilim concluded, caressing my hair.




Name: Jason

Class: Hero Lvl 2

HP: 30

MP: 0

Status: Exhausted








FP: 0

XP: 55%



Maximum Length: 12 cm [4,7 inch]

Maximum Girth: 1,8 cm [0,7 inch]



Goblin [Goblin Layer]:


Darkvision: As a goblin you see in the dark as if it were a bright day.

Weightless Cargo: Its strength is considered triple in carrying capacity.

Silver finger: You are a master at providing sexual pleasure manually.




E ai gurizada?

We are close to finishing the Goblin Arc…

Honestly, I didn't think there would be so many chapters with them, but I ended up lengthening things with other points of view to talk better about their powers and explore other future characters.

And before revealing the results of the vote, I would like to thank everyone who took the time to vote and comment, I was amazed by the number of votes.

The first place winner will be placed in the Harem (but it won't be the next), I will consider the second and third, as for the others, I'm not sure about anything, but I remember that I always read the comments and take them into consideration, like Tornadopelt who said "Hellhound! Hellhound! Hellhound! Side note: Can we see the Hellhound be a firefighter, too? :)". E eu acho que uma hellhound bombeira é uma ideia muito interessante.


Essa história está realmente muito boa, uma pena que demora para publicar um novo capítulo;


Unfortunately, I'm going to stick with 1 chapter per month, especially since I don't have a beta reader for this story.


It took me a while to remember what fic this its. I hope the Automaton gets added to the harem as a sort of manager / Assistant for making sure everybody in the harem gets sex.

—Response= Already! I imagine her creating something similar to Excel to organize everything.


Does his power work only on corrupt monster girls? Or could he also gain powers from servants of the Chief Goddess? Because if there is any being with the ability to purify corruption and the MC gets that ability, it would be hilarious if the MC could fuck demonic energy out of the monstergirls he breeds.

—Response= Without giving spoilers I can say that:

- The protagonist is immune to mamono mana and mana from the chief god.

- He doesn't cure corruption of any kind, be it monster girls or heroines... maybe if he gets a special ability that will be possible.

Next chapter