
Is this really a Game?!

The year is 2060 and after decades of technological delay caused by mysterious events Earth and its inhabitants are about to face their greatest challenge yet. One, seemingly normal day everyone on Earth heard a voice. {Earthlings, the time has come for change, please stay calm and wait for the terraforming process, everything will be explained during it} Every human being was transported that fateful day, floating in space and watching the planet be transformed right in front of their eyes. "I got a fcking stick as a reward, are you fcking kidding me?!" Reign was there before most, as a human that defeated a monster before the terraforming he was titled a pioneer and got a chance to draw a lottery, but that did not end quite well. Join our protagonist with his quirky group of friends as they fight and level up in this world that became a game, trying their best to win it and stop the destruction of Earth. Will they be successful or will they fail? What is the mysterious power hiding deep inside Reign? Find that all out by reading Is This Really a Game?! Hey guys, thanks for checking out my book Is This Really a Game, I plan on making this a long novel and right now I am releasing 1 - 2 chapters a day. The chapters are usually about 1 600 words long. Cover made by myself

TheReign · Fantasy
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1155 Chs

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An arrow traveled through the air in the forest, with incredible speed and accuracy it pierced through three zombies heads at once, killing them immediately.


A huge shield hit one zombie, pushing it back near a bush from which a goblin wielding a sword as big as itself jumped out. With all of its might, the goblin slashed the zombie's legs, cutting cleanly through one, but getting stopped by the bone of the second one. The zombie, losing a leg, stumbled and fell to the ground, the goblin didn't wait and immediately chopped at its neck twice, managing to cut off the head.

As more zombies gathered to where the goblin was, two wolves jump out from behind and bite their necks, throwing them on the ground with their momentum. The wolves waste no time and start ripping apart the necks as they violently move their heads left and right.

On another side, lightning and fire clash against a group of zombies being led by an elite, the zombies moved slowly and the greatsword that carried flames with it proved to be an obstacle they couldn't pass, behind them sparks of lightning erupted as a dark red sword slashes through them, shocking the ones that managed to survive.

The elite tried to attack the enemies but was stopped by his own shadow that grabbed his ankles, immobilizing him. With a loud sound a spear of lightning showed up in front of him, aiming straight at his chest, the zombie tried to dodge but proved to be too slow for it. Right before he gets hit he saw the spear was just the sword and an arm of the opponent that was fully coated in lightning, creating the illusion of a lightning spear.

The attack hit and pierced straight through him, it wasn't enough to kill the elite though as it tried moving, but before he could, a punch was thrown at his forehead.


The punch connected and the zombie immediately felt an unknown power enter his skull together with the amazing strength behind it.


The forward half of the zombie's head got crushed and exploded as the upper body bent backward, the remainder of the head almost touching the ground. The legs of the zombie were almost split from the ankles as the shadows were still holding on to them, the stomach got a bit ripped but no blood escaped from the wound.

{Battle has been concluded, distributing experience...}

-Lvl5 Zombie killed, 50 exp points gained-

-Lvl4 Zombie killed, 40 exp points gained-

-Lvl5 Zombie killed, 50 exp points gained-

-Lvl6 Zombie killed, 60 exp points gained-

-Lvl8 Elite Zombie killed, 170 exp points gained –

{The player has earned 570exp points and 23S coins}

-Rank E Spear acquired

-Rank E Leather Armor (rags) acquired

-Rank F Switchblade acquired

{Battle has been concluded, distributing subordinates experience...}

-Lvl5 Zombie killed, 50 exp points gained-

{Your subordinate has killed 1 monster, 50 exp points earned.}

{Battle has been concluded, distributing pets experience...}

-Lvl5 Zombie killed, 50 exp points gained-

-Lvl6 Zombie killed, 60 exp points gained-

{Your pets have killed 2 monsters, 110 exp points earned.}

{Level up!}

{Current player level is 9, additional stats gained}

{Strength +1, Agility + 1 }

Name : Reign

Level : 9 ( 510/2000 )

Class : None (more info in the class menu)

Race : Human? (more info in the race menu)

Attribute points : 0

Strength : 18 (21) (+2 from ability, +1 from item)

Agility : 19 (24) (+3 from ability, +2 from item)

Endurance : 12 (13) (+1 from item)

Vitality : 14

Willpower : 14

Spirit : 16 (23) (+1 from ability, +6 from item)


Knife Proficiency D+

Hand to hand combat B+

Sword Proficiency C


{ Lighting movement } – Rank C

{ Lightning Stab } – Rank B

{Compact Punch } – Rank C


Lightning manipulation S ( lvl 12 exp: 6%)

Unknown rank ??? ( lvl ? exp ???)

"Alright, all of us should have leveled up now right?" Reign asked everyone as they gathered.

"Yeah, but damn, we need 2000 for level 10, that's high man," Shadow grumbled as he walked towards them with his hands in his pockets.

"Well that's a given, it wouldn't be an important level if it's not a little bit difficult to get there, I actually think it isn't that much when you think about it," Wolf told the annoyed Shadow as he came to them and started petting the wolves. The wolves seem to enjoy Wolf's petting and immediately start brushing against his legs followed by them lying down on their backs.

"Are you sure it isn't you that's a tamer, these guys seem to like you even more than Beast." Tank jokingly said as he extended his arm to pet one of the wolves, the wolf noticing it immediately glared at Tank cautiously. "Hey there buddy, don't be scared, I might be big but I won't hurt you."

Tank started petting it but the wolf still gave him a weird look, it seemed it didn't enjoy Tank's petting as much as Wolf's.

"I think so too, they are quite obedient and all but the way they act around you is just amazing Wolf, do you have a skill or something that helps you with that?" Beast asked as he looked at the pets that didn't even bother to look at him whenever Wolf was nearby.

"No, I was just around wolves a lot when I was a kid, my uncle had a hobby of raising and taming them, that's probably why these guys don't mind me." Wolf didn't even lift his head up as he told them, he just continued petting the wolves.

"Alright, it's already quite late, we should get back and then hunt as much as we can from tomorrow on, even if we can't get a class in time, the level should probably be a big help in the dungeon," Reign said as he put his sword back in the scabbard, turning around they all went back as the system picked up anything valuable for them.

"The inventory is amazing, it's too bad that will be gone after the tutorial as well, we should save up some coins and buy the spatial whatever that is." Shadow

"It costs a thousand coins though, we'll need to earn a lot more to be able to afford the most basic one," Tank added from the side.

"Yeah but it will be worth it, can you imagine trying to carry everything by ourselves, also I think we can sell these materials as well, not just use them for crafting," Shadow said with a knowing expression.

"You're right, I saw something like a market in the castle walls, we should go and check it out." Beast excitedly said.

"Alright you guys, let's go back first, we'll check that out in the morning." Reign turned his head around and told them, they all nod and continue with their journey back to the castle.

"By the way, are you guys sure we can do the dungeon at level 10 without classes, Eldar did say that's important to get." Shadow inquired with everyone.

"Yes but think about it, we all have high-rank abilities and are pioneers, I think we should be able to cross the difference with that, not to mention that even level 8 elites aren't that hard anymore, I don't think level 9s will be much harder so that only leaves level 10 and higher that can pose a challenge." Reign assures them.

The party finally arrived at the castle, entering it, they all teleported to their floor and went to their rooms to rest. They had previously opened the boxes gained from the dungeons in hopes of getting something to further strengthen them, but all they got was trash items, not even Beast's luck helped.