

In a wall a teen was chocking a kid of around 8 -10 year of age. He carried a sword with fresh blood still dripping. Behind him dozen of corpse littered the ground, with cold eyes he looked at the kid in front of him and said "Foolish little brother."

A moment later the kid was on the ground screaming in agony, as the teen looked at him with weird patterned eyes of that had a similar shape of a pinwheel.


How many times had it been now?

He wasn't sure. What was time he spends here anyway?

Is this the place that he was before he was reborn in his current life, was he dead? No he couldn't be dead; he still had his mother and father who loved him, and his big brother who always looks after him.

"Foolish little brother."

Wait who is that, it shounds like my brother.

No, how long had it been here?

"Sasuke-kun! Run!"


Wait what is happening? Why is he killing them?

"This, so I can test the limits of my ability."

He said that… but… it didn't explain the matter? And why is he killing them, did they kill me? No think what happened?

"Foolish Little Brother."

It can't be true, why is this happening?

In front of me there was my brother with sword in his hand, killing everyone of our clan, why weren't we supposed to protect them. Didn't you wish to see them happy?

Hey… Ni-san, does your limit really matter?





The same cycle, repeated, endlessly. The manner in which they repeated was never the same. In some versions, his mother and father fought back. In others, they sat still and blade sink through their necks, the blood falling unto the floor, their bodies following. In the rarest versions, even he was crying as he killed them. Sometimes it was blood, other tears. The mish-mash of different ways made him wonder which was real. Which was fake, which was real, he didn't know. He stopped trying to find out.

In terms of life experience, his combined time under the jutsu was far longer than the actual number of years he had been alive. Or, at least, it felt longer. Wasn't it longer? He wasn't sure anymore. His seven years of life experience felt meager in comparison to the amount of years he'd been watching the endless cycle of his parent's death by the one person he admired and respected the most.

His throat felt nonexistent. There was an itch. It was irritating, and it came with a sound that made little sense to his ears. The sound was irritating, high-pitched, and it wouldn't down. It just remained with the itch, and it stayed at the background no matter what happened.

He began to take note of the details.

The scents, the tastes, the sounds

He observed the fights, if they could even be called that, the sheen of the sword, the swiftness at which cut through bone and sinew. The redness of the blood that stained them, He started counting the drops and splatters. They were always the same, fourteen small, six medium, large. He listened to the sound of his mother's screams. Belatedly, he realized that this nightmare was the only place where he would hear her voice ever again.

He felt old, older than he should be. The throbbing aches of seeing his parents cut down died after the first two thousand times or so. His attempts to rush to them and save the warn them stopped after the first four thousand. Now, he stared at the entire scene that happened with nothing but slight boredom.

"S-S-S-Sasuke-kun –"

There she was. She would come, as always, crawling and calling out his name. She would drag her blood-covered form across the floor, her hand stretching out, and reaching for him.

"H-H-H –" As always, fifteen seconds in, she would attempt to call for help. She would stutter the initial letter three times, before, two and a half-seconds later – Blood-splatter.

The blade would sink into the back of her head.


It would drip down from the ANBU-blade. Three large chunks, Fourteen Medium, Twenty-eight small, fourteen specks of blood follow and fall down on her hair.

Then, the condescending voice repeats itself "Foolish little brother."

The spinning red eyes, Rinse. Repeat. … Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.


"How is he?"

"So far, his vitals are stable Hokage-sama. There were only a few superficial wounds and bruises found on his person."

"Then why hasn't he awakened?"

"Our… diagnostics scans have confirmed significant amounts of alterations to his brain structure and… there is a massive Yin chakra inside leading me to believe he is being inflicted by a powerful Illusion. The boy is currently suffering from and has undergone severe mental stress and psychological damage that would have left even the most hardened shinobi brain dead… it's a miracle he is still mostly intact."

Sarutobi Hiruzen grimaced; He felt he was getting far too old for his job. His bones creaked and his entire body was wrought with discomfort. Yet, he knew that he only had but minutes to spare with the boy. An entire clan being wiped out at night meant there was work to be done, Roles to be replaced, funerals to be held and significant amounts of death to account.

"Keep me updated on his status, and let me know when he wakes up."

"Hai Hokage-sama."

Eyes Open, Failed.

Cannot open, why?

Weak, Very weak

Cannot move

Body refuses



Too clean

Artificially clean.




Steady beeping Voices

Slowly opening my eyes with difficulty I see a shadow of a person in front of me.

"Hello Sasuke- kun, do you know what happened?"

I tried to talk but my throat refused to make a sound. Seeing this, shadow turned his head to the side, and another shadow appeared in my view.

"Sasuke-kun do you know what happened to you?"

'I can't talk, what is happening, and why am I in the hospital. I need to see my bro...…' the moment that thought came to my mind a sentence "Foolish little brother" started to echo in my brain.

"Sasuke-kun as much as hurts me to say, you brother went rouge and killed your whole clan. Currently you are the only survivor. We don't know the reason, but if you wish for help, I will be there."

'Why did he do it' I though in my head.

"We don't know why, but Itachi will face justice for his crimes, Sasuke-kun. I understand that he was your brother, and you might feel… something toward him but we will immediately place Itachi in the Bingo Books, as an S-Rank Criminal, to be brought in Dead and Alive."

'Why is this happening?'

"I really wish I knew, this world always is in conflict, and for the greed of some many innocent suffers. I can't do anything but offer my condolence." Saying this he stepped back into the door, along with he another shadow.


So I am not dreaming, my brother really killed all our family.

As much as I wish to be saddened by their death, it seems that the thousands of death I seen in the illusion made me lose my emotion.

Seriously what did I expect, I have read in many books of how many death and sacrifice it took to build the village. This world is wrong with conflict in every place, hoping for peace was already a foolish decision.

It might be difficult because of the circumstances, while I can't remember my past life I still got the information of the world working process, living in a peaceful age made me wish for peace forgetting that human without power, fights for power and this world where power can be gained though training where they can equal to a nuclear bomb itself in destruction, it was obvious what would happen.

And that man who came to talk o me who was he.

Stop....... that person answered my questions without me talking, so how was he ale o know my thinking.

Mind Arts


Or Mind Reading

No no how can I forget, I am just a kid, and if his words are to be believe then the only heir and member of Uchiha clan.

I remember he was wearing a red and white hat, so there is 90% chance he was Hokage. Did he just try me manipulate me into becoming loyal to village. Yes thinking about it he did.

And at the same time he was using some technique or jutsu to mind read me meaning he could have use it to change my thought process making me a perfect pawn.

The water runs deep it seems, even the founding clan of this village was killed by a 13 year old and there wasn't any reinforcement. I refuse to believe the village didn't know about it.

No matter the cause I will make sure to punish everyone who took my peaceful life away, and thank you brother for waking me up from my dream. I will make sure you regret you decision.







(Fun fact – Itachi is exactly 5 years 1 month older than Sasuke who in canon was born in July 9th. So Itachi in this Novel is exactly 5 years older than sasuke)