
Is this broken heart fixable

[Be patient with me it's my first book.] "I'm sorry if I broke your heart. I love you I really do" ------ Huang Lana was once a girl that likes the thought of being in love, but after the person she thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with broke her heart. So she swore for as long as she lives she will hate him and never fall in love again. Little did she know was that wasn't what life had planned for her... Lu Yifeng a newly found CEO that has just begun but is already dominating the business world in 4 years. To everyone else he’s cold, dark, and the devil. But to his old love Lana he’s sweet, kind, and loving. He’s trying so hard to win her back. But there’s some people who don’t. Join them as they try to find there way back into each other’s arms. ——— Excerpt: Lana started to walk away but then Yifeng held her wrist which made her stop. She turned around to say something but before she could Yifeng cupped her face in his hands. He started kissing her slow and when he saw that she wasn't refusing the kiss he bit her lip to get more access. Lana gasped when she did Yifeng slipped his tongue inside her mouth. Lana was so into the kiss she didn't even notice that she let out a small moan. She felt Yifeng smirk against her lips as he kissed her passionately. After what seem like forever they broke the kiss. Yifeng still held Lanas face in his hands. when he looked at her she instantly blushed. "I love you Lana." he paused and looked in her eyes full of want, need, and lust," Please let me love you." Lana didn't say anything but kissed him. ------ Warning this story contains graphic content that maybe upsetting to some people!

Admiirety_Vlog · Urban
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15 Chs

Mesmerized By The Beauty

The whole ride to the airport it was quiet. It was as if neither one of them wanted to disturb the quietness that filled the car. But while they we're siting in the car having peace and quiet Lana was in deep thought about a lot of things. One was, 'Should I follow my heart?' Lana thought about that very hard. Lana little devil on her left shoulder said, "No you shouldn't remember he broke your heart. He made you hate love.' The Angel on Lanas right shoulder said, "Don't listen to her that was years ago. Maybe he's changed, it's clear he's trying to pursue you. All you have to do is let him in.' Lana started thinking about what her angel and devil said. Wait was she actually listening to voices in her head, "I must be going crazy." Lana mumbled as she shook her head. What she didn't know was Yifeng was staring at her attentively noticing her every expression. A smile started to grow on his face.

20 minutes later they arrived at the airport. Yifeng got out of the car and grabbed both of there suitcase. "You don't have to sir I can get my own bag." But before Lana could even grab her suitcase from Yifeng he already walked away and headed inside the airport. "Just stubborn." Lana shook her head and followed Yifeng inside the airport.

When they got in they were escorted to Yifengs private jet. They got inside and sat down. After they were settled down Lana was mesmerized by the beautiful interior of the private jet. After the jet took off the stewardess came up to Lana, "Is there anything I can get you ma'am?"

"No thank you. I'm fine." Lana gave the stewardess a polite smile. When the stewardess walked away Lana looked out the window and was amazed. It was a very long time since she flown. "Beautiful." She whispered under her breath.

Yifeng couldn't help but look at Lana mesmerized with her. He couldn't help but feel a ache in his heart about what happened when he left her. Lana couldn't help but feel a stern gaze on her. Lana looked behind her and saw Yifeng staring at her attentively, "Is there something wrong sir?" Lana asked Yifeng.

"Nothing at all. I was just mesmerized by the beauty in front of me." Yifeng gave her a smile that would make girls fall to their knees. The smile that made her fall to her knees.... 'Stop Lana that was the past don't fall for him' Lana told herself. "Ok sir." The plane ride to the island was very peaceful and quiet.

When they arrived to the island a car picked them up and dropped them off at the hotel they'll be staying at. Lana walked yo to the receptionist, "Hi, I'm here to confirm the reservation. The name is under Lu Yifeng." The receptionists gave Lana the keycards you there room. Lana handed Yifeng his card to his room. "I'm going to go up to my room and put my stuff up sir."

"Hm." Was the answer Lana received from Yifeng.

Lana walked towards the elevators and when she stepped in Yifeng was close behind her. They entered the elevator and for some reason Lana felt as if the ride was going forever. Lana tensed up when she felt Yifeng standing close to her. Yifeng smiled at her reaction he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

After what felt like forever they finally reached the floor with there rooms. Lana practically ran out of the elevator to get to her room. While she unlocked the room she noticed that Yifengs room was right beside hers, 'Just great.' Lana thought to herself. When she got inside the room she looked out it and familiarized herself with the room. What caught her attention was a door against the wall that was in Yifengs room. She opened the door but when she did she saw another, she then opened the other door.

And when she did she saw Yifeng coming out of the bathroom with only a towel on his waist. Lana couldn't help but stare at Yifengs pectorals then her eyes started to wander downward she gulped as she remembered what he looked like underneath that towel. "Are you down drooling over me?" Yifeng asked Lana teasingly.

When she heard Yifengs voice she came back and realized what she was doing. "I'm so sorry sir I didn't know that the rooms were connected." Lana said as she adverted her gaze else where. Yifeng smiled at Lanas actions. When Lana turned to look back at Yifeng he was standing right in front of her and in his eyes Lana could see lust and hunger for her. She unconsciously gulped when she saw the desire for her in his eyes. She looked away but when she did Yifeng gently pulled her chin to look at her and when they looked each other in the eye he claimed Lanas lip into a deep and passionate kiss.