
Is it wrong to be a Huntsmen in the Dungeon

Noir is a college student who focused on studying, but was a fan of RWBY, however as he made his way home he died from a heart attack Now he wakes up in a field with a great sword at his side and is shocked on who he looked like. "Shit I just had to be my favorite character" Read as he heads to a city full of gods a dungeon and avoids horny goddesses

Nether_Ark · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

First time please be gentel

As me and Neo made our way through the city, we received stares from everyone human, beast men, elf and other races.

But we just ignored the stares and made our way to the dungeon. Like yesterday, many adventurers wanted to team up with us, to have Neo go with them, or if we wanted any supporters.

But we just denied them all, since Neo can somehow break reality and pull out what I need. She can even place objects in that weird dimension of hers, so we don't need to have a supporter.

After avoiding many of the people who wanted to party with us, we finally arrived at the tower or dungeon.

I then turned towards Neo, and she tilted her head to the side, as if asking what I needed.

"Neo, can you pull out a map of the floors?" I asked, she smiled and nodded her head.

She then slowly moved her hand behind her and pulled out a map of the floors, I still wonder how she is able to do that. But that's a question for another day.

As Neo pulled out the map, we began to enter the dungeon. As we made our way downstairs, unnoticed how the walls became from neat bricks to a rocky cave.

"Looks like it's fused." Neo was just skipping next to me and stared at everything that was interesting.

As soon as we made it to the first floor, we saw many adventurers killing goblins or kobolds. It was a sad sight since many of the monsters were being ganged up on.

And for a moment, I thought I saw one of them looked in my direction and had their hands raised towards me begging for help.

"Grhaaa ghra!" I just looked away, and prayed that it died in peace.

'No wait, they are bonded to this dungeon.' I just shivered in fear, not wanting to think about respawning here over and over again just to suffer.

So the two of us quickly went to the lower floors to see if there were any monsters to kill. As we made our way to the lower floors, we saw less adventurers.

"Neo, get ready to stabby stab some monsters." Neo was smiling when she heard what I said and her eyes became crazed.

I just awed at the sight and patted her head, and gave a quick smack at her ass. She jumped at what I did but smiled even more.

I looked at my hand and began to remember the feeling, I even flexed my fingers for a bit and a thought ran through my mind.

'I think I gave her a boost.' As I was thinking if I was Issei, Neo began to rush at a group of goblins.

The goblins all turned towards her and all screamed, all of them had weapons from adventurers that died and all of them tried to stab Neo.

But as one of them were about to hit, all she did was jump onto the sword and jumped over them. As soon as she landed she rushed towards them and used her handle of hush to separate one of them.

She then sent one of the goblins in my direction, and I just pulled out harbinger in sword mode. The flight path of the goblin was aimed at the tip, causing it to get pierced.

As the goblin got pierced, it raised its head in my direction and reached out to me. Sadly it puffed up in smoke and a crystal dropped onto the floor.

I then knelt down to pick it up, and I was disappointed on what I saw, it was like in the anime. Small and thin, it was to small to even make a bit of vails.

I just sighed and gently tossed it into the air and caught it, as I looked up I saw Neo skipping into my direction with a smile.

And in her hands where two more magic stones, and like the one I have in my hand they were small. I then handed her the stone and she placed all three of them behind her.

"This is going to take a while ain't it?" I asked in a depressing tone. Neo nodded her head and pulled out her scroll.

"What did you expect? Not everything is fun about adventuring, this is a life and death job so no screw ups. Unless you want to screw me." As I read the last part, I looked at Neo who had a lust full look in her eyes.

She also licked her lips and had her hand between my crotch and slowly moved it up and down. But I steeled myself and picked her up and placed her behind me.

'Now is not the time to simp, I must grow stronger then I can clap Neo.' I thought to myself, I then felt someone looking down at me with a smile.

So I just formed my hand into a fist and patted my chest, and continued to make my way forward with Neo in tow.

As we made our way lower and lower down, the two of us had to draw our weapons and fight many monsters.

Once in a while my skill would kick in and we would get many drops. Most of them would be a goblin fangs, while we would also get some kobold nails.

And like always, Neo stuffed them behind her and they would disappear when she pulls her hand out. After Neo pulled out her hand, the two of us decided to take a break.

"Neo you got food with you?" I asked while the two of us rested on the second floor. This time however Neo shook her head, she pulled out her scroll and wrote something.

"I can only pull out ammunition for you and store any items. I can't just pull out anything else. Do think I'm a god?" She was pouting and looked away in anger with her eyes closed.

She then opened her eyes and gently smacked he fist on her hand and quickly pulled out a silver flask.

I widen my eyes at the sight of it, and smiled. Right now in Neo's hand was Qrow's flask, well mine since Neo is handing it to me.

"This can dispense any drink you want just think of the drink and it will be there." I quickly took the flask and opened it, and thought of my favorite drink.

Sprite cranberry.

I'm joking I went for some good old rum, as soon as I felt the drink pass my lips and hit my tongue I was in heaven.

After drinking a few more minutes I pulled away and sighed in satisfaction, Neo just giggles and lays her head on my lap.

So I placed my hand on her head and the two of us began to fall sleep, since I have the skill good fortune and death ward we didn't need to worry about monsters.


"Hey, hey wake up!" I jolted awake at the voice and rubbed my eyes, wondering who wanted to die.

Looking up was a dark skin girl with a white cloth on her chest she carried a large double sword on her back and she was right in front of me.

"Hey, sorry for asking, but why did you interrupt me sleeping?" The girl then tilted her head to the side and was just staring at me.

"No reason, but you are cute when you sleep." I then raised my eyebrow and wondered if she was alright in the head.

But a voice was then heard to our left, and they had this arrogant voice.

"Tiona stop talking to that weakling, were already heading back to the surface." Looking to the side I saw a man with silver hair, he wore a white jacket that had some tuffs on the collar.

The thing that caught my attention is that he also had wolf ears and tail, seeing him I remembered who I was talking to.

Tiona and Bete two members of the Loki Familia, if I remember correctly Bete became like this because of the massacre of his pack.

So he hates adventurer who are weaker then him, I just mentally sighed since this man is annoying sometimes.

"Sorry for being weak, but that's how we all are at birth so if you got a problem go back to your mommy and cry to her about it." Bete then approached me, and was about to grab my collar

The sound of glass shattering was heard, and Neo could be seen in front of Bete with the hidden blade of hush drawn.

Her eyes contained an insane look that said, 'if you harm him I will kill you.' This caused Tiona to draw her sword and take a swing at Neo.

But before she could swing, she lost grip on her sword and accidentally smacked Bete at where the sun don't shine.

'Nice.' I smiled as I saw what happens, Bete was then on the ground, whimpering at the pain.

But I didn't care since he's an asshole to Bell in the first episode. I then got up and began to stretch my body.

"Welp, since your friend is down for the count, me and my partner will leave." Neo then rushed to my side and wrapped her arms around mine, and gave a glare at Tiona.

And I knew why. Since Tiona is a Amazonian, they would want to mate with a male that is strong, since they want to give birth to strong warriors.

As we left them behind, I heard Tiona speaking to Bete. Telling him he deserved that for being an asshole.

By the time we were away from ear shot I just began to hurl insults to Bete.

"Why dose he like Ais? She barely even notices him." Neo places her hand on mine and gently squeezes it in order to calm me down.

I noticed how worried she was, and calmed myself. Anger can blind a person, and make them predictable when they attack.

We finally reached the third floor, and there was only a group of adventurers their.

However, the two of us didn't stay their for long since they were eying us up.

After turning around a corner, we saw a group of humanoid looking creature. They had fur around their bodies but their hands and feet had claws.

'Kobolds, stronger than goblins but still weak.' This time instead of sending Neo, I rushed forward and pulled out my sword.

The three kobolds rushed towards me and tried to claw me, but I just jumped back and waited for them to land.

As soon as their feet touched the ground, I ran towards them again and swung my sword. The first strike tore one of them in half.

I was shocked at how sharp it is, since I didn't feel any resistance at all. As my sword continued its path, I made sure to change my footing to spin my body to continue the attack.

The kobolds couldn't react in time and were also cut in half, as soon as I was behind them the three of them puffed up in smoke.

And a small magic stone was on the floor, I sighed at what I did and put away the sword. I looked back and saw Neo placing the stones behind her, so I made my way towards her and patted her head.

"Nice job Neo, let's head to the fourth floor." Neo nodded her head and rushed forward but stopped and ran back to me.

Her face showed that she was panicking and quickly wrapped her arm around me, I was confused on why but I then heard some voices coming.

"Ais, you really need to stop running ahead. You won't be able to head to the dungeon if your hurt." Said a child like voice.

"Hm." Looking at where the voice came from I also widen my eyes in panic.

There was a group of adventurers heading this way and I knew who they were. The leading group was a small boy, who had a yellow vest and a purple shirt underneath.

Next to him was a man that was a bit larger than him and he weld two axes. The third and final member was a girl.

She had a rapier sheathed and had an emotionless face. This was the Loki Familia the second strongest in all of Orario, besides Freya since she's a fucking whore.

And to make things worse, Tiona and Bete came back, by the time the two groups saw one another they all began to chat with one another.

"Finn, did you see two adventurers that had weird clothes?" Finn just looked at her and shook his head.

"No did someone catch your attention?" He asked, Bete then clicked his tongue and look mad as a always.

"Tiona why are you mentioning those weaklings?" Tiona then looked at Bete with a smile and placed her hand in front of her mouth.

"Well that girl did get behind you, and you didn't even notice her." Bete then clicks his younger again and just leaves.

"What do you mean a girl was able to get behind Bete?" Finn said with curiosity.

"Well there were these two adventurers, one of them was a cute guy. And this creepy girl." She said while she tilted her head.

"Do you think it's those two strangers that entered the city?" Asked the dwarven man.

"Possibly." He said while his thumb was twitching. The group began to make their way to the surface, but Ais stopped and looked at where me and Neo are at.

'Shit this is like that one moment when your mom is looking at a spot and trying to make a big deal about it.' Ais continued to stare at us, but then left when she hear Finn calling her.

I sighed in relief, and sat down on the floor, the sound of glass shattering was heard and Neo relaxed.

I raised my head to see if we were alone, but I widen them on who I saw.

"Are you the two people that entered the city?" Asked Finn with his group behind him.

'Ah shit here we go again.'

(A/N) Hey hey here's todays chapter, if you

Enjoyed it send some power stones. If not Neo will stab you.

For now peace