

These Four girls are somehow just annoying and meanest.OHH!There is more than just this.Do you know how it is to be bullied.There's nothing worse than that.With that being said,let's turn the page.Like I said before,I moved and let me just tell u that my new city is pretty much... Well there is nothing exciting because of my illness.I barely go out because I am just too scared.But if there is one thing that I am grateful for,being alive.Even if I am sick,I am still happy for what I have.Ahh sorry I am being emotional :( because i don't know how much time I have left in this world so i will enjoy every second of it.OK Enough of this.Lets return to my school.If I am not mistaking this happened on the second week of school.I soon as I entered all eyes were on me because of what I had under my nose witch is not surprising at all after two weeks of experience .After that,I went to my classroom for my first period.Is it just me are the teachers are just to worried about me.Every day as soon as they walk in,they always ask me if i need something.Anyway,class continued.Few second later,I find myself on the floor.My head hearted so much and my heart even worst.I don't know how but the next time I wake up,I was as the infirmary.HAAAA!My health is getting very bad.I really don't know what to expect right now, just the best for myself.I think I am going to end here cus I have to take some medicine and relax before going back to class.