
First chapter of my life

Hello, I'm Andrea and I'm 17 years old.I live a totally normal life with caring parents and a little brother who can sometimes be on the nerves but I like him.He is my little brother.In all I must not forget my wonderful and wonderful friend, Jane. She has always been with me and has put me in a moral way during a very hard time that happened about 6 years ago. Let me explain ... So it starts with a beautiful day in March. The exams were in the corners. This day I had a sport class and we were about to run. I'm running with the rest of my class as if nothing was but at a given moment, I feel a big harm in my heart and I fainted.When I woke up, I was in a bed at the hospital.There were my parents, my little brother, the Jane's parent and herself. All seemed to panic. The doctor entered my room for a moment and announced a news that no one wants to hear .I was SICK.There was a problem in my lungs that made me have trouble breathing.The doctor did not know exactly how to atrophy this disease.Since that day everything has changed in a bad way.Of course I had to move because my parents thought there was too much pollution in our city in China. Then we went to another one that could be better for me. I do not know how the family of Jane agreed to move with us, but it was a moral step when I heard this news. Secondly, I started taking medication that was dripping so badly. And finally, the worst, I now have a bottle with me of air. The good news is that I do not use it too much since I feel normal. At least I have my beauty which helps me not to show my illness. Thank you for my beauty !!!!!! Now shall we return to the present.I live in a new city with my loved ones, my friend and parents.Of course I had to change school.I am sure you knew it.This was not easy for me.All were differnent and especially college students.More specifically, because of the group of 4A (Emma, ​​Mia, Olivia and Alexia) AHHHH! Just saying their names makes me fell angry. Well this is how everybody calls them. :)

To be continued