
Smith Harbor

"You got it out what are you going to do now?" Said the captain and the rookie that had the hot's for Kevina. His name is John McCain he flatter her into frustrated stutters.

"We will repair the engines. " Pearl said.

"We will build home." Talon said

"We will have shops that repairs that sales repaired cars planes bots electronics." I said.

"We will put in a defensive system that will bring any ship that attacks or looters on the service." Peter said.


"We are going to recycle the trash in this area." I told them.

"What about the goat?" John asked.

"She is our nanny for Willy she come with us we will trade or buy food for her until Willy is two." Kevina said strongly.

"So if I marry you the goat comes with you and Willy." John had the most heated look in his eyes that send Kevina into stammering.

"Okay I look forward to see the results of your ship. What are you going to name it?"

"Smith Harbor. " Talon and Pearl said together.

"Sounds good. I can understand why. " The captain didn't know though not the whole thing.

We started with the engines I would go with Peter to collect trash from the area. We took plastic, metal and electronics.

On the ship we built a forger to melt things down. One for plastic another for metal. We found that it over heats the engines. The land we saw our first day became our forging oven sat as well as our kilns to harden or store the new product. We found a use for everything.

That shop became our harbor we build a landing charging port and warmer. We found a mill and lathe for both wood and metal. This excited Peter and Pearl.

Peter was using every wood he found to build a shop for his trade. Dunn carpentry. We hired several teenagers. It was not done quick. I had programmed many bots to pitch in with very simple tasks given. The shop was change into a house and an exchange window.

We served the wall every other week because we had become citizens of Canada we had money now of this country.

We fought for this country against the country we had served before. I could not see that country I served to keep free.

It was a long hard task. I designed and programmed the pilot's cab with my cabin.

John McCain won Kevina heart after a year and half courting I pursued for about six months helping with the baby. I stepped back when I learned how she felt. He took her to his hometown in Alberta. I miss the little raskal, but John is good to them. June had it good too.

At the end of the year Talon and Pearl were engaged. Talon put in the weapons system with snipers positions and missiles.

Many locals thought we were strange to use such old technology and to build such old products. It never stopped them to buying them.

Pearl had a shop on our ship that began to look more like the Hercules ship build in the 1950 in size. Our wings shape as the steth ship also build in the 1960. Pearl found the engines were purring kittens how well they fixed up. There is many engines that we study to understand their working and why they can flight with so much weight.

You entered on an ramp that accordion out on the side of the plane. When you entered you only came in about two hundred feet before your met by three counters. One for Peter, one for Pearl and Talon. The last is for me.

They were each named after our trade. We had a door next to our counters. Up above the counter was a screen that showed what we were selling. All by numbers. Behind the counter was are cargo hold that only took their trash or repaire requests.

Our product was a level lower and our work area was upstairs of that where was a crane that lifted and carried anything all over the bay.

All our tool were built right into the walls or bolt down our little tools had a secure box that made sure they were easy to find.

Above all that was our self designed living quarters I had mine in next to the polit cab. I had a simple room a double bed a plexiglass window had a redwoods color curtains I had also redwood dresser I refinished.

I put my family pictures and my Team I served with on my wall. A desk was the only other thing I had in my room.

Peter had a three bedroom apartment with a kitchen livingroom and playroom for Adrian. A kitchen would be nice.

The Smith family had a four bedroom house with his and her decorations and Penny had a beautiful little room full of her likes.

How did we get this rig to have so much. It was all meticulously arranged with rooms to transport people too. They are not allowed in the private homes. That is the area were my kitchen and rec room is. There is five rooms with bed and desk. All room have strap in for wild rides.

There is a back door for the excit of the bus. It has it's own private garage it is used to collect trash or to help defend our home. I have it programmed for the five of us to drive now.

After a lot of hard work and many practice runs and twiking. Two years later our Ship the Smith Harbor was ready to fly. A mission to help Sue was our first flight.