
Saving Sue

"Joe please help us it seem Mandi has caught the attention of a bad man she is scared and a man is after me. My son is in bad shape already help pick us up." This was the pleading message that I missed while at work. On the ground we had separate houses too.

"Well you guys as you know Sue went to be with her husband this is the message she left me." I played the message. "What do you think?"

"Are you going?"


"What is your plan? "

"Your taking on Dail Connor. "

"I don't have to be taking him on I was going to smuggle her out with trash picking. I could go in the small plane I have worked on to go trash picking. " I told them my idea.

"You should have at least one person with you. Maybe one of the androids. As help to carry. It could help it be more believable. I bet you will have to get permission maybe purchase something." This was Greg's comment.

"I had the same thought. It is the who is in. We can bring the show do it that way. " I

"Both are fully armed and tuff." Talon said, "I've showed you all how to work the weapons, so I'll stay here if you want to go Peter I'll watch Adrian. "

"You don't think you will need more then two men to collect them."

"Talk to Sue about what to do hind in the trash we are picking up. Then the only thing I see a problem is getting permission to go in to Illinois if they are still there. I don't know what kind of time we have." I shrugged as I talked about it.

"If you have to buy the loving of a woman it should be the single man that goes. Talon maybe right about the safety of the children." Greg said.

"Why not hid on the Kent's marketing like they did to go there?" Said Pearl.

"What if you request mandi Sue and Ben as your sex partner when a business transaction needs to be made." said June.

"Honey?" Greg said shocked. She just shrugged smiling a little.

"That could give Pearl and Talon and Joe all partners."

"I am not going." Pearl said, "I'm with child."

"Really me too we can raise them as friends." June was excited and hugging her.

"Ladies we are getting off track congratulations. I think I'll stick with talking him into transporting him trash or fixing old to work order." I said "I'm leaving tonight who is coming?"

"Let me settle Adrian with a sitter and I'll met you at the Bingle shuffle." Peter said.

"I'll hitch a long if June and captain is good with it. What time are you going?" Greg said.

"Seven tonight is when I'm taking off. Don't where your uniforms but bring your weapons and wit."

"Sure thing."

I went to prepare to leave. I sent a message by text to give her a heads up. It said: I am coming to pick up any things that needs to be repaired.

She texted back: I'll be ready.

At seven I had two androids secure and turned off in the bay. A weeks food and water in the small kitchen.

The two men walked into the plane storing their things and sitting for the take off. One extra came I didn't know but he did as Greg told him.

"Joe this is Tammy new on the force. She wants to come and captain has order it."

"Nice to meet you that is Peter. We have a plan that has many holes so be prepared. I hope you have our backs."

"Yes sir. What is the plan?"

"Fly to Illinois fly in as a repair bots ship and take things you don't want in exchange for money or food. When they come to trade. We will smuggle them into a hidden area then we will repair the few things return them the next day. Then head home with them and some useful trash."

"Sir what is are the holes?"

"We never done business with this state." Greg said.

"There is 143 people that woke with us living there that could remember us and see us as a price for their boss." Peter said flatly.

"We don't know what her hubby will do. Does he like it there? He could shout foul play and turn Dail Connor Against us. They we have to fight our way out and loose them sneak back to our home base making sure that they don't learn it so we don't bring a war between that state."

"Oh. Why is she so important to save?"

"Tammy everyone should have the freedom to choose who they have sex with when and why they do it. Don't you think. "

"Yes sir. Is this about sex?"

"That is right sweetheart. Dail Connor owns a brothel and serget home. The helping couples that can't have babies able to had them using a volunteer womb. He doesn't let the volunteer thing happen very often. Mandi is fourteen and Ben is now sixteen a boy can be a helper but he could also end up being the prostitute. I only know he is messed up. They are why we are going." Peter said. Her checks reddened and she mumbled "I'm not your sweetheart."

I checked everything and closed the door only to found an obstacle. I stood up to find it to find a little dog. "Guys has anyone of you bringing a dog?"

"That is mine. I couldn't just leave her." Tammy said calling the dogs name.

"Then strap it in. So it is not letting the door close. you are clean up after it."

"Yes sir. She is a girl named nessy." I nodded as she strapped her in next to her. I close the door. I shot us off the launch pad into the air over the border.

"Not to bad start. Let's get a good look at this sky dwellers country. " Peter twang. I directed my plane towards Illinois. The sky full of ships, large and small. The large were slow moving and created the ways like roads for the small to zip through.

I made it to Illinois in little time. I land silently it was dark of the trash yard. I shut everything down. "Okay I believe it's time to see what we have here and what we can do to get our girls out."

We handed out the weapons and our equipment to keep in contact. We quietly exited. "Tammy is nessy trained. Don't loose her or keep her inside."

"All good with nessy sir." She reported.

"Good move out." We moved quietly to the front of the Yard where Sue stood in the shadows. I moved to her and held my hand over her mouth. "Shh its Joe. Just follow me quietly."

We traveled back to the plane. Mandi and Ben followed as well. We got into the plane. Tammy search them finding a tracker on Ben.

Over the next hour Greg removed the tracker. We hid them in our ship.