
Irregulars in Tales of Demon and Gods

Read All Netorase Stories Here. (Free and Otherwise) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Nonameavailable The Sadist - Volume 1 - HoTD (NEW) Tales of Demons and Gods. Dominator in DxD

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38 Chs

Chapter 33 - Army?

"Oh, right," Shen Xiu shrugged, resting her head on Jun's shoulder, hugging his hand, closing her eyes, "Mm. I forgot."

Jun glanced toward her, and a smile appeared on his lips as he looked out the window. Since they were going to the centre anyway, they could teleport, but he liked looking out the window, and they were probably too. Sun rose to the highest point and dipped down, disappearing by the time they reached their house, the City Lord Mansion.

Since it was night, they silently went to their courtyard, meeting a guard who told them that City Lord and his wife would visit tomorrow morning. Jun went inside, took a bath, and went to bed; his bed couldn't feel sweeter than it felt now.


"Mm," Jun opened his eyes, seeing the blurry face in front of him, blinking again until he saw her face clearly, "Mom."

Xue Ru tucked her purple hair behind her ear, stroking his cheek, "My lovely boy. Why didn't you come to see me? I was waiting."

"I planned to," Jun took a deep breath, grasping her head, pulling her in a hug, "But then…I felt slightly drained, so I thought I should rest before meeting you."

"In case I am hungry," Xue Ru chuckled, kissing his forehead, "You stupid boy. I love you so much."

"You met Nii-san and Miyuki," Jun placed his palm on her neck, hugging her, whispering.

"Yeah, they both are getting ready. You should get up and get ready too."

"What? Someone's coming?"

Xue Ru kissed his cheek, "Director of Alchemy Association and my sister are coming for one. Your father is coming too. I don't know if anyone else is. Oh, a boy came over from the Divine Family."

"Linjian? What does he want?"

"He wanted to talk to Miyuki about her students."

"Oh. Ok," Jun turned to his side, holding her tightly in his arms, "Why are you telling me this?"

Xue Ru watched him get up, "Go get ready. Food is ready."


Jun dragged himself to the bathroom, refreshed, taking a quick shower before going for breakfast.

"Good morning Jun Onii-sama," Miyuki kissed his cheek, taking in his fresh smell, "You smell tasty as usual."

Jun kissed her cheek, "Says the girl who tastes delicious."

Miyuki chuckled, walking to the table, sitting opposite Xue Ru, beside Jun, waiting for Tatsuya.

"Hey, man," Jun smiled at Linjian, "I thought you weren't going to step into this house after Miyuki rejected your proposal."

Linjian awkwardly scratched his cheek as Tatsuya strode over, tapping Jun's head, "Don't tease him."

"You'll die if you don't laugh," Jun patted his hand away.

"I will not," Tatsuya sat down, "And I laugh."

Miyuki raised her eyebrows, watching Tatsuya, "Onii-sama…not even I can help you with that comment."

Xue Ru tilted her head, "Now that you say it…I never saw you…laugh."

"Xue Ru, don't get dragged into this," Tatsuya suggested to her.

"Call me mother," Xue Ru puffed her cheek, protesting.

"You guys are early," Shen Xiu yawned, sitting down opposite Tatsuya, who was in the head seat, "There is no place for that girl."

"Oh, she can sit here," Jun placed his right palm over the ground on his right, and the floor rose, in many cubes, forming a wooden chair for her to sit, "Where is she?"

Shen Xiu chuckled, "Since there was only a single…solution to her problem. I made sure that it's ready."

"Not gonna ask," Jun looked at Linjian, "Say, why are you here?"

Linjian nodded, "Right. A few of Miyuki's students want to go on a trip. One of those areas that you had put off limits until recently?"

"Which one?"


"No, the Ruins."

"Ancient Orchid Ruins."

"Hm," Jun leaned back, "Let me guess. The ones that are going her Nie Li and Ziyun?"

"Ziyun's going?" Xue Ru asked, "How do you know that before me?"

"One of those locations?"

"Yeah," Jun nodded at Tatsuya, turning to look at Miyuki, "What do you want to do?"

"If they want to, they'd have to ask me for permission. Should I send them?"

"Your students. You decide."

"Ok," Miyuki crossed her legs, thinking deeply, "I'll send them if they want to."

"Thank you," Linjian let out a breath of relief, "Are they any good?"

"Yeah, they are good. You'd like them," Jun gave Linjian a look, and he nodded, reaching an agreement.

"What was that," Miyuki blinked, darting her eyes between Linjian and Jun, "What did that exchange mean?"

"Nothing," Jun tilted his head, looking past Miyuki as the world in his eyes turned to a gear, moving through the connected gears to the one that represented a tomb, and the gear came apart, revealing what was hidden underneath, "It's just that. This move was made by someone else. So, I am wondering if they'd change anything."

"Did he hit his head?"