
Iron Sword

Vanaella · Fantasy
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11 Chs

First pet



District - Hrisse

Population - 200+ million

Race - Humans & Demihumans

Language - Adamic

Location - the outskirts

Time - 1:00 pm

Right now Merwin my mage companion is sitting on a chair in my house, and I can guess the reason but ever since she arrived and even now as I am making tea for her she's giving quite the look

It's as if she was looking at monster not a human, pouring the tea for her and me I went near her and put the tea pot and cup on the table and poured the cups

She took her cup and I took mine and placed it near me as I asked her with a reassuring smile

" I'm guessing you've already figured something out about my condition "

Merwin also put her cup of tea close to her and replied while narrowing her brows

" I suppose "

Chris nodds and slowly explained about his condition to the cautious mage while leaving out how valuable of a resource he was ,he also asked the mage to keep this a secret till Julett eventually reveals it to the others herself

" That's about it ,and the reason I called you here is to help me with magic training ,here is the 200 avelier that you asked too so can you help me Merwin "

Merwin who had her mouth opened from processing all the info dumped on her took a moment before she could reply

Swiping her hair over her left ear she processed what she just heard and replied

" Before I take my payment (looks at Chris in the eye) you said you have an affinity towards metal right Chris? "

" Umm yeah? "

" My affinity lies in fire so I can only help you with basic magic ,is that a problem? "

" No problem , even the basics of magic will be very helpful for me "

Merwin : " Okay then. (stood up) Let's start training, I'll tell in advance I'm hard to please when it comes to magic ".

Chris : " Don't worry I'm not aiming to please you "(gave her a thumbs up)

Merwin :( her brows twitched in annoyance) { I guess it's only his race that change }" Whatever "

With that the two went in Hrisse forest to train in a secluded area and much to Merwin's shock ,after giving him tips on how to awaken his core ,Chris awakened magic on his third attempt only

[ Merwin's tip on magic awakening : Stimulate the mana core with another person's mana while making the beginner visualise simple magic spells like weak telekinesis to jumpstart it, this method may sound simple and effective but is highly dangerous as it could cause one's mana core to rampage out if control of the assistant is not skilled enough to contain it incase of a core malfunction ]


Chris :{ I awakened } " Ha- "

He thought to himself while levitating the small rock infront of him ,his hand was glowing in a blue shade that was mana as well

" Hahahhahahahahahaaaa !!! "

Merwin who was placing her hand on Chris's back dropped her jaws in disbelief

" Ah! On his thir- ahem c.. congratulations I gue- "

" THANK YOU!!!! "

To her shock ,Merwin found herself widening her eyes as she was suddenly bear hugged and lifted in the air being spun around with by the excited and happy Chris who screamed his gratitude at her

" Aaah !(blushed) dumbass calm down and le- "


" I SAID - (flares up her fire) Let GOOOOO!! "


" AAAAAA!!! "

In fury Merwin activated her non leathal flame spell and repelled the overreacting now torched and charred Chris off



Waking up in his house, Chris found himself lying on his bed ,he up and looked around and saw the outside through the window dark ,it was night time already

" Aack! "

{ Merwin that woman did she have to burn me like that!!} " But (looks at his clothes) seems like she was kind enough to use mental flames atleast ,(sighs) let's make dinner"

He got up to make dinner but before he got to the kitchen he saw a letter on his drawer

{ Did she leave it here for me? }

Chris picked up the letter and read the letter that from its handwriting was clearly written by Merwin

' I will come back tomorrow to continue with our deal , sorry for burning you but you shouldn't touch a woman without her permission ,it not polite especially since your a Rev ,if I was any other woman I would've killed you there , for now try feeling the mana inside your body before you sleep again , a mage must first be able to control their own mana before dealing with external mana ,That is for humans and elves ,since i don't know much about spirits you'll have to make the decision on your training methods yourself though '

" She's more considerate than I thought "

Putting the letter aside he went into the kitchen to find that he was out of bread to eat and ,there were only a few vegetables there so he changed into his casual outfit to buy some bread only to remember that he didn't need to eat anymore and the he's not actually hungry at all

" .....Well it's not nice to have no bread "

Convincing himself that he needs to have atleast a single basket of breads in his house as he might need to serve some guest in some other time so he went out towards the bakery in the outskirts and bought a basket of breads

Shop lady :" Good night Chris "

Chris :" You too miss Manson "

Waving the shop lady Manson goodbye Chris looked at the sky and smiled hearing the birds bickering at eachother along with the few nocturnal insects and couples

" I never knew birds could also quarrel like old timers ( had a dry smile on his face ) "

Walking back towards his house he heard many wierd and he had to stop hearing one such thing that he couldn't just walk away from

" Anyone help....please someone help "

" A shadow crow ? "

It was an injured shadow crow ,a magical crow that could completely dissapear in the shadows ,they were known here as the thieves of the night in a way ,and the one infront of Chris was a shadow crow who's right wing was broken and was bleeding from it's sides.

" Aak..human? No ? You are not a human? Please help me I don't want to die "

Chris looked at the dying crow but wasn't that moved at the sight, he was no stranger to how vile these things were to the neighborhood with their nightly theft

" I don't help thieves "

" Please help ,please!ack!! "

The dying crow pleaded

" Hmmm { I heard shadow crows can be tamed by humans ,with my translation power as a spirit I should be able to train this one too right ? } You'll have to live as my let now though "

" Aack ! I accept so please help me "

With that Chris picked up the shadow crow and went back home and immediately provided first aid to the crow throughout the night with the materials he had



District - Hrisse

Population - 200+ million

Race - Humans & Demihumans

Language - Adamic

Location - The outskirts (Chris's house)

Time - 3:45 am

" There ,how are you feeling? "

" B...bett- "(blacked out)

" Hmmm(touched it's chest) "{ it's still breathing good, must be asleep } " Thank God for my experience in dealing with these guys "

Indeed living his whole life in the outskirts Chris was more or less used to dealing and killing these hateful birds so he had some knowledge about them from experience and also from the adventurer monster index

Looking at the sleeping crow Chris made a decision

" {From now on it's name will be...hmm} Ackrow ... Ackrow it is "(smiled in satisfaction)

And that was how our metal spirit got himself his first pet

End of chapter