
Iro no me

He's just an ordinary high school guy But everything changes when he comes to school one day and meets The new girl who seems a bit strange Especially since she has 2 different color eyes His interest for her grows More and more once he realizes That she was the one Who he met all those years ago With so many trials and tribulations will there love life stand Or will it all come crashing down Once he finds out who she really is

another_naji · Realistic
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2 Chs

chapter 1: what do I do?

I was blown away, this female that had jumped in front of me like it was nothing. it was like she looked into my soul when she did so and those different colored eyes...I saw her before she was so familiar. like I saw her in a dream..MY DREAM! But why was she running?

"Ito?! lunch is over we are late for class!" tomio said waving his hand in front of me. I began to snap out of it "Tomio, we are what? oh great ms. Lina is gonna chew me up and spit me out!" I said with panic I didn't have time to learn more about her because to me, at this moment, my life was in danger of getting lectured in front of everyone filled with embarrassment. me and tomio ran back to class in a hurry. luckly we made it just before the class doors shut. only one minute to spare but I was to tired from running to actually joke around and sat directly in my seat.

tomio sat beside me with no remorse but as soon as he was about to hoarse around the bell went off for next class. everyone stopped talking once Ms. Lina walked in with a young woman trailing behind her. ms.lina smiled at everyone and spoke "this our new student Mei she will be joining us for the time being so be nice! introduce yourself mei." I turned around quickly in a rush as I heard her name. looking at her brownish blonde hair I was astonished once I got to her 2 different colored eyes. Mei smirked "I'm Mei aisaka, I moved here afew days ago and I hope I enjoy this school year with you." she looked over in my direction saying so it felt like she was talking directly to me before she sat down.

the girl from my dream she's really sitting 2 seats on the right diagonally from me. I tried to focus for the rest of class but I found my eyes wondering over to her. so many questions filled my head as to who she is and where did she come from. I had a weird attraction to her I thought as I looked upon my paper. I couldn't help it but have a quick sneak peak again as I looked up my eyes widened with surprise.

she caught me staring at her and weirdly enough she was smiling like she knew something that I didn't. nervously I pretended not to see her and looked away. was she still looking? why was she smiling like that? what does she know?

was I sure she was looking at me and no one else? I couldn't control myself I had to see for myself it was freaking me out! I looked back up and she was looking at me anymore I took a sigh of relief. it was probably all in my head. that's right there would be no reason for her to look at me at all or even smile at me!

I'm just being paranoid and crazy. I need to focus. class was over in what it felt like a matter of seconds. the bell rung and everyone was socializing and going to class. I quickly realized that this is my chance!

I pulled tomio to the side and told him about my dream about everything of course he looked at me like was crazy but he believed every word I said. tomio lightly scratched the back of his head "Maybe it's some sort of sign ya kno? You should try and figure things out alright? no sweat!" I agreed with him I spent most of the school day following her, watching her closely, observing her every move until tomio caught me. "DUDE ARE YOU STALKING HER?!?" Tomio yelled concerned but he was to loud and I looked around shushing him.

"i know what this looks like but I'm not stalking alright? I'm following your advice." tomio looked greatly confused before saying "I thought you would go up and talk to her! not stalk her like a creep!" tomio face palms his head in disbelief by what he was witnessing. ok now I look alil stupid tailing her this entire time because now that I realized it she's like and other highschool girl. but little did I know she was far from it.