
IRIS:last of the morhan clan

"She had dark hair and her eyes were blue..." "Green eyes" "Hazel eyes" "The scariest gray ever seen" that was how they described this creature ten years ago. But Lucy said."It had no eyes" Ten years later, Lucy meets this creature and their fate are interwined; Lucy, the servant and the creature, her master.

yankee825 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 25

The weather was cool and the moon was shining as bright as ever. Cordelia stood at the window watching the stars. She had captured Jayson and now wanted to go to China.

"Was her name Ling?" She asked no one in particular. Going to the room to probably sleep, she shut the windows. That cunning fox was making things difficult for her and thanks to the blood moon that was near, all her efforts would not go to waste.

"Five hundred years. Five full hundred years of chasing that moron". She had denied herself of life's pleasure and chose to hunt Iris and kill her.

"One way to China", she muttered lying down on the soft bed.

She was surely going to be rewarded.


   Ling was checking out some books in the library. "Yeh Shen, a Cinderella story", she muttered. She had checked most parts of the library for a story about werefoxes and still hadn't seen one. She sighed.

"I better go back home, now", she said, turning just to bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry…" her voice trailed when she saw the person she had bumped.

"Good to see you too, Ling", Cordelia said smiling.

   Ling took to her heels running out of the library and to a secluded place. She sighed. What was that woman doing here in China, Iris wasn't here. The last time she had seen Iris was so many years ago, she couldn't even recall.

"I've missed you and you ran away from me when you saw me" Cordelia whined, smirking evilly.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, gritting her teeth. "I came to pay you a visit, love", she said, throwing her too many shrapnels at once. Ling winced and fell to the ground.

"That was easy", she said and Ling smirked.

She had healed herself. That was one of her abilities.

" Almost forgot you could heal too quickly. That's how you escaped the last time", she said laughing.

"Bitch!" Shrieked ling throwing the same shrapnel at her, she missed.

  Cordelia carried a dagger made of pure silver but not mixed with wolfsbane and made for her. Ling dodged kicking the old fox at the back making her stumble but not fall.

"Nice". Ling snarled doing a backflip and hitting her in the face. Cordelia held her face laughing like a psycho, she was enjoying this.

"I have a meeting to attend Cordelia, sorry, I don't want to play. Maybe next time", she said and seized her breath.

   Cordelia couldn't breathe. Ling was seizing her breath and that could kill her. She choked holding her neck in pain.

"Pick on someone your own size", she said and Cordelia gave a throaty laugh.

She seized Ling's breath, making her fall. She was surprised. "Y…you c…copied my … abi…ability…"

"You're still a child, Ling, you don't know how the world works", she said, releasing the young girl and trapping her in a silver cage. "Fuck you!" She screamed, rubbing her neck trying to break the silver cage, but she was instead hurting herself.

"Be quiet, beautiful. I have somewhere else to go to", she said and made to disappear.

"Fuck your meeting", she said and disappeared.


   Lucy sat on the log of wood in the forest thinking. She had been doing that recently and that wasn't helping her at all.

"Hey, you're here". She didn't turn to see who it was. "Oh, Iris, what are you doing here?" She asked, wanting to leave.

"You know, what happened at that club shouldn't be the thing that'll stop you from talking with me", she said sitting beside her.

"Really? That's all you have to say?" . Lucy rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry, I know I'm in the wrong and shouldn't have hit him like that, I had a lot on my mind", she said facing her.

Lucy shrugged. She didn't want any of this. She had just wanted to live a peaceful and quiet life without trouble.

"I didn't want this. To be intertwined with you and your fate. I just wanted a quiet life", she said, whimpering , trying to hold back the tears.

"I just… just wanted to go to school, get a good degree, get a job, have children… this… this doesn't feel right, feels like I've been robbed of the very essence of living". Iris sighed and hugged her slowly.

   "I also didn't want this life to be running around for centuries with someone trying to kill me", she said, patting the young girl's head.

"I haven't spoken to Joseph, I don't think he'd want to speak with me", Lucy said, sighing.

"He'll be damned if he doesn't, love".

   Iris felt something or someone was watching but didn't want to scare Lucy. As long as the thing stayed there and didn't attack, they were good.

" Let's go inside, I made muffins", she said standing to leave, she dragged Lucy up as they left holding hands. They had reconciled just like that; the master and the slave.

   Iris looked back and sighed, as long as it didn't attack.

A fox watched them from a distance, its ear twitching listening to what they had been saying. It suddenly turned into a human and smirked. "What delightful news".

   The werefox turned its back heading to its clan. There was a tattoo on its left shoulder shaped like a moon.

The blue moon clan.


  Cordelia yawned, rubbing her eyes. Her phone was ringing, she sleepily picked the phone and put it to her ears.

"Who's this?" She asked.

"That's good news, Rowan", she said suddenly smiling like someone who just got proposed to.

"I'll surely reward you for your hard work, love", she said and hung up.

   The source had told her that Iris was in California. Not just in California, but Nestle lake. "Now, that's interesting", she muttered, not feeling like sleeping any longer.

She figured that would save her the stress of bringing all the foxes to Nestle lake, now, she just had to bring four.

"Everything is going according to plan", she said to herself and stood to make coffee. Life couldn't get any better.

Could it?