
IRIS:last of the morhan clan

"She had dark hair and her eyes were blue..." "Green eyes" "Hazel eyes" "The scariest gray ever seen" that was how they described this creature ten years ago. But Lucy said."It had no eyes" Ten years later, Lucy meets this creature and their fate are interwined; Lucy, the servant and the creature, her master.

yankee825 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

chapter 24

"You found me again, you fucking bastard!" Jayson said using his ability to protect himself and attack her.

"Oh no, dear, don't use such dirty words on someone as holy as me". Cordelia said dodging every attack which of course surprised him. "When was the last time you went to church, runt", she said, copying his ability and throwing a huge rock at him.

He was surprised but wasn't too surprised that the rock would hit him. He broke it in half.

"You copied my ability, Cordelia, what games are you playing?" He asked though not expecting a reply. "Games you say, when you all were living your pretty lives to the fullest, I was snooping around looking for the perfect thing to bring you down", she said surrounding him with fire.

"You gods forsaken bastard! What do you want from me?!" He said getting angry but in control of himself, he broke through the fire and walked towards her in the air.

Cordelia flew up and said some strange words that he didn't understand. "Nothing much love, I just want one simple thing", she said throwing a dagger made of pure silver, he dodged it and she laughed.

Jayson was confused. Why the fuck was she laughing. Suddenly, he felt something stab him. It was painful that he screamed falling on the floor.

"What the fuck is it you want you snivelling fox". He yelled still in pain. He couldn't take it out because it was silver. If only he was wearing gloves or something else, he could remove it.

"I want your life!" She said and his eyes turned blue. Cordelia smiled, she could feel the water from different places rising, her spell was working.

He was out of control.

The waters came in full force drowning everywhere like when the red sea drowned the Egyptian soldiers. "That's it sweetheart, you're more powerful than you think"

"Bitch!" He cursed as his eyes came to that normal black. "What did you do to me?!" He was more angry than ever, making the water rise and drop as if it was boiling. It was.

"Just use you, a little, no offence", she said, chuckling. Then suddenly got serious,she casted a spell and he was surrounded by silver which formed into a cage. She had the dagger at his back removed and into her pocket.

"You're still that naive and little boy, Jayson". He snarled, his canines growing. But he couldn't transform because of the silver cage.


"I remember how I manipulated you, it was suiting. How I tortured you till you were broken to pieces", she said and he held the silver in frustration trying to break through it, but he couldn't, all he could feel was pain.

"It was quite easy capturing you before your election". Cordelia laughed wickedly, she loved the look of pain and hopelessness in his eyes.

"The news headlines would be like, 'Dr Jayson Obike, BSC, PhD… disappeared a day before his election' . It's so thrilling!" She squealed and smiled.

"The blood moon is almost near"

Jayson's eyes widened, he had heard of the blood moon, what easier way to kill a witch werefox. He sighed. This was hopeless.


"I want you to meet someone, Lucy", Iris said while doing her makeup. "Who's that? Your boyfriend?" She asked and Iris rolled her eyes.

"She's a good friend of mine and would like to meet you", she said, pouting her lips probably to check her looks.

"Is she a fix like you?"

"No, she's just a friend", she said standing up and going into the kitchen to make coffee.

"So dress up, let's go". Lucy sighed, she was so tired and had wanted to rest this weekend.

The party was lit. It didn't look like where normal or average people would go to ease off steams or just party, it was for big shots… at least that's what it looked like.

Iris and Lucy walked side by side talking to each other and laughing. Suddenly, Iris bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry…", she started to say, but her voice trailed when she saw who it was. Joseph. She hissed wanting to walk off.

"Watch it, bitch", he said, surprising Lucy.

"You didn't need to call her that", she said, visibly annoyed.

"I told you to stay away from this girl, she's not a good person", he said, eyeing Iris. She rolled her eyes.

"Says the person who called me a bitch". She scoffed, giving him a death glare.

Joseph didn't care whether she gave him a death glare or not, he was angry. His pack was almost in ruins and he believed it was because she was here. He didn't care if she were in California or not, but of all places, Nestle lake and he always saw her in the woods. He didn't know what she had up her sleeves.

"Why don't you watch where you're going? The only thing you do is to cause trouble in Nestle lake", he said genuinely angry.

"Mind your business". She didn't want trouble, she'd have to deal with him later, probably torture him but not kill him because Lucy liked him.

Lucy was as confused as ever, she could tell that something must have been going on and knew if she asked, they wouldn't say a word.

"Of course I was on my own before an outcast quacked me", he said, hissing.

That did it. Iris was annoyed, why would he call her that? Had he forgotten who she was?

Outcast? She scoffed.

Iris slapped him hard across his beautiful face. She didn't care if they were attracting attention. She just wanted him to feel a little of what she had in store for him. Joseph scoffed, her hand left a huge mark on his face and he was bleeding from his nose. He scoffed, wiping his nose and left.

"What the fuck Iris, why would you do that?" Lucy said, annoyed. "He shouldn't have insulted me", she said, dusting imaginary dirt from her dress.

"You shouldn't have hit him, I could've handled it. You were being immature!" She snapped.

"Me? Immature? -'' scoff. " - You're the immature one dating a douchebag like him! He's a total asshole, can't you see it", she said hoping she'd get the idea.

"Really? He's an asshole. Fuck you!" Lucy said, turning and walking away.

Iris fumed. No one had ever walked away from her, she was always the one who walked away. It felt heartbreaking to experience this kind of thing for the first time in her life.

Her anger dissipated like air trapped in a balloon and suddenly set free. But, it was replaced with a feeling of loneliness and worry.

She was alone again… just like before.

She was always alone.