

In a world plagued by diseases and death, a man named Eric faces a tragic end as he succumbs to an incurable illness. But, in the afterlife, he is granted a second chance by the enigmatic god of diseases, NOSOI. Reincarnated into a new world, Eric discovers that he has been bestowed with a remarkable power—the ability to manipulate diseases themselves. As Eric navigates this unfamiliar realm, he grapples with his newfound abilities and the moral implications of controlling such destructive forces. He becomes a force of both healing and devastation, able to save lives or bring doom at his whim. In a world where disease is a constant threat, his power could reshape civilizations, or it could unleash chaos.

ISOP · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Amidst the smoldering ruins of the orphanage, Eli stood alone, a solitary figure in a world shattered by tragedy. The count's forces had left behind a scene of unspeakable horror, and the cries of the innocent had been replaced by an eerie silence.

Eli's heart was heavy with grief, and his young mind struggled to comprehend the enormity of the loss. He clung to a small, half-burned stuffed animal, a cherished memento of his former life, as he surveyed the devastation around him.

As the day wore on, the gravity of the situation weighed on Eli. He knew he had to leave the ruins behind, to escape the clutches of the count and his merciless army. With determination in his heart, he made a solemn vow to avenge the fallen and protect others from the same fate.

His abilities, once dormant, began to stir within him. But something else awakened within him—an inexplicable flood of memories from his past lives. Images and experiences from his time as a patient flooded his mind, filling him with a newfound sense of purpose.

Eli realized that he was not just a child born into tragedy; he was a being with a unique gift and a mission that transcended the boundaries of a single lifetime. He had been reborn with the power to control diseases, and he had been reborn to make a difference in the world.

After regaining his memories a weird thing appears in front of him.

"Ahhh!" Surprised Eli jumps back.

"No need to be surprised. I won't do you any harm."The thing replies.

It was a round black matter with one eye and a mouth so small that it could easily fit into a child's fist.

"What are you? Why are you here?" Eli asks.

"You created me with your powers. I am your servant."



"First my family died now a being that doesn't even classify as a being is telling me that it is my servant. So, What can you do, Are you powerful or intelligent?"

"Yes, since you created me. I know everything from your memories. I may act as a system for your rapid growth as you are a weak child now. Your growth will make me grow as well"

"Oh.., Thank you."

A few hours later-----

"The count is a ruthless evil bastard, isn't he? Just for some land he destroyed the lives and futures of many, Tch Tch."

"Well it means we will have to pay less taxes so I don't really care."

"Bastard. Kekekeke"

The count had sent some soldiers to check if there were any people left there.

"Wait, I think I heard something."


"Wha... Who the hail is this kid? Hey! stop biting me"

"Hahaha, It seems like he's trying to get his revenge."

"Ughhh... You bastards."

Eli, despite his young age and the chaos around him, had decided to stand up against the soldiers who served the ruthless count. His powers, along with the mysterious entity that claimed to be his servant.