

In a world plagued by diseases and death, a man named Eric faces a tragic end as he succumbs to an incurable illness. But, in the afterlife, he is granted a second chance by the enigmatic god of diseases, NOSOI. Reincarnated into a new world, Eric discovers that he has been bestowed with a remarkable power—the ability to manipulate diseases themselves. As Eric navigates this unfamiliar realm, he grapples with his newfound abilities and the moral implications of controlling such destructive forces. He becomes a force of both healing and devastation, able to save lives or bring doom at his whim. In a world where disease is a constant threat, his power could reshape civilizations, or it could unleash chaos.

ISOP · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Clash of Wills

Eli, fueled by a potent mix of anger and newfound power, faced the count's soldiers with unwavering determination. The soldiers, initially taken aback by the young boy's defiance, quickly regrouped and surrounded him.

"Look at this little rat," one of the soldiers sneered. "Thinks he can stand against the count's forces."

Eli's eyes blazed with intensity as he summoned his newfound abilities. The strange entity, his loyal servant, whispered guidance in his mind, urging him to focus his powers.

With a subtle wave of his hand, Eli unleashed his control over diseases. A faint, otherworldly glow enveloped him as he sent a wave of energy rippling outward. The soldiers, caught off guard, suddenly began to cough and wheeze as if struck by a sudden illness.

Confusion and fear spread among the soldiers as they struggled to breathe. Eli had unleashed a controlled form of disease, one that sapped their strength but would not lead to lasting harm. It was a demonstration of his power and a warning.

But the count's soldiers were not easily defeated. Enraged by the boy's actions, they recovered quickly and advanced on him once more, their swords and spears gleaming in the dim light.

Eli, determined to protect himself and avenge the fallen, summoned another wave of his power. This time, he focused on the soldiers' weapons, causing rust to spread rapidly across their blades and armor. The once-sharp edges grew dull, and the armor weakened, leaving the soldiers vulnerable.

The soldiers, now disarmed and in weakened condition, were no match for Eli's newfound abilities. With a wave of his hand, he sent them sprawling to the ground, their weapons useless.

"Leave this place and never return!" Eli's voice carried a command that belied his young age. It was the voice of someone who had witnessed tragedy and emerged with newfound strength.

The soldiers, humiliated and defeated, scrambled to retreat. As they fled, Eli could hear their curses and promises of revenge. But for now, he had protected what remained of the orphanage and avenged the fallen.

As the soldiers disappeared into the distance, Eli sank to his knees, the weight of the day's events finally catching up to him. His servant, the mysterious entity, approached him.

"You did well, Eli," it said, its small form radiating approval. 

Eli nodded, his heart heavy with the knowledge that the count's tyranny still loomed over the city. He had taken his first steps on a long and arduous journey, one that would test his abilities, his resolve, and his commitment to justice.

With the count's forces defeated, for now, Eli knew that he had a moment of respite. It was time to plan his next move, to uncover the truth behind the count's rise to power, and to ensure that the innocent would no longer suffer under his rule.