
Iontach - The Magnificent Estate

Louisa Dubois fell in love at the age of 12, when she saw the most beautiful and charming boy in the world in front of her. That is, until he opened his mouth and told her to get out of his sight. "Get out of the way!" he said, full of himself. Years later, Benjamin returns to the estate, but not as full of pride as before. His family has lost everything and he wants to fight for the land, willing to do anything. What happens when he finds out who's the only one capable of helping him? "We'll see if you're really capable of anything to save Iontach!" Follow me on Instagram @m_zanakheironofficial Follow me on Discord MunhozM#5017 Follow me on Facebook M_Zana Oficial

M_Zana · History
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147 Chs

Chapter 79

Benjamin didn't get back to Oxford, but he kept contacting Anthony, and receiving his friend's advice. Now, Benjamin could put Anthony as his best friend. The man was very nice and hardly they disagreed on anything. Never they would fight.

Anthony told Benjamin to stop pursuing Louisa, for she was happy with Michael and if Benjamin got in the way, not only would he ruin himself, but also her. Seeing how she interacted with the Duke, Benjamin realised he might not have a place in her life anymore and that was when he decided to try to know more about Fanny.

"Give her a chance. You spoke so nicely of her. Maybe she is the woman that will make you happy." Anthony said. Benjamin agreed. He was going to try to be happy with what he had within his own reach. He had to marry, in order to save his family. And now, he had to find a way to pay off the debt. At least, part of it, so his father would be able to live a bit more and Iontach would remain in his family's hands.