
Invisible Wall /crossover fanfic/

She is a daughter of evil. Everybody afraid her last name but she grow up in the orphanage and when she turned 11 years old magical letter come to her she was a witch and very powerful one. Sorting hat put her in Gryffindor and she befriended with Weaslay twins one year later famous Harry Potter started his first year she was kind and brave one she protected Harry every year when Voldemort trying to kill him. Now it’s her 7th year but her father tried to catch her, he needed her power and she didn’t want to be his deatheater and kill her friends. She can’t help but run away from Hogwarts and magical world. It was August 5th her birthday from now on she become an adult and can do magic without trace so she went to Forks her uncle Charlie her mother’s friend. She only wanted to hide away from his father ps: it's just a fanfic so this amazing characters don't belong to me ps2: also who knows what i was thinking when i'm writing these.

norika528 · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

chapter 8

"Oh you already met them" I nodded my head still can't find my voice

Jasper was still holding my hand then I saw Edward's smirk

"oh it's nice to meet you all, let's go" I walked to building but kept glancing to Jasper. I saw his dirty blonde hair and matching golden yellow eyes, pale skin perfect figure. I can't control my eyes to travelling on his god-like body.

Jasper's family smirked at his dreamy face, they instantly loved this girl. Her blood smell soothing their throat and her beauty looks magnificent in their eyes. Jasper was lonely without his mate but now he finally found her, he still can't believe how gorgeous she was they followed her inside.

They think everybody will stare at them but it was different, every kids smiled and greeted to Lisa, to Jasper it wasn't hard to be around people, their emotions feel relaxed and happy when his mate greeted them, some people look her way like she was angel.

Edward shocked when he heard kids thoughts, they love her. it's been only 3 week since her arrival but she was perfect, kind and fun. They think why they are walking with Lisa but she is too kind so it was obvious thing to make friends with them.

To rest of the Cullen's surprised and adored this girl walking before them they saw how his brother looking her way.

In the trigonometry, teacher become busy so we had a free period I was reading my Daily Prophet they say deatheater's attack and you-know-who's return and my disappearance. i felt someone standing my behind when I turn abruptly I met cold hard chest.

"Jasper what are you doing here?" I shocked when I saw his close distant

"I heard you have free period" he looks like feeling my pain

"sorry I forgot you can feel my emotion" I tried to calm down he grabbed my shoulder

"It's okay you don't need to hide it, what's wrong, why are you scared?" he hugged me, I calmed down

"I can't tell you Jazz" what's wrong with me I only met him this morning but hugging him like this giving me energy to stand up, I really want to stay like this forever, oh god he must be thinking I'm one kind of slut

"then let's talk about other things" he smiled to me we sat down in the bench

"I'm sorry I don't want to be rude"

"It's okay so where are you from?" he was holding my hand

"England but I went boarding school in Scotland"

"Why did you come here? This little town"

"it's peaceful, I needed some time to be alone I wanted to take a break"

"how about your family?" my face darkened

"when I was 6 my mother died, but my father we barely know each other"

"I'm sorry"

"it's okay but I have so many friends they felt like family to me and my school headmaster and teachers they were always my family" I remembered about Albus and wanted to cry but didn't shed a tear "and my stupidly brave friends, I'm one of them we always find a way to get into trouble"

"sounds fun"

"yes very funny we have some house rivalry but I was friends with all of them"

"sounds like you" I nodded my heads

"Fred and George my best friends, we always prank others, I miss them, now they opened their own pranking shop their mother Molly was a mother figure to me" it breaks my heart

Jasper hugged me more tightly

"What about you, tell me about yourself" I asked he told me about his life change and war. How he get tired of war and their emotion.

I feel guilty, soon I will face my father and war, I don't want involve it with him. I will protect him I think I have a crush on him. His calm temper, voice and character. Soon I find myself leaning to him, we were inch apart with each other he moved to me and our lips crashed. His lip was cold and hard but it was magical like hundred butterfly flying in my stomach and sparks sparkling in my skin. I needed oxygen in my lung so I break it first and I saw little flowers blossomed around us, I blushed deeply.

"Merlin's beard" I sighed, he chuckled and kissed my cheek, I giggled and kissed him again. "we just met today, it's crazy"

"no it's not crazy one second is enough to fall for you" I blushed deeply, he laughed more. I feel so happy. Then we heard bell ringing. In the government I sit with Rosalie and Emmet, they were cute couple, I admire them and I wish Jasper and I would be like them. But I can't be with him, he is running away from war and I'm middle of the war, what should I do.

I didn't pay attention to teacher instead I look outside of window and saw gloomy yet peacefully day. I never felt like this, when I first met him I didn't take my eyes off him then when we kissed I felt complete like he is my other half, but I can't love him. Wise man said everything before but is only rubbish. And here I'm thinking about how beautiful he is.

"Lisa" I heard my name then I snapped out of my thought, Rosalie is waving her hands

"what?" I asked, my voice sounds different to me

"It's break time, we called you last 3 minutes" she told me

"oh sorry I was just thinking"

"Yeah, now let's go" I nodded and gathered my things, Alice was in my Spanish class

When she saw me she squalled like a little girl, merlin's beard this is going to be a long lesson

"Lisa, I saw Jazz and you" I felt my face become red

"and?" I said hesitantly

"are you kidding me? maybe I can't see your future but I can see Jazz future"

"then what did you saw?" I get interested

"You will be my sister" I shocked, maybe my future is unpredicted I would die anytime but hearing this felt good

I smiled and hugged her, during our lesson we whispered with eachother my hearing ability is better than muggles and she impressed it. We talked so much and I didn't know it's already my next lesson's time, I run to my Biology classroom and thanked to god that I wasn't late but I was the last person and only empty seat was next to Jasper, he smiled and waved to me, I bet my heart skipped beat.

I sit beside him and smiled.

"Hey" I said quietly

"Hey" he was still staring me, soon teacher come inside and gave us some task.

I was the first one to finish

"Ah Miss Riddle first one as always, please explain this" I nodded and explained to class. When I sit down I felt cold hands grabbing my hand under the desk, I blushed deeply. I was trying to listen teacher's speech but I was too distracted.

We went to canteen together, I saw Bella sitting with Cullens and rest of my friends sitting in their usual sit, I made my way to Lauren

"Hey girl" I hugged Lauren

"Lisa you didn't told us that you know Cullen"

"and give this friend permission to sit with them" I said playfully, she pouted

"Oh Lisa you just ditched me" then laughed "Just playing I will meet you at English, good luck girl" she whispered last part. Then I went to Cullen's

I sit down beside Jasper and grabbed Rosalie's food

"What, You will throw them anyway" then I started eating they chuckled

"I see our school has new star" Emmet teased me

"I don't know what are you talking about" he snickered

"Oh don't play dumb, I can see others gaze is all over you when you only walking" I rolled my eyes, I feel Jasper is glaring to him.

My owl, Stark entered by window and placed letter front of me, I gave him some bread and he fly outside, now all students looking my way. I smiled innocently and opened my letter. It was Harry's writing

Dear Elisabeth,

I wish you were here with us, I miss you and I miss our adventure, you were always with us and now you're gone I feel empty. I just wanted to talk you.

I'm suspecting Draco Malfoy become death eater, I know something is terribly wrong with him but Ron and Hermione didn't believe me. I found Half Blood Prince's potion book and he corrected all potions, And Hermione thinks it's not good. Did you ever heard of 'sectumsempra', I never heard of it. Yesterday I used it to Malfoy but it turned out really bad, fortunately Snape did counter course , It's been crazy. I don't know what to do without you.

I should tell you my feeling before you left but you were dating with Malfoy. I still can't believe he used you that way. I'm afraid so I didn't tell you but Lisa I love you. Some people think you are with your father but we all know you would never betray us. Please be safe, I can't lose you. I miss you.

From H.Potter.

I shocked, I didn't knew he loved me. he is my best friend and I didn't know about that. Oh god how can I see his face.

"Potter?" I startled by Jasper's voice

"Did you read it?" I asked hesitantly

"sorry but I didn't help myself" he looks guilty

"It's okay, just one of my friend"

"but I didn't understand anything" I nodded my head of course how could he understand. I smiled to him, all Cullen's looking our way. Jasper slowly hold my hand and squeezed it, maybe he felt my anxiety.

"Oh it's just one of my friend, like some pranks" I laughed, they smiled to me but didn't believe me

"Oh by the way, I saw really angry Paul coming from your room this morning" Bella told me, I internally sweared

"Paul? Your room?" Rosalie questioned

"Yeah, I changed his hair color" I laughed "he is my bestfriend from La push, purple suited him very well" I felt Jasper's grip tightened "yesterday I received really bad new and he resisted to leave me alone"

Now I really looks like a slut, I just want to go my normal life, but my life was always miserable. Everyone was too afraid to talk to me plus my amazing father wanted to kill all muggles. I sighed deeply. Jasper hugged me maybe he felt my discomfort.

Maybe I don't deserve happiness, maybe I need to go back and confront my father at least I will die bravely. I saw everyone's face, their eyes filled with love. I pull myself from Jasper and sit straight

I smiled brightly, Jaspers face frowned he knows I'm faking my smile

"Let's go, I don't want to late" then I went to my English Literature

I saw Lauren and she bombarded with questions, after 2 minutes I successfully changed subject and talked about her relationship with Tyler.