
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 24: It's him, poor and still here pretending

"It's embarrassing, we're just watching, it's bothering you." Maria Chambler hurried over and grabbed his hand, if it continued like this, she would lose all face.

"That's okay, then." The employee looked as if Eugene Porter had caused her great trouble.

"She's a salesperson, recommending us is a professional duty, how can you say it's annoying." Eugene Porter said.

"You two just watch and don't buy, that's bothering me." The employee said angrily.

Eugene Porter didn't continue to argue with her, he pointed directly at the most expensive TV in the area and said: "We buy this, pay for it."

Maria Chambler heard that and looked at him with wide eyes, she said: "Are you crazy, that TV is over a hundred million!"

The other employee saw that Eugene Porter told him to pay immediately, and even then, buying the most expensive TV, she immediately felt low in her heart.

If Eugene Porter really wants to buy this TV and then accuses her, then she's miserable.

But she noticed the reaction of Maria Chambler standing next to her, guessing that Eugene Porter was just pretending, the two of them couldn't afford such an expensive TV.

In the end she chose to trust her intuition, still not changing her attitude towards Eugene Porter.

"You said you want to buy it yourself, when it's time to pay, if you don't take out money, I will ask the security to kick you two out." The employee said angrily.

I can tell immediately that the other two are office workers who don't have a lot of money to carry, definitely can't buy it, nothing to worry about. The employee reassures himself.

She then took Eugene Porter to the checkout, asked the cashier to print the bill and gave it to him, saying, "Pay it."

Eugene Porter took out a bank card from his pocket, but he searched for a long time and still couldn't find it.

Then he remembered that before he went out he had changed his clothes, the bank card was already in another suit.

"Eugene Porter, um... we should get out." Maria Chambler saw Eugene Porter's look in her pocket for a card and was even more embarrassed.

The employee saw Eugene Porter like this and immediately thought that he was just pretending to buy a TV earlier, the disdain was evident on her face.

"Can't buy it, still pretending to be with me, now either you two get out on your own, or I'll call security to kick you out." She became more and more confident.

"I just forgot to bring my card." Eugene Porter replied.

"Forget what, I've seen a lot of people like you, don't think I don't know you're faking. You forgot your card too, why don't you just forget about your wife." She said scornfully.

Eugene Porter heard that immediately felt a little annoyed, every move that touched his wife made him feel very uncomfortable.

"You wait here, I'll make a phone call."

Eugene Porter said, then turned to the side.

"Call again, if you don't have money, you won't have money, but still here pretending to be a duck, you really don't know how to be shy."

Maria Chambler felt utter shame now, knowing that she wouldn't have come in here with Eugene Porter.

But now there's no point in regretting it.

Just now, she'd felt Eugene Porter was so trustworthy, she hadn't expected him to ever do such a thing, and it made her feel that he was a bit unreliable.

Eugene Porter went to a quiet place, he pulled out his phone and made a phone call.

Kandaco, the highest floor in Thien Duong building, in Huong Wentian's office.

"If it's not important in the future, don't come to me, you know?" Xiang Wentian said to the secretary standing in front of her.

"Yes sir." The secretary nervously replied.

At this time, the phone placed on the chairman's desk suddenly rang, the secretary hurriedly glanced at it and said: "President, it is a person named Eugene Porter who called, it must be nothing important, let me decline the call. call for help."

As soon as Huong Wentian heard Eugene Porter's name, he immediately sat up, quickly snatched the phone from the secretary's hand, saying: "In the future, anyone can refuse calls, but this person is the best. no matter how important it is, when this person calls you, you have to tell me."

After finishing, Huong Wentian immediately clicked to receive the call.

"Hello, Mr. Chambler, how's it been lately, long time no see, I'm starting to miss you."

"Show me who Thien Thuy electronics store belongs to, see if you can quickly buy it back, I want to buy it." Eugene Porter said calmly.

If the other employee did not believe that he could buy a television of tens of millions of dollars, then he would definitely buy the whole store, then he could also teach her a life-long lesson.

Huong Wentian heard Eugene Porter's request, immediately went online to check it out, then told Eugene Porter:

"Mr. Chambler, this Thien Thuy electronics store is also part of our group, sub-director of our company. It's Li Yun, I'll send his number to you now."

"That store is opened by our corporation at the convenience, it has no important role at all, Mr. Chambler can do whatever he wants."

Eugene Porter hung up the phone and called Ly Van, the director in charge of this electronics store.

"Looking for who?" The voice on the other end of the line sounded indifferent.

"I'm Eugene Porter." Eugene Porter spoke up.

On the other end, there was the sound of friction with the chair, followed by the enthusiastic voice of Ly Van: "It's Mr. Chambler, may I ask what you ordered?"

Just now, Xiang Wentian had just called him, telling him that if someone named Eugene Porter was looking for him, he would agree no matter what.

Even if he wanted to move all the goods in the store, Ly Van had to comply with his will.

Ly Van is also not stupid, he knows that this person named Eugene Porter is definitely also a famous person, otherwise Huong Wentian would not have called him personally.

"I'm at entrance number three of the electronics store, come here for a moment." Eugene Porter finished speaking, then hung up.

He returned to the high-end television section, the employee and Maria Chambler were still standing there.

The other employee looked disdainful, and Maria Chambler looked embarrassed.

"What's wrong? Can't you call to borrow money? Let me tell you, if you can't afford to pay, don't show it, people like you make me feel disgusting." She still Don't miss the two.

"I just called your director, just wait for him and talk later." Eugene Porter said casually.

The other employee showed even more distrust of him, raising her voice: "Relying on you? Calling our director? Dreaming, unless it's a big customer, our manager will also I don't have time to come here to waste it with poor people like you."

Eugene Porter said nothing, just stood there.

Within two minutes, a man in a suit with a thin face had run up, it was clear how fast he was running.

The other employee didn't expect the director to actually come, which made her feel a bit surprised.

But then she thought to herself, this is probably a good opportunity, as long as she makes it clear that Eugene Porter doesn't have money to buy a TV, but is still here harassing, maybe even being praised by the director. .

"Director, there's someone here who doesn't have money to buy a TV but insists that he can't afford it, and even told me to get him a TV with more than a hundred million, obviously he doesn't have money, just wants to cause trouble. Well, that's all, I still want to call you over."

"Who is?" Li Wan asked.

She immediately pointed at Eugene Porter and said: "It's him, poor and still here pretending, even I find it annoying."

Ly Van glanced at Eugene Porter and asked: "Are you... is this Mr. Lam?"

Eugene Porter nodded.

"Director, such a person still has a lot to say to him, not calling him a beggar already respects him." When she saw the director coming, it was as if she had found support, her speech was even more difficult to hear.

Ly Van's face is pale, this person even Huong Wentian must respect, this employee dares to call him a beggar, tired of living.

"Damn it shut your rotten mouth! People like Mr. Porter here are your turn to talk too much?" Li Yun glared at her.

The other employee saw that Ly Van suddenly became angry, but in her heart was extremely anxious, could not believe that Ly Van would speak up to defend Eugene Porter.

"Director, I..."

"What am I? It's not your turn to speak here." Li Yun raised his voice in anger.

Only then did she realize that she must have poked a bloody person.