
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 25:

Maria Chambler, who was standing next to her, also looked at Ly Van in surprise, she thought that the manager here would be more annoying to the two of them, but did not expect him to be on their side.

Ly Van scolded the other employee, then turned to Eugene Porter and respectfully said: "Mr. Lam, it's too embarrassing, this employee just arrived, so there are many unknowns, please forgive me."

"Which one do you want to buy, now I'll have the packer deliver it straight to your house."

Eugene Porter pointed to the television worth more than hundred million: "This."

Ly Van immediately nodded and said: "Brother Lam, you just leave the address, I will send someone there as quickly as possible."

Eugene Porter gave Ly Van the address.

After recording the address, Ly Van turned her head to glance at Maria Chambler and then complimented her: "This must be your wife, isn't it, it's a natural beauty, sometimes Tay Thi still loses a few parts."

Maria Chambler heard that, although she was a little embarrassed, but she also felt very comfortable, compared to the feeling of shame just now, it was a huge difference.

Eugene Porter did not say anything more, after all, even Ly Van is just an employee for him, there is no need to be polite.

"That's right, the quality of your staff needs to be improved, you don't see the customer as a god but also pretend to be contemptuous, it's okay not to have such an employee."

Before leaving, Eugene Porter said a sentence to Ly Van.

"Mr. Lam is right, so that in the future I will try to improve the quality of the staff, the poor quality people will be kicked out."

Eugene Porter nodded and took Maria Chambler's hand and walked out of the store without paying a single penny.

The other employee had no blood on his face, deeply regretted for her convex attitude earlier, if she had spoken properly, such a thing would not have happened." " Go to the next room. The team gets this month's salary and then disappears, this place doesn't accept employees like you."

Ly Van's tone was cold, he finished speaking and turned to leave.

Eugene Porter and Maria Chambler walked together on the street, Maria Chambler looked at him curiously, she asked him: "Why didn't that director take your money, that television is over a hundred million."

"I called to ask you to pay, you can pay it back later." Eugene Porter answered her with a smile.

At this time, Maria Chambler nodded. At that time, she saw Ly Van's attitude to Eugene Porter, and thought that he was the owner of this shop, it turned out to be thanks to you paying first.

Not long after the two arrived home, the television was also delivered, and they enthusiastically finished assembling it.

When Olivia Sherwood and Dwight Chambler came home in the evening, they were surprised to see a new TV set.

"Isn't this a high-end television of more than a hundred million each? Why is it in our house?"

"Definitely Maria Chambler bought it, it seems that the last time Maria Chambler was preparing for an exhibition, Maria Chambler also got a lot of fortune." Dwight Chambler said.

The two of them stood in front of the television and watched for a long time.

" Maria Chambler is really promising, buying us such a good TV, I'll have to go out and show off our daughter soon." Olivia Sherwood's face was as bright as a flower.

Not long after, Eugene Porter wanted to check the quality of the television, so he went to turn on the television.

Right when he was holding the TV remote to change the channel, Olivia Sherwood suddenly jumped over, and reached out to snatch the remote from his hand.

Olivia Sherwood glared at him, loudly said: "This TV is bought for us by our daughter, and it's so expensive, it's not something you want to watch, you want to use it later. then use the old one, don't touch this new one!".

Eugene Porter looked at Olivia Sherwood's appearance and couldn't help but shake her head.

However, he did not mind doing anything, it was just a television, which he rarely watched. Moreover, as long as he wanted to, it wouldn't be a problem to even bring home the entire electrical appliance store.

At this moment, Maria Chambler appeared. When Olivia Sherwood saw it, she smiled and greeted.

"Daughter, you are so good to your parents, buying them such an expensive TV. Mom and dad are so happy they want to die." Olivia Sherwood said.

"Yes, my daughter has a lot of potential. As parents like us also feel extremely satisfied." Dwight Chambler also continued.

Maria Chambler was dumbfounded, this TV wasn't bought by her.

"Mother…" Maria Chambler wanted to explain.

"Daughter, I know you are shy. You are my daughter, I am not polite to you. Parents are lucky to have a daughter like you, unlike that soulless Eugene Porter. We don't eat at home, but we've never done anything for this house before."

General Olivia Sherwood interrupted, not allowing Maria Chambler to continue: "I bought my parents such an expensive TV, don't let Eugene Porter touch it in the future, if we damage it, we will regret it."

"Mom, this TV…" Maria Chambler was a bit in a hurry, this TV was bought by Eugene Porter, if you don't let him touch it, it's a bit too forced.

"Okay, Maria Chambler, you know what I mean, needless to say. Mom and dad are watching TV, you go back to your room to rest." Olivia Sherwood never gave Maria Chambler a chance to open her mouth.

Then she turned around and glared at Eugene Porter, muttering: "What a useless thing, my daughter is so good, how can she marry such a bad guy like you."

Maria Chambler looked at Eugene Porter, feeling extremely guilty.

Eugene Porter smiled at her, pretending to be okay, and said, "Let's go to our room."

Returning to the room, Maria Chambler pursed her lips and looked at Eugene Porter, extremely embarrassed and said: "Sorry, my mother is like that... obviously you bought the TV..." "It's okay, everyone buys it too

. only. There's no need to worry about something as small as this." Lam ThMr. Chambler spoke up.

Then he went to spread the mattress on the floor.

"Thank you." This time Maria Chambler is really grateful to Eugene Porter. He had helped her so much these days, and not a single word of complaint.

She thought Eugene Porter was fine with this expression… or.. let him sleep on the bed, right?

Thinking of this, Maria Chambler's heart couldn't help but beat, her face also reddened a bit.

If you let him go to bed, will he do anything with her?

If by that time he couldn't control himself…

Or just wait, if he really couldn't help it, he would have climbed into bed by himself.

Having been married for so long, if he really wanted to, she couldn't help but...

Maria Chambler lay in bed thinking for a while and then fell asleep.

The next morning, Eugene Porter and Maria Chambler went to the Chambler mansion to find Louis Chambler suing Aaron Chambler.

As soon as the two arrived at the gate of the building, Eugene Porter stopped by the roadside stall to buy egg tarts.

"Boss, give me two egg tarts." Eugene Porter said.

The middle-aged man nodded with a smile and started making cakes.

"What happened yesterday, thank you." Eugene Porter spoke up.

"It's okay, you two love each other so much, I don't want anything to happen to both of you." The middle-aged man laughed.

"I can tell that someone is watching us, it's not a normal person." Eugene Porter asked.

The first time he saw this middle-aged man, he felt that he was not simple. Yesterday's events confirmed his thinking.

"What's normal and not normal, I'm just an egg tart seller." He replied smiling.

Seeing that he did not want to talk, Eugene Porter did not ask any more.

After taking the custard, Eugene Porter greeted the man and turned to Maria Chambler.

Together, the two entered the Chambler mansion.


In the Chambler family, Aaron Chambler and Cherry Chambler came here early.

Louis Chambler hadn't come downstairs yet, the two were still talking.

"You, are you sure that Maria Chambler was hit by Bruno yesterday…" Cherry Chambler asked.

"Is it even worth asking, even though it was a bit unexpected yesterday, being discovered by the idiot Eugene Porter in the wine with drugs. Only after that Bruno did it on his own, that useless Eugene Porter can't even fight Bruno." Aaron Chambler said firmly.

"So did you see what happened after that?" Cherry Chambler continued to ask.

"No, after Bruno made a move, I left immediately. What's the point of Bruno's doing? Besides, if it really doesn't work, he should call me and let me know. He hadn't heard from his phone all day yesterday, maybe he's still flirting with Maria Chambler now." Aaron Chambler said.