
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 23: You know we can't afford it?

"Too... too scary, Eugene Porter to break Bruno's arm! He's one of the three heavenly kings of the underworld in Kandaco!"

"He... is he a real trash? If he's a real trash then we... What is it?"

The two employees swallowed hard, they completely changed their view of Eugene Porter

After breaking Bruno's arm, Eugene Porter continued: "Do you know the error?"

After all, Bruno was also one of the three underground kings in Kandaco, which could be what it is today without simply opening his mouth to beg for forgiveness.

He gritted his teeth as he tried to push Eugene Porter down on him, believing that with his power, even with one hand he could defeat Eugene Porter.

"Know your motherfucker..."

Bruno put strength on his other arm to try to prop himself up.

Eugene Porter saw this and let go of the man's broken arm, then he pulled the other arm tightly.

Bruno fell to the ground once more, and Eugene Porter still gripped his joints, no matter how much strength he had, there was no way to get up.

"Your mother, let go of your father, he will risk his life with you!" Bruno started shouting loudly.

McKay had been standing by the side all this time, listening to Eugene Porter ask Bruno if he knew his mistake for the second time, he knew for sure one thing: Bruno had already missed his best chance to be alive.

"It's really stupid, when Mr. Chambler asks for the second time, just admit it, so you won't have to suffer later."

McKay shook his head, thinking about this made his heart feel scared again, remembering the scene that year when he first met Eugene Porter.

If it weren't for his flexible mind that year, he would probably have broken all of his limbs by now, moreover, the type of fracture that can't be healed even if it's fixed.

"You've run out of chances."

His tone was extremely nonchalant, like a death god who can give death sentences to others at will.

He clenched the hand that was holding Bruno, a "crack" was heard, and Bruno's wail echoed again.

"I... I know I'm wrong, I'm wrong, please forgive me, I don't dare anymore."

After experiencing suffering, Bruno did not have the courage to oppose Eugene Porter anymore, he knew that if he remained stubborn, his later life would most likely have to be bedridden.

"Wrong where?" Eugene Porter asked again.

"Don't make fun of him, and call him a waste."

"What else?"

"I... I shouldn't have put my eyes on Maria Chambler, please forgive me, my arms are almost paralyzed, from now on I won't dare to be rude to you."

"I gave you a chance before, because you didn't appreciate it. If regret is effective, this Eugene Porter cut-off point is probably just for fun."

Finally, he mercilessly broke his legs.

Bruno was lying on the ground, panting, his limbs were all broken now, even though he was in so much pain now that he couldn't even roll on the ground.

Eugene Porter taught Bruno a lesson, then stood up.

McKay looked at Bruno lying on the ground, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, thinking that he was lucky that he chose to follow Eugene Porter back then, not stupidly oppose him.

"Let's settle it, from now on Kandaco no longer has three heavenly kings." Eugene Porter said.

"Yes." McKay replied.

The two waiters, seeing that scene from afar, were afraid of the color fading, and hurriedly ran away. At this time, if Eugene Porter discovered it, he would probably kill people to kill the mouth.

But they didn't know that Eugene Porter knew that the two of them were there, just lazy and didn't care.

Eugene Porter stepped out of the dining room and went to Maria Chambler's side, gave her a gentle smile, and said:

"Are you okay? Where's Bruno? Did he let you go?" Maria Chambler asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, everything's settled, let's go home." Eugene Porter answered her.

"Handle?" Maria Chambler looked at him with wide eyes in surprise: "What's with that guy named McKay?"

She knew this was going well thanks to McKay, after all, the one who could go against one of the three heavenly kings would have to be another.

She never thought that Eugene Porter could defeat Bruno.

"Um... It's nothing." Eugene Porter replied.

"If you're not familiar, why did he help you?" Maria Chambler's face revealed a doubtful expression.

"You put money to invite him there, there's nothing money can't solve." Eugene Porter casually said a great reason.

At first, Maria Chambler was a bit skeptical, but then remembered the "Heart of Venus" bracelet that Eugene Porter gave her last time, it was an object worth more than a hundred billion silver, not less! So she didn't question him paying for McKay anymore.

But he also has a lot of money!

Is this considered as sneaking the wife to hide the black fund? This thought flashed through her mind and Maria Chambler couldn't help but smile.

The two are legally husband and wife, so in theory the money she doesn't know is a black fund.

Eugene Porter saw Maria Chambler suddenly smile, his face widened, he asked: "What are you laughing at?"

"It's okay, let's go."

Maria Chambler was a little embarrassed, hastily lifted her feet and walked away.

This incident made Maria Chambler clearly see the sinister face of Aaron Chambler, she planned to talk about this with Louis Chambler tomorrow.

At the same time, it also made her once again realize the reliability of Eugene Porter, which seemed to have been predicted and prepared for.

If she didn't remember Eugene Porter, this time she might have been...

"I want to talk to Grandpa tomorrow, this time Aaron Chambler has gone too far." Maria Chambler spoke up.

"You come with me." Whatever Maria Chambler wants to do, Eugene Porter will support unconditionally.

Maria Chambler pursed her lips slightly, her heart filled with joy like blooming flowers.

Now just having Eugene Porter here would make her feel very secure.

The two went home together, when they were passing an electronics store, Maria Chambler suddenly stopped.

She stared at a television in it, mumbling, "The TV in the house is broken, I can only watch a few channels, my mother told me several times, but my salary this month is not enough.. ."

Eugene Porter saw the look of wanting to buy but was missing her money, and couldn't help but laugh.

He then grabbed Maria Chambler's hand and dragged her inside the store.

"Eugene Porter, what are you doing, we're not buying, don't come in." Maria Chambler said hastily.

"The TV in the house should be replaced, anyway, if you're here, just check it out." Eugene Porter laughed.

Maria Chambler also had no choice but to follow him around the store.

Originally, Maria Chambler said that just go to the cheap TV area to see it, but Eugene Porter would have said that television is a necessity, you have to buy good things.

So the two of them went to the most upscale section of this store.

"Wow, Eugene Porter, let's go somewhere else and check it out, TVs in this area are too expensive, tens of millions of dollars!"

As soon as Maria Chambler saw the price list displayed, she wanted to turn on her heel and leave.

"A few tens of millions is fine, just try it." Eugene Porter said.

At this moment, the salesman standing not far away glanced at the two of them, they didn't look like they had much money, they probably wouldn't be able to buy a TV in this area, so the other person didn't even move.

She's also met a lot of people like that, all of them can't buy it but keep asking to look at it, so whenever she sees this type of person, she ignores it.

Eugene Porter is also not too knowledgeable about television, seeing an employee standing over there, he immediately went to ask: "Hello, can you introduce us to those TV models?"

The employee didn't even bother to look up at him, she said directly: "You two should go somewhere else to buy it, the goods in this area are very expensive, introducing two people is also a waste of time."

Maria Chambler heard her say that and immediately walked over and grabbed Eugene Porter's hand. After all, she also felt that she couldn't really buy it, this employee was not wrong.

Eugene Porter just heard the employee say that immediately felt a little annoyed.

Whether you have enough money to buy or not, recommending goods to customers is also the duty of the salesperson, this employee thinks that the two of them can't afford to buy, even the introduction is lazy. .

There are some people who sell a little bit of high-end stuff, but naturally feel that their level has also been raised.

"You know we can't afford it?" Eugene Porter spoke in a cold tone.

The employee glanced at him, then pouted, and said, "Why don't you look at the clothes you're wearing, the total shouldn't be more than three hundred thousand, right? Do you think you can buy a television of sixty million?"