
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 22: Am I dizzy?

"If you can't give that amount, then have that glass of wine, then sleep with me for a night, this is over."

Eugene Porter took a step forward, leaving Maria Chambler behind him, coldly said: "I see you are in a hurry to reincarnate, your words just now, are enough for you to die a hundred times. "

Bruno saw Eugene Porter stand up again, couldn't help but get a little impatient, cursed: "Damn it, there's no place for a useless guy like you here to talk, he doesn't just want to play with his woman. you, and want to do it in front of you, a scumbag like you, sure likes to be cuckolded."

"Wanna die!" Eugene Porter did not intend to waste words with him, wanting to directly teach Bruno.

Maria Chambler saw this and hurriedly grabbed his hand: "Eugene Porter, don't get excited, he's Bruno, we can't get in, really can't, I...

" So it happened." Eugene Porter said firmly.

"Damn it, are you still in the mood to gossip now? Where are the brothers, catch them both for me, wait until I finish playing, you will also have a share." Bruno said.

A group of people immediately rushed to arrest Eugene Porter and Maria Chambler.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps was heard outside the restaurant, and soon after, a group of people dressed in black quickly ran into the restaurant, protecting Eugene Porter and Maria Chambler.

Bruno and his brothers were also surrounded.

A group of people looked at each other, not expecting such a sudden event.

McKay stepped out of the crowd in black, walked up to Eugene Porter, and asked with concern: "Mr. Chambler, are you okay?"

Eugene Porter shook his head: "It's okay."

Bruno saw McKay, his face completely changed, some time ago he and McKay had a collision, did that kid come here to take revenge?

But sooner or later not late, why come now?

"McKay, why did you bring so many people here?" Bruno narrowed his eyes, knowing for certain that McKay had not come to him for tea.

"Doing what? Of course you did!" McKay's answer was the same as before when Bruno answered Maria Chambler.

Bruno's face shrank, coldly said: "McKay, the last time I didn't gain much, you're not such a petty person, are you, because of a little thing like that, but want to kill me? "

McKay scoffed, saying: "You damn it because of last time, I'm here today to replace Mr. Chambler takes care of you!"

"Mr. Chambler?" Bruno's face showed suspicion, he immediately thought of someone, turned to Eugene Porter: "You mean this guy?"

"Correct." McKay said forcefully.

Amazed Maria Chambler, McKay's name she had heard of, was also one of the three heads of Kandaco's underworld, unexpectedly he called Eugene Porter a Mr. Chambler.

"McKay, your head is waterlogged, this kid is a famous jerk all over Kandaco, why are you doing this to me?" Bruno's face looked like he had encountered a demon.

"You want to find death?" McKay heard Bruno say that to Eugene Porter, immediately became impatient.

Bruno laughed and said: "McKay, damn it don't think I'm an idiot, this useless Eugene Porter from the Chamblers is not even a dog, you say you're because of it, beat me to death. believe!"

"Then damn it, I'll beat you to death!" McKay stepped forward, preparing to strike Bruno, but was stopped by Eugene Porter.

"You get Maria Chambler out first, don't let her see this." Eugene Porter said.

McKay glared at Bruno, nodded at Eugene Porter, then turned to take Maria Chambler outside.

Bruno looked at Eugene Porter and said coldly: "Idiot, did McKay tell you to do a play with him? Depending on you, it is also qualified to let that guy call out Mr. Chambler?"

Along with the heads of the underworld, Bruno felt that McKay's English name-calling useless Eugene Porter had also brought down his worth.

"Don't waste any more words, it'll be your turn to die in a little while." Eugene Porter said coldly.

" Damn it, acting is so addicting, is it because of McKay that you dare to talk to him like that? Wait a moment to deal with McKay, he will let you know how useful he is!"

Eugene Porter smirked, paying no attention to him.

Two employees there not far away peeked over here, they originally thought that Eugene Porter was dead, but did not expect such a thing to happen.

"What's going on, the one who just brought the others in, seems to be McKay."

"That's right, it's him, didn't expect two of the top three of the underworld to come to us, today is really unlucky, moreover you see McKay's attitude towards Eugene Porter, call me I a word Mr. That's Chambler, is Eugene Porter not as simple as we think?"

"Don't think so much, Eugene Porter is just a jerk, probably just coordinating with McKay, waiting for McKay to take advantage of him, then kick him somewhere else, until then for sure. Bruno won't forgive him, I can already imagine his pathetic appearance."

"That's also true, in the end the unlucky person is only Eugene Porter, a useless guy like him I can't see anymore."

In just a moment, McKay returned from outside, he arranged a few people to protect Maria Chambler, so that Maria Chambler could wait peacefully.

Eugene Porter looked at Maria Chambler and asked, "Are you all set up?"

"It's over, make sure nothing happens to your sister-in-law." McKay replied.

Eugene Porter nodded, if Maria Chambler was safe, then there was nothing left for him to worry about. Bruno

's words just now made Eugene Porter extremely angry, of course he would not give up Bruno easily.

" McKay, don't you find it funny, call this useless guy in English, you want to make me nauseous, you want to be inferior to this useless guy, but I don't want…" Bruno opened his mouth again . .

Eugene Porter charged straight at him, conveniently activating her fists.

Bruno saw this and said contemptuously: "What do you want to do, boy? Do you think that…"

Before he finished speaking, Eugene Porter's fist landed on Bruno's face.

Bruno can become one of the three leaders of the underworld, even if his strength is not equal to McKay's, ordinary people can't be compared.

But just now, he didn't see how Eugene Porter's fist was released, he couldn't see it clearly.

Too fast!

Bruno only felt darkness before his eyes, then his body fell backwards.

His juniors immediately helped him up, otherwise he couldn't get up.

Is this the useless name people say? Why is the punching force so strong just now, they put all their punches, I'm afraid they can't compare to him.

He was able to stand, then spat on the ground, loudly cursing: "Damn it, come on, beat it to death!"

Bruno's men rushed towards Eugene Porter, the man McKay brought also rushed forward, Bruno's men were unable to get close to Eugene Porter.

"Mr. Chambler, do you need help?" McKay asked.

"Just a bunch of bugs, I need your help with this, I'm afraid you don't need to call me English anymore." Eugene Porter said faintly.

McKay admires, he finds Eugene Porter extremely cool.

"You damn it get out, count on you, are you my opponent too?"

Bruno charged towards Eugene Porter, intending to return the blow just now.

Eugene Porter quickly raised his hand, the movement was agile but gave people a slow feeling, like a master who had practiced martial arts for many years in TV, for speed and power, was able to control extremely well made.

He easily grasped Bruno's hand, with his ability, Bruno's fist strength had already been consumed by more than half, unable to move forward anymore.

"Impossible!" Bruno was amazed.

The next second, Eugene Porter was pinning him to the ground.

Bruno's body was at least twice as big as Eugene Porter's, but when Eugene Porter grabbed his fist, Bruno felt as if the body wasn't his anymore.

"Do you know where you went wrong?" Eugene Porter's face was calm, his voice still carrying an interrogation.

"You are not wrong. Let me go, or I will…" Bruno fought with all his might, but to no avail.

Eugene Porter ignored him, continuing to say: "Your fault is, having intentions with my woman."

As soon as he finished speaking, with a "crack" sound, one of Bruno's arms was broken by Eugene Porter.


A pitiful groan echoed throughout the dining room, sounding like a pig being teased.

Cold sweat was pouring down Bruno's face, his face was as white as paper, the pain making his brows twisted and wrinkled.

Who would have expected that, Eugene Porter, who was seen as trash by all, would be so aggressive, breaking his arm without a moment's hesitation or hesitation.

The two waiters standing outside looked at them, and their hearts were filled with excitement.

Just now, the two of them even teased Eugene Porter that he would be taught a life lesson by Bruno, but recently Bruno had his arm broken by him.

"Am I dizzy? Is that person… the real Eugene Porter?"