
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 17: That's so unfair to Eugene Porter. 

Since then, Louis Chambler has trusted Aaron Cambler unconditionally, so he immediately looked at Eugene Porter with displeasure : "Eugene Porter, you're so brave, you even slandered Aaron Cambler?"

"Whether you slander him or not, he's clear in his heart. Besides, the other two were not caught by me, I'm just too thick-skinned to say it." Eugene Porter coldly opened his mouth.

"You damn it lie! Just now, when he saw that the other two wanted to steal Grandpa's things, he immediately informed the security, even if I didn't catch it, I still have my credit. If you don't believe it, people ask. the guards go." Aaron Chambler continues his fallacy.

He glanced at the Chess and gave the Chess a glance. From what he saw, everyone knew that Eugene Porter was an unsuccessful quitter, so no one would speak for Eugene Porter.

Although he didn't know these guards, but with a hint of it, they would definitely be on his side.

Louis Chambler looked at Chessi, opened his mouth and asked: "Is Aaron Chambler telling the truth?"

Chessi smiled sarcastically, looked at Aaron Chambler for a moment, even Ly Huynh Thai had to call Eugene Porter an 'brother', then of course they did not dare to confront Eugene Porter.

"We are the people that Mr. Eugene Porter here hired, have nothing to do with this person, he did not notify us just now." Chess replied.

The crowd immediately stirred, unexpectedly Aaron Cambler was lying, and for a moment, they all felt that Aaron Chambler was a little shameless.

Aaron Chambler also did not expect that Chessi would not cooperate like that, and immediately scolded his eighteen generations of ancestors.

Louis Chambler's face also became unsightly, but the old man also did not believe that these two thieves were sent by his nephew.

"No matter who caught them, they weren't sent by Aaron Chambler. Besides, these guards must have been arranged by Maria Chambler. How Aaron Cambler I understand, it's absolutely impossible. who can do this kind of thing."

"Maria Chambler, I know you want to give Eugene Porter some face, but if you want to do that, you'll have to try to get it yourself. She's also dependent on a daughter like you who really have no prospects. Now again want to slander Aaron Chambler, he sees that the person with bad intentions is him!" Louis Chambler spoke up.

"Grandpa, it's not like that..." Maria Chambler immediately rushed to explain on behalf of Eugene Porter.

Unfortunately, Louis Chambler didn't listen at all. The old man walked over to the two people sitting on the ground and asked, "Tell me, who sent you?"

Aaron Chambler rolled his eyes, gesturing to the other two. The Chess didn't listen to Aaron Chambler, but these two insisted.

The two thieves immediately understood, both looked at Eugene Porter, opened their mouths and said: "It was Eugene Porter who sent us. He said that the Chamblers treated him badly, so they told us to steal. antiques, revenge on the Chamblers."

The crowd looked towards Eugene Porter, talking in excitement.

"Didn't expect Eugene Porter to be this kind of person. After all, he's the son-in-law of the Chambler family, and yet he sent someone to steal our things."

"This Eugene Porter really has no future. Even being despised at home like that, he wants to use this method to take revenge on the Chambler family."

"Tsk tsk, such an ineffectual person will hardly be able to do great things in this life."


Aaron Chambler immediately laughed sarcastically. He looked happily at Eugene Porter, and immediately confidently asked: "Eugene Porter, do you have anything else to say now!"

"Huh, what else can he say. No wonder this ineffectual guy keeps relying on the Chambler family, we don't go, it turns out he misses his grandfather's business. I see Maria Chambler with one of them. Negotiate with him, you two want to take over the property of the Chambler family." Cherry Chambler followed suit.

Louis Chambler was so angry that he could not help but can't wait to punish Eugene Porter himself.

"It really pisses me off. A name like a trash like you still wants to steal my things. From now on, get the hell out of the house of the Chambler family! As for Maria Chambler, I'm afraid you'll also get away with it! do not escape related!"

Maria Chambler was extremely impatient. She believed Eugene Porter wouldn't do such a thing, but as the thieves both admitted, she didn't even have a chance to explain.

Eugene Porter, unfazed, calmly said: "These guardians are Maria Chambler coming, if these two thieves are also ours, then why should we arrest these two?"

This word served as a wake-up call, causing everyone here to react, finding out that Maria Chambler and Eugene Porter really didn't need to do so.

Louis Chambler was also aware of this problem, but afraid of losing face, the old man did not want to admit that his judgment was wrong.

"Perhaps Maria Chambler was also made to daydream by me. These two thieves admitted it, it's no use explaining it anyway!" Cherry Chambler shouted.

Eugene Porter smirked and said: "You also know that the two of them are thieves, the thief's words are unbelievable. To let them tell the truth, there is only one way."

He turned to look at Chessi. Chessi immediately understood, looking down at the two people sitting on the ground.

Everyone was curious as to how Eugene Porter made the two thieves tell the truth.

Chessi took one of the people's hands, smiled coldly and said: "My people don't like to talk too much, now that you are telling the truth, I still consider giving you a little less suffering."

"We're telling the truth!" The other opened his mouth to speak.

Chessi did not say two words, directly broke one of his fingers.

A 'crack' made everyone here get goosebumps.

"Truth or not?" Chessi asked a question again.

The other person's face was full of pain, only worried.


Chessi broke another of his fingers.

The other thief saw this scene, his face instantly turned white, and cold sweat ran down his forehead.

Cracks! Third finger.

The man whose third finger was broken soon became speechless. The other guy couldn't stand it and directly shouted:

"Speak, I speak, I speak the truth!"

"We are Bruno's people, Aaron Chambler came to Bruno and told Bruno to find an antique thief, convenient to paint Eugene Porter. What I say is one hundred percent true, if one word is fake then you guys. Just break my ten fingers!"

Seeing that the other person was telling the truth, Chessi stopped.

Everyone was taken aback by the other's words, no one expected that this was actually arranged by Aaron Chambler.

There is no doubt that even in that kind of situation the person is lying. If it were them again, I'd be afraid to break a finger.

And in the other's words there was mention of Bruno. Bruno is one of the three big brothers of the underworld in Domino. If what he said wasn't true, he wouldn't dare say it, anyway, Bruno wasn't easy to poke fun at.

The two thieves told Bruno that it was also because they wanted Chessi to be a little more gentle. If it weren't for Chessi's ruthlessness, it would have been possible to break even ten of their fingers.

"It's true that everyone hears. Eugene Porter I've always been brilliant, this kind of thing like stealing I despise doing." Eugene Porter raised his voice.

Everyone nodded, eyes turning to Aaron Chambler.

Aaron Chambler had absolutely no way to explain, anyway, everyone felt that the thief's words were true.

"Damn it you guys don't lie here! You steal stuff has nothing to do with me! Grandpa, they Pass the buck!" Aaron Chambler said impatiently.

"If we are Pass the buck or not, people will ask Bruno to know. We are really miserable for eight generations, and yet we have to replace people like you to work." The one who broke the other finger suffered the pain and said a sentence.

Aaron Chambler swallowed, momentarily unsure of what to do.

Louis Chambler's face turned pale, clearly believing the words of the other two thieves.

But until now, the old man has always trusted Aaron Chambler, considering these two thieves were sent by Aaron Chambler, it was also because he wanted to help the old man chase this ineffective Eugene Porter out of the Chambler family.

"Okay, here's the story. My children, I understand, they won't do this kind of thing. Take the other two thieves to the police station, don't let anyone bring this up again." Louis Chambler ordered.

Obviously Louis Chambler is favoring Aaron Cambler, but everyone here dares to say nothing.

Maria Chambler was angry for Eugene Porter, just now the other two thieves said they were sent by Eugene Porter, Louis Chambler immediately wanted to kick Eugene Porter out of the Chambler family.

Now the two thieves tell the truth, tell Louis Chambler everything was arranged by Aaron Chambler. Louis Chambler told people not to bring this up again.

That's so unfair to Eugene Porter.

But Louis Chambler in the Chambler family is such a domineering, if she resented for Eugene Porter, it would only make Louis Chambler more displeased.