
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 18: why have so much money?

"This exhibition Maria Chambler did a good job, his belongings were not stolen. You have a great contribution, worthy of praise, I will double your salary at the company. He respects you to for this ineffectual Eugene Porter to stay at the Chamblers, later saying it would cause him little trouble."

Louis Cambler knew that Aaron Cambler was a bit over the top this time around, so he borrowed the show's story to compensate Maria Chambler a bit.

"Grandpa, this exhibition..." Maria Chambler wanted to explain that this time the antiques weren't stolen entirely thanks to Eugene Porter.

"Okay, the exhibition ends here. Take the things away, thank you for the owner of the Cacaocha villa. Aaron Chambler, these days I am obediently at home with you, no need to go to the office."

After Louis Chambler finished speaking, he turned around and left the Cacaocha villa.

Aaron Cambler plotted to steal the old man's antiques, but the old man only told Aaron Chambler to stay at home for a few days to think.

Aaron Chambler responds to Louis Chambler, then sneers at Eugene Porter and Maria Chambler .

"Even if Grandpa knows I did it, I'm his biological grandson, he won't do anything to me. See the reality, at the Chambler family, my words count!"

Maria Chambler burned with anger, and immediately wanted to have a few words with Aaron Chambler.

Eugene Porter held out his hand to stop her: "Don't be angry with this kind of person, sooner or later he will regret it."

Maria Chambler nodded slightly, feeling that Eugene Porter was right, so she paid no attention to Aaron Chambler anymore.

Sometimes the high and low with a stupid person, I myself will eventually know to be a fool.

The exhibition in the flower garden has ended, the audience one by one leaves the Cacaocha villa.

From beginning to end, they were not able to admire the true face of the owner of this Cacaocha villa, nor did anyone know why the owner of the Cacaocha villa was welcoming Maria Chambler.

Cherry Chambler with a very arrogant face walked past Eugene Porter and Maria Chambler, disdainfully saying: "I'm almost dead tired to get a little more salary in the company. The owner of this Cacaocha villa is far behind her future husband. Until the day he comes to marry me, this Chambler family will be owned by me."

Eugene Porter pursed her lips, thinking that this daydream of hers was a bit far-fetched.

In the evening, when Olivia Chambler came home, her face was very happy, her daughter successfully organized an exhibition for Louis Chambler, and also got a raise, which is a good thing, so she made a table full of delicious food for Maria. Chambler eats.

"Daughter, you really did a great job this time. I believe grandpa will respect you even more in the future, raising your salary is just the beginning." Olivia Chambler smiled.

"That's right, our daughter is really getting better and better." Dwight Chambler also laughed.

"Dad, mom, this exhibition is also very meritorious of Eugene Porter. Without him..." Maria Chambler opened her mouth.

"The success of your exhibition this time has nothing to do with this ineffectual man, it depends entirely on your own ability, Eugene Porter following along will only cause more trouble for me, especially the theft of antiques, If you don't arrange it well, maybe this crime will fall on our heads."

Olivia Chambler heard about Eugene Porter and was angry.

"But mom, those guardians..."

"Come on girl, stop talking for the ineffectual man. It's a good thing he didn't get kicked out of the Chambler house this time. If you spoke up for him, he'd be fine. It doesn't change the fact that he's an ineffective one." Maria Chambler gave Eugene Porter a reluctant glance. Eugene Porter smiled at her: "Eat your rice, I don't care."

After dinner, Eugene Porter went to wash the dishes, then returned to his room.

He finished spreading the blanket on the ground when he found Maria Chambler staring at him.

"What's up?" Eugene Porter asked.

"I'm sorry about today. I wanted to make it clear, but they wouldn't listen." Maria Chambler's face was filled with regret.

Eugene Porter casually smiled and said, "As long as the problem is solved, it's fine, don't care too much about other people's opinions. Besides, they recognize you as the most important thing to me."

Maria Chambler was deeply grateful in her heart, what happened today made her look at Eugene Porter completely differently.

"That's right, did you buy that 'Heart of Venus'?" Maria Chambler asked again.

Eugene Porter nodded, also making no secret.

"You... why have so much money?" That necklace must also be 135 billion, where did Eugene Porter get this money?

"Ah, my Slush fund." Eugene Porter replied.

Maria Chambler immediately fell silent, his Slush fund is too much and gone.

She did not continue the search to the end. Since getting married, she and Eugene Porter are both very distinct. She didn't ask about his business, no matter how much money he had, as long as he didn't break the law, she wouldn't care.

Eugene Porter lay on the ground, Maria Chambler stared at him, suddenly the ghost of the devil said a sentence:

"Hey, you... can you sleep on the hard ground? Or..."