
Invictus: Hero From The Shadow

The rare skill non-Combatant Job class meets the Legend Combatant Job class. I acquired a rare skill when I had the desire to fight for my second-time life. I don't want to stand by anymore watching the monsters with their various powers trying to destroy the place where my second life has just begun. I promise to risk my whole life for this new world even though I am unknown, abused, and also considered an enemy to the Hero and his allies. For me, the most important thing is her safety as well as the world I live in now. Fuck the others! I call myself Invictus. The one who will save the world from behind the shadows.

Ikrisnaw28 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 9 Fire Dragon's Blessing

Kaley realized that what was in front of him was a creature from legend. The distance between the two of them is not too far. He does not know what will happen to him, but he did not feel the slightest fear of the dragon. Even Kaley herself calmly questioned the dragon.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you bothering us?"

Hearing Kaley's question, the Fire Dragon laughed.

"ha ha ha…! Extraordinary! A mortal who has no immortality like you dares to question me like this! I confess your courage! Since you amaze me, then I will answer your question! I'm bored! I want a great battle! But none of the living beings can quench our thirst!

"Drrt! Drrt! Drrrt!"

While Kaley was still paying attention to the fire dragon's words, he noticed that something strange had happened. Some of the sentences spoken by the red dragon seemed to be cut off.

"What the hell just happened?" Kaley muttered under his breath.

As he sensed the strangeness, Kaley still felt a deep sense of anger. He really felt a great humiliation. He thought that the fire dragon only saw other living beings as a way to relieve his boredom.

"You bastard! How can you say that you are bored and destroy other races so easily? I won't let you behave like that again! I will make you surrender!"

This time the fire dragons laughed at Kaley's words again.

"Hahaha, you really are an idiot mortal! Don't you realize that with your current abilities I can destroy you at any moment?!"

Kaley's eyes shook violently when he heard the threat from the fire dragon. However, what he said he could not swallow back. He was prepared for the worst that could come his way.

Kaley was silent, the fire dragon was silent too.

Before long, the fire dragon again said something else.

"In that case, okay! I'll be waiting for your words! I will wait for the moment you make me submit to you, mortal! I will give you a reward because you have dared to challenge me like this. Until then, alive!"

"Dragon Blessing!"

The fire dragon stretched out his hand. With his finger, he flicked Kaley's body which sent Kaley flying quite far. Even made Kaley leave with 1 Health point. Even from the flick of the finger of the fire dragon, Kaley lost consciousness.

"I'll be waiting for you, mortal! I look forward to your promise someday!"

After that, the fire dragon flapped its wings again and moved away from the city of Aldheisna. At the same time, the remaining monsters also moved away from the city.

Kaley who obtained Dragon Blessing was unaware of the buff's ability. The Hidden Buff given by the fire dragon has the ability to make the user who gets the buff unable to die. The buff will be active as long as the caster does not deactivate the buff on the target or if the caster dies.



Kaley woke up when he heard the sound of a bird. It seemed that he had been unconscious for quite a while until the morning of the next day came. He is also the first to awaken after receiving the dragon's unconscious debuff. His Health points notification also keeps beeping because he only has 1 Health point left. He immediately took a red potion and gulped it down.

"The Regen Red Potion has been drunk. Regen Health Points starts"

In that world, a potion had a very high price. Only high-class adventurers had spare funds to buy instant potions. For Kaley who had just started trying the skills of the job-class combatant he just had, buying instant potions was a mere dream.

After he assumed that his Health Points were at a safe point, Kaley immediately hid his mask, his cloak and he also took off the armor set which increased his stats. Then he also woke up several adventurers and guards not far from him.

"Jessie, wake up!"

The first one he woke up with was the swordswoman he knew. The girl is also one of the newbies who get quite a lot of damage from the Fire Dragon. After giving her a regen potion, Jessie also helps Kaley to revive the others.

There are too many fallen victims in Aldheisna. Materially and spiritually.

When he recalled that he knew the reason behind the fire dragon's attack, a rage rose within Kaley's heart.

"I will really hunt down that fire dragon, making him my slave! I'm sure that time will come," he muttered to himself.

After everyone came to their senses and started cleaning up the remnants of the battle the day before, the first thing Kaley did was to get back to making equipment. Exactly a day ago, he saw many types of equipment that he had never seen before and existed in this world.

Usually, adventurers only wore armor sets, headgear, and also a weapon made by blacksmiths. But when he opened his own crafting window list, Kaley found something else.


He sees that he can make accessories in the form of necklaces, rings, belts, and earrings that can increase his Main stats or his combatant job-class Sub Stats. However, when Kaley saw the ingredients he needed to make these accessories, she snorted.

"Damn it. These materials seem to have come from the bodies of monsters over level 10."

Kaley racked his brains. There is no other choice. Inevitably he has to show his other self his combatant class, enroll in a guild and become an adventurer. Even though he has to hide his real identity.

When he came out of his house, he saw several guards were busy looking for someone.

"Have you seen someone who is wearing a mask, wearing a cloak, and bringing a familiar with him?" asked one of the guards to the residents who were trying to fix their slightly destroyed house.

The man the guard asked shook his head. They didn't seem to care about the guard. They are more focused on fixing their lives first, which were just hit by a disaster a day ago.

Kaley, who was curious about why there was a guard looking for another side of him, tried to approach the guard.

"Is that guy causing trouble here?" Kaley asked as he approached the guard.

The guard shook his head and then answered the question Kaley threw at him.

"No, he didn't cause any trouble. However, he became one of the saviors of this city when the monsters attacked Aldheisna. The guild master who just returned from the capital would like to meet him in person at the town guild and say thank you."

Getting that kind of information, Kaley seemed almost unable to contain his joy. According to him, he got a windfall.

"This is a good opportunity to smooth out my plans," he muttered under his breath.