
Invictus: Hero From The Shadow

The rare skill non-Combatant Job class meets the Legend Combatant Job class. I acquired a rare skill when I had the desire to fight for my second-time life. I don't want to stand by anymore watching the monsters with their various powers trying to destroy the place where my second life has just begun. I promise to risk my whole life for this new world even though I am unknown, abused, and also considered an enemy to the Hero and his allies. For me, the most important thing is her safety as well as the world I live in now. Fuck the others! I call myself Invictus. The one who will save the world from behind the shadows.

Ikrisnaw28 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 8 Fire Dragon

Kaley who was still rushing towards the city of Aldheisna was suddenly startled by a roar that passed above his head. As he looked up at the sky, he was struck by something that made him freeze.


Right above Kaley's head many dragons were flying and heading toward the city. One of the dragon monsters that appears is the fire dragon. A gigantic dragon that is actually just a myth told by Brokers. However, Kaley finally believed because the story was true. Now he saw if the figure of the fire dragon was true.

"Damn it! Why now?! If I'm not mistaken, Hyun-ah says that the monster attack is still three months away. But, why has all this happened?"

Without thinking further, Kaley accelerated his run. He moved as fast as he could to get to the city. Kaley saw that the main gate had been destroyed in half. There wasn't even a gatekeeper in sight anymore. The moment he decided to enter the city, Kaley was immediately confronted with a heart-wrenching sight. Many buildings were damaged, burned, and many corpses were scattered everywhere.

"Damn it!"

Kaley decided to go deeper into the city. Now he saw some familiar people. He saw Jessie who was a swordswoman with her party group as well as several adventurers busy fighting the monsters that had entered the city of Aldheisna.

Kaley now also learns that the city was not only attacked by dragons but also attacked by land monsters. The dragons only burned the gates, some tall buildings, and also the houses. After that, they went to their next destination. Unlike other land monsters that directly attack adventurers or residents of the city.

"Focus on yourselves!"

"Don't let us be pushed away by the attacks of these monsters!"

The head guard and the remaining adventurers who were still in Aldheisna struggled to fend off the monsters.

"Damn it! Why did this sort of thing happen when all the frontliners here join the Hero's Expedition? Now there are no more high-level adventurers here!"

The words of one of the adventurers were true. There was a mistake made by the expedition heroes advancing to the vanguard. However, there was another adventurer who refuted that remark.

"Don't give up! We still have another hero besides Miss Liliana Valdes! Defend the defensive line!"

The Irentana continent which has the largest human population has a quite unique level of adventurer. If every user who enters Dragestva gets a combatant class, they can join a guild and become an adventurer.

Within the guild, they had to raise their rank from the bottom tier. Regardless if he is a hero or not. The level of adventurers in the guild is divided into ten ranks. Starting from rank G or called a newbie who has a maximum level of 10, to the highest level, for now, is rank S or called as a champion and has a level cap of 90.

Two heroes are at this level. A twenty-one-year-old woman named Liliana Valdes has a job class Palladin and a mysterious man who has a job class as a Dragoon.

Incredibly within a year the first generation of the Re: Life system immediately gave birth to people who appeared on the front lines like Hyun-ah. Now Hyun-ah has a C rank or is called a Master with a level cap of 50.

If someone who has a combatant-job class doesn't have a rank and does not join the guild, they can't have a level above level 10, like Kaley's current condition. Even Kaley, who is not a combatant, knows this condition.

"Watch out they're coming!" shouted one of the guards.

"Arghh…," Kaley heard a scream from one of the girls.

The girl was part of Jessie's party group who had the job class of a newbie-level priest who slipped on her own long robe. Not far in front of her, there was a monster in the form of a Black Beak Eagle which had the size of an adult.

"Nagita...!," shouted Jessie who was too far away from Nagita.




"Magic Smash!"

However, they were all suddenly startled by a skill that appeared suddenly and a monster that appeared out of nowhere that directly attacked the monster with the bird's figure.

Kaley's Double Horn Boar directly rammed the eagle monster that had been hindered by Kaley's root skill. After the monster fell, Kaley immediately attacked the monster with his Magic skill.

"What are all of you doing? Why are all of you didn't doing anything?!," Kaley snapped at the other adventurers as they were still confused by someone who had a unique job class that had not been seen before like Kaley's.

With that shout, the adventurers and guards immediately helped attack the monsters that had been weakened by Kaley's skills and summons.

"Congratulations, you have leveled up…"

"Congratulations, you have leveled up…"

While helping the adventurers and guards to defeat the monsters that appeared in Aldheisna, there was a look of joy on Kaley's face. He who just a moment ago complained about the difficulty of leveling up, now he seemed to easily level up.

With his clever strategy and thinking, Kaley's summons always gets the last kill. The greatest experience will be obtained by the person who gets the last kill of the monster.

Needless to say, they were able to repulse the monsters without the help of the Hero who never appeared. Even Kaley himself was able to level up to level 10 in an instant. When the adventurers had their spirits up because the monsters had started to get knocked back, the figure of a monster they never expected appeared in the city. The Fire Dragon returned to the city of Aldheisna and immediately landed on one of the buildings that had been destroyed.



As the fire dragon landed, a bluster can be heard. The sound was like the sound of a bomb being dropped on the ground. The impact of the landing even made adventurers with newbie rank receive enormous damage, Kaley was no exception. Almost all of the adventurers who were affected by the impact of the landing got an unconscious debuff.

"Warning! Your Health points are below normal limits! Please Heal your Health Points!"

When Kaley looked at his HP bar which was in the upper left of his viewpoint, he saw that his HP bar was showing the number 20/210. He could be said to be at an alarming point. But unlike the others, he is the only person who is still conscious and not affected by the debuff.

The Fire Dragon who saw Kaley who was still awake even though he had released his debuff said something, "I seem to have seen an object that has a rare ability!"