
Invictus: Hero From The Shadow

The rare skill non-Combatant Job class meets the Legend Combatant Job class. I acquired a rare skill when I had the desire to fight for my second-time life. I don't want to stand by anymore watching the monsters with their various powers trying to destroy the place where my second life has just begun. I promise to risk my whole life for this new world even though I am unknown, abused, and also considered an enemy to the Hero and his allies. For me, the most important thing is her safety as well as the world I live in now. Fuck the others! I call myself Invictus. The one who will save the world from behind the shadows.

Ikrisnaw28 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 16 Doppelganger!

After they met the village head. Their next trip was delayed because the village head did not allow them to leave the village at night.

"I know that you are the mercenaries sent by Aldheisna, but please understand us too. This village doesn't have any good monster defense capabilities. We lack natural resources to repair the fences and we also lack human resources to act as guards."

Jessie couldn't help but succumb to the village head. There was a fear for the village head that the monsters referred to in the "Danger from Inside" quest would attack the village at night. They need that support now.

"Alright, according to the direction of the village head, we will divide the team into two groups. The first team will guard the north of the village entrance, and the second team will guard the south of the village entrance. The first team consisted of me, Gina, and Amelia while the second team consisted of Invictus and Nagita. Invictus who will lead as party leader for group two"

Jessie seemed to know that the Giant Boar would be the main DPS for Invictus' group. She is also clever when positioning Nagita as a healer who will heal the Giant Boar. Jessie also entrusts Kaley to protect Nagita.

"He has the potential to be a great leader in the future," Kaley said in a low voice but could still be heard by Nagita who was not far from Kaley.

"It seems that you are also capable of judging someone, Mr. Invictus," replied Nagita with a small laugh.

Starting with a compliment for someone, as the night progresses, the conversation between Nagita and Kaley gets hotter. The two of them talked about so many things until Nagita fell asleep at the guard post in the south. The guards were also rested in Kaley's direction. He assures the guards that they can rest and will call them when a threat comes.


Kaley immediately took out his summons. He didn't even worry when there were villagers who saw a monster that was quite big as the adult man's chest.

"Giant Boar, protect this place and also protect Nagita. You can send me a notification if a monster comes to this place."

"Grrr…!," replied the Giant Boar as if he agreed to Kaley's order.

When everything was in order, Kaley immediately activated a cloak that made him invisible at night. Even this cloak will not be detected by low-level scouts like Gina.

Kaley's summons will not be lost as long as Kaley is within a maximum distance of 50 meters from the summons. That night, Kaley did leave the south gate. He entered the forest not far from Agarte Village. Kaley wanted to check something that made him look worried about something happening in Agarte village.

"As I thought… there's something strange about this village…," Kaley muttered when he saw someone or something moving out of Agarte Village.

When Kaley decides to follow the mysterious figure, he is surprised by something else.

"What?! Isn't that the crafting material I need? Damn, they showed up at the wrong time."

Blue-black birds that glowed in the darkness of the night appeared right in front of Kaley. This time he was faced with two choices. Was he going to hunt down some of the birds to get his new crafting equipment, or was he going to let the birds go and focus on pursuing the mysterious figure.

"Damn it, like it or not I have to give up that figure. Besides, I won't be able to get too far from the Giant Boar, or else he will return to my realm and endanger the south gate and Nagita."


Right after Kaley got his crafting materials, he got a notification sent by the Giant Boar to him.

"Gina approaching location"

"Damn it, that girl…I have to get back as soon as possible"

When Gina arrived at the south gate, she saw a Giant Boar standing in the middle of the gate. Not far beside the entrance, there is a post containing Nagita sleeping.

"Damn… this guy, is he…"


Gina immediately ran as fast as lightning towards where Nagita was sleeping, not far away by leaning his body on the Giant Boar's body, Kaley seemed to be sitting cross-legged.

"Would you like to check on us, Gina?" Kaley said looking relaxed. From the voice behind his mask, it seemed that he was also getting sleepy.

Gina seemed to sigh. The possibility of the being an betrayer did exist. However, this time it seemed that her intuition was wrong.

"I told the Guards and Nagita to rest first. So I summoned a Giant Boar to accompany me here," said Kaley.

"I didn't ask you," Gina replied curtly.

However, on the other hand, a smile appeared on Kaley's face.

"I didn't expect that I would get this skill as well as such amazingly good equipment. This skill will greatly benefit me now and in the future. I can also lessen her suspicion of me," Kaley said to himself.

"Acquired Skill 1: Doppelganger! level E. Can create twins that can even command the caster's summons. Doppelganger will be active for thirty minutes"

Kaley knew that Gina suspected him. As if luck had come to him easily, when Kaley made the equipment while he was waiting for Gina's arrival, he acquired a unique skill that could be used when he put on his new equipment.

"Unique Back Blueish leather armor sets. Maker: Park Kaley. Type: armor set. Can be used from level 11 to level 20. It cannot be traded and can only be used by the maker"

"Magic Resistance D/F"

"Increases Physical Defense Boost"

"Evasion E/F"

"Increases Magical Defense Boost"

"Unique Back Blueish staff: Creator: Park Kaley. Type: magical weapon/staff. Can be used from level 11 to level 20. It cannot be traded and can only be used by the maker"

"Magic Resistance D/F"

"Increases Physical Attack Boost"

"CastTime D/F"

"Increases Magical Attack Boost"

"Additional buff that the user gets: point sub stats increased by 1 point. Mp user increased by 40 points. Acquired Skill: Doppelganger! level E. Can create twins that can even command the caster's summons. Doppelganger will be active for thirty minutes"


Level 15-Tamer

HP: 260

MP: 250

Main Stats

"Strength E/F"

"Intelligence D/F"

"Vitality E/F"

"Agility E/F"

"Dexterity E/F"

"Lucky A/F"

Sub-Stats "Unlocked"

"Speed ​​E/F"

"Cast time D/F"

"Physical & Magical Attack D/F"

"Physical & Magical Defense D/F"

"Attack Speed ​​E/F"

"Accuracy E/F"

"Evasion E/F"

"Block E/F"

"Can catch 2 monsters"

"Acquired Skill 1: Doppelganger! level E. Can create twins that can even command the caster's summons. Doppelganger will be active for thirty minutes"