
Invictus: Hero From The Shadow

The rare skill non-Combatant Job class meets the Legend Combatant Job class. I acquired a rare skill when I had the desire to fight for my second-time life. I don't want to stand by anymore watching the monsters with their various powers trying to destroy the place where my second life has just begun. I promise to risk my whole life for this new world even though I am unknown, abused, and also considered an enemy to the Hero and his allies. For me, the most important thing is her safety as well as the world I live in now. Fuck the others! I call myself Invictus. The one who will save the world from behind the shadows.

Ikrisnaw28 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 12 Challenge

Kaley smiled when he saw a new notification pop up in front of his face. Not only because his level had now increased, but also because he had acquired a new skill and something he didn't expect.

"I can't believe it can evolve this fast! this is awesome! His evolution will make it different from the monsters that have existed for so long!"

Notifications don't stop there. He saw a new notification again.

"A summon evolution is available. Does the caster allow summoned monsters to evolve? Y/N?"

"Pfft… I definitely will. Yes, I want it!"

Suddenly a black wind enveloped his double horn boar's body. It didn't take long to change the boar's physical form.

"The evolution of the first degree was successful. Double Horn Boar becomes a Giant Horn Boar. Giant Boar's HP increased by 50 points. Race: Giant Boar. Rating: Tamed. Rank: Rare & Aggressive. Level: 11. Hp: 333. Revolution ability: Yes"

The description immediately appeared as soon as his summoned monster's body shape changed. Kaley also opened his stats to see what skills he had acquired

"Acquired Skill 1: Raw Strike! Perform a physical attack on a target. This attack cannot reduce HP target below one"

"Acquired Skill 2: Sigil of Silence! Gives silence to the target. The target affected by this debuff will not be able to use the skill for 30 seconds"

Kaley slightly snorted while reading one of the skills that appeared in the status window.

"Raw strike? This skill won't work if I stand close enough to the target. So like it or not, for now, I can only depend on the attack with the magic smash. While this debuff skill is pretty good too. I can use root skills! And also this skill to make my target unable to do anything"

Kaley also noticed that something had changed in his status window.

"Can catch two monsters, and also summon them at the same time"

Kaley looked happy when he found out that he could now catch another monster and make it his own. On the other hand, the guild administrator again couldn't believe what his eyes saw. Just a while ago he had been struck by the strange name Kaley had, a job class he never knew either, and this time a tamed monster could evolve.

"This will be big news in the city," the guild administrator said quietly.

"Giant boar, prepare yourselves! We'll start attacking that goblin!" Kaley ordered after he saw the root skill! The goblins began to disappear slowly.


When Kaley gave direct orders to his giant boar, the summoned monster immediately understood Kaley's wish. Without any further orders, the Giant Boar immediately dashed off in spite of its size.


However, the goblin was still able to withstand the Giant Boar's attack with his club even though he was still able to be pushed back due to the pressure of the Giant boar's body. Right behind the two monsters, a curiosity rose from within Kaley.

"Is it possible that this monster can be captured and become mine?"

Kaley wanted to give it a try. At the same time, Kaley also ordered the Giant Boar to listen to his instructions as well.

"Giant Boars! Attack him right after I have dealt a few hits to that goblin!"


"Sigil of Silence!"

When the goblin was again bound by Kaey's binding skill, he still added a skill that could make the goblin close his mouth tightly. When the goblin realized that there was something wrong with him being unable to say and do anything, Kaley attacked him again with a magic smash!


As if the suffering received by the goblin was not complete, he still had to receive an attack in the form of a ram that he would receive from the Giant Boar in front of him.


Incredibly, just a single ram could send the goblin flying. The effect of the attack left the goblin lying helpless. In order to satisfy Kaley's curiosity, he finally brought out his incantation skill.


However, right in front of his face, Kaley got another notification.

"The target is a summoned monster. The target will not be able to be caught by the capture! skill. Skill capture! can only be used against free monsters that are not allied with anyone."

"Hmm…it doesn't seem that easy. Alright then. Let's kill him, Giant boar!"



The Guild Administrator exited the test room with a sullen expression on his face. It's the exact opposite of Kaley's face. Even though other people couldn't see his face which was covered by a mask, behind the mask there is a radiant expression.

Even after he couldn't catch and he could only defeat the goblin, there was a sense of satisfaction rising in his heart.

"It seems Aventda is really serious about helping me," Kaley muttered.

Right at the guild lobby table, the guild administrator immediately gave Kaley a name tag. A name tag engraved with Invictus's name made of wood carvings was handed over to him.

It didn't take long for Kaley to throw a few questions at the guild administrator.

"So, what can I get with this name tag?"

"You can show this to the mercenaries to let you join them if you need a party. With that name tag, you can also take quests that are on the bounty list & quest list in each guild throughout Irentana. With this name tag, you can also join expeditions. However, I suggest that you upgrade your name tag until you are ready for the grade called frontliners."

Kaley thought that with such a simple name tag, he was getting quite a lot of convenience. But there are other things that still make him curious.

"Can you explain to me the rank in the guild?"

The Guild Administrator was silent for a while, but he immediately answered Kaley's question, "That's a bit much. But for your information, I'll let you know."

While Kaley was focusing on the guild administrator there were several people staring at him with envy, and there were several people talking about him.

"I believe I can defeat that masked man with pvp. Besides, I'm quite curious about the job he has."

"Are you sure? I heard he was someone who helped the guards when the fire dragon attacked Aldheisna"

The burly figure that stood out the most looked at Kaley quite horribly, "That's quite interesting. The masked man was my target. I'll crush him in the hall of PVP"