

[10 years ago]

"They are coming"


I woke up in the middle of the night, at first, I thought I had a bad dream, so I didn't pay too much attention, however….

"They are coming"

I heard that voice again, this time, I was sure that I wasn't dreaming, I clearly heard a voice.

"Who's there" I asked looking around me.

However, nobody answered, after some time, I returned to my bed, convincing me that I was just dreaming.

The next day was a special day, since it was the beginning of my high school life.

"Noah! , you are gonna be late to school" A voice came from below.

My mother, Elisa, is your average middle-aged mother, she was a kind mom that took take care of me and my older sister, Eva.

"I am going!" I answer while brushing my teeth.

"Noah lets go, we can be late on the first day of school!" Shout my sister.

I speed up and barely managed to get the bus to school.

"Noah, you really need to stop that habit of yours" Said my sister.

"I can't help it, I like to sleep after all" I answered.

My sister made a small sigh before smiling kindly.

"Yeah, yeah, Anyway, Since we already are here, let's do our best, remember, don't let people bully you, if anyone gives you a hard time, call me okay?, I will make sure that they don't go home by their own means" Said Eva.

"That's going to far Sis, don't worry. I will be fine~" I said while grabbing her hand.

Since our father died, my sister has always been like this, she tends to overprotect me, however, I can't say I dislike it, my mother works all day and I don't have many friends, so saying that my sister, who was four years older than me, is my best friend, wasn't an exaggeration, a little sad thought.

"It won't be too long"

Suddenly, I hear a voice inside my head, a familiar voice, the same one that I heard the night before, however, this time, I hear it (clearly) than before, it was a strange voice, but I can tell that is a woman's voice.

"Who?" I asked

"Mmm? What did you say Noah?" Asked my sister.

"Ah? Ah, no, its nothing sis, just talking to myself"

"…Anyway we are about to get there so don't talk to yourself too much, people will think that you are weird" Said my sister while patting my head.

The first day of school was….average I will say?.... It didn't happen anything out of the ordinary, I don't remember too much of it thought, because all day long, I could only think of the voice.

I got home earlier that day, my sister was still on school and my mom was at work, so I was just me at home. I went straight to my room and closed it, I needed to know what that voice was.

"Are you there?" I asked.

I waited for some time but I didn't hear an answer.

"Are you there?"

I asked a second time.

"I am"

This time, I heard a reply, it was that voice inside my head. I must admit that I was scared, but more than anything, I was curious.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You….can….can call me…. Lera" Said The voice, no , Lera.

"What do you want? Why are you inside my head?" I asked.

However, Lera didn't answer, I tried to ask a few more times but Lera didn't respond. Before I knew it, it was already 6 p.m, It was dark outside and my sister was just about to get home, so I decided to stop and went to take a shower.

Everything went by normally, We had a family dinner and I went to sleep at 11 p.m , I was tired so I fell sleep almost in an instant, however, that night, something woke me up.

"They are coming"

I woke up, it was Lera, this time thought, I wasn't so surprised.

"Who are coming?" I asked.

"THEY!" Asked Lara with panic.

"Who are they?" I scarily asked.

"THEY are THEY, went they come, It will be the beginning!" Said Lara

"The beginning of what?"

This time, I didn't get an answer.

"Hey! Lara, what do you mean!?"

However, no matter how many times I asked, Lara didn't answer. From her tone of voice, I could conclude that whoever were THEY, Lara was absolutly scared of them.

That night, I couldn't sleep a wink.

The days went by and life was as well, I managed to make some friends in my new school, it wasn't as hard as I thought It will be. I wouldn't say that I was a bad student, in fact, my grades were above average, the problem was t who are you comparing me with, my sister was what you call a genius, she was perfect in everything from sports to studies and even arts, not only that ,she was really beautiful, for this reason, people saw me not as Noah Wegner but the loser brother of Eva Wegner.

Quite sad, isn't it?

"But you have a huge sister complex, don't you?"

My friends used to tease me asking me that, in fact, I did have a bit of sister complex, I won't deny it, but….

"Let them be, I love my cute little brother, was wrong with that? " Said my sister while hugging me from behind.

I could just smile wryly.

Sometimes I asked myself if I had the complex or was the other way around?


Everything in my life was normal, except the nights.

"You must prepare…..for…..the…..beginning"

Every night, Lara talked, every time she did, she always said the same thing.

"They are coming"

I passed from excitement to anger.

"Get out of my head!" I shout inside my head.

However, no matter how many times I tried, she always repeated the same words.

Humans are fascinating creatures, with enough time, people could get used to everything, I wasn't an exception. With enough time, I get used to Lara, although I couldn't sleep that well, It was tolerable. Like this, months pass like nothing and the end of the year was near, funny enough, my birthday was on December 24.

Quite the day, isn't it?

Our family of three had the same tradition, My sister and my mom will go on shopping while I decorated the house, this year wasn't an exception, however...


"Lara?" I asked stunned.

This was the first time that Lara had ever say my name.

"Family....." Said Lara.



These words made me drop the small Santa that I had on my hands.

"Family!?" I thought.

"Must save...…..Eva...…will…..die" Said Lara.

I didn't doubt it for one second and went straight to the mall.