
Inuyasha:The third sword

Firstly I don't know English, I'm using Google translate, so translation errors will occur. Secondly, I'm not a professional writer, there will be spelling errors, I'll try to keep them to a minimum but I can't promise much I've been looking for an Inuyasha novel on this platform, seeing that it doesn't exist I do so.... Or I'll give it a try! What you can expect here will be adventure, fantasy, action and a little romance? Maybe. Pd:I will upload chapters on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. If I feel like it, of course :) Pd2:It is a fan-fiction of an existing anime and where all the characters of the story come from, except the main character of my own creation.

Th3_C4t · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 25: Encounters and Misencounters 2

Advancing long distances thanks to the force put into his footsteps propelling him a few meters at a time, a slender young man with long silver hair on which grow a pair of ears of the same color, wearing a fire red hakama and kitoe while carrying another person on his back runs under the moonlight. 

"Kagome, it was unnecessary for you to come. I could take care of everything."

Though her voice sounded cynical and even a bit proud. Small hints of worry bloomed in them, as he spoke to the girl behind him. 

"Even though they have been standing still, we don't know when or if they will start moving and then how will you follow them. Besides, here is Shippo to help me. right Shippo?"

"¡Sure Kagome!"

Responding to the determined voice that didn't seem to come from such a young girl, there was a small boy, though he had certain non-human features like a tail and fox paws. This one is holding on to the red cloth on the beast boy's shoulder section and putting on an expression that makes him look very confident.

"Shippo, that midget?"

"Better than you flea dog who doesn't understand that you need Kagome to follow the shards."

The young man's silver ears twitch slightly and one of his fists clenched as if he wanted to hit someone, although this action is forgotten when he stops his movement before the surprised look of the group and one of his hands hits his clothes to then open it in front of his face.

"Myoga, you scary flea. ¿What are you doing here?"

Inside his palm, a small flea yokai with the appearance of a grandfather is found. This occurrence attracts everyone's attention equally, almost as if they can't believe he is here and this is further demonstrated by their expressions of pure doubt. 

"Master Inuyasha. ¿How can you think that your faithful servant would stand idly by as you run towards danger? On the other hand, I think I sense a familiar presence from that place."

Placing a finger in his mouth and blowing inward, he changes from a flat state like a pancake to a completely normal body. Following this he begins to speak, though he is answered by Shippo whom Inuyasha hits on the head thus scratching the itch in his fist, causing Kagome to scold him.

The group of friends continued with this kind of attitude for quite some time, on the other hand.... 

Christopher pov. 

"Why don't they come..."

Staring at the moon with lost eyes, I begin to doubt about life, my purpose, not all of that is a lie. My only thoughts are how hard I'm going to hit them if that cloud covers the moon and ruins my finely prepared scene, by their late arrival. 

"Maybe you should go find them."

"No, Saya, no! This is now a matter of principle!"

Responding to Saya, who is hovering next to me, I start to tighten the cloudy fang hilt and look at the moon that is close to being covered... Until they arrived! Or did it arrive? 


Leaping into the air from the surrounding forest, shouting loudly and with a sword that was of enormous size. A young man dressed in red with long silver hair and dog ears appears at my back launching a descending attack. 

Things went through my mind like, why doesn't he follow the script, who the hell attacks a stranger without speaking first? And many other things. But that didn't make my reaction slow by a long shot, turning on myself. I was left staring into his golden eyes before a combination of five golden tails hit him in the right, sending him flying back into the forest.


"Inuyasha x2"

Running from the shadows of the surrounding forest and approaching the cloud of smoke that Inuyasha is standing in, appears… a schoolgirl with a raccoon on her head? What the hell is going on here. 

I was so shocked by the sight that when I came to, I was already standing on the ground watching those two help Inuyasha stand up even though he didn't need it. Now that I look at her more calmly and without any obstacles in my line of sight, she looks familiar... those facial features, black hair and even height. 

"Bah, just caught me off guard, where are the shards Kagome?"

"She has two, both are embedded in her forehead."

Watching as Inuyasha shakes his head and stands up as if nothing had happened to him, I was briefly shocked at his physical endurance and about that girl named Kagome being the reincarnation of Kikyo. I already saw it coming. 

"Here I come!"

"¿Why do you say that?"

Noticing that he yells that he's going to attack me, I couldn't stand it and reply with the first words that come to mind, though this seems to make him even angrier, causing him to increase his running speed before attempting a diagonal slash, which he avoided by taking a step backwards and then created a fan-shaped burst of flames forward. 

"Sure, it's immune to fire."

He pierces through the flames as if they were nothing to worry about, plus followed by that he launches a horizontal slash towards me. Seeing that it was impossible to stop with my tails, I counter it by unsheathing clouded fang and entering a clash of pure force from which I come out badly. 

"Hehe, now you don't look so strong. If you hand over the shards to me, I might consider letting you go due to the fact that you are of the same race as Shippo."

Looking at the ground, I can see the drag marks my feet created due to blocking his attack. It was about 5 or 8 meters, proving that he is physically stronger or that his sword is superior in physical attack... Not that it matters right now. 

Looking up I see a smile grow on his face and then he places his sword over his shoulder, before comparing me to that raccoon. Giving the hilt a few squeezes, he hits the ground hard, reaching the side where he holds the sword, though again I'm surprised by his physical capabilities and we get into a clash of strength again.

"You've already lost to me in strength, why do you think you'll win now?"

His proud voice stung my ears making me want to stab him more and more, even though I couldn't do that. So I wag my tails to try to skewer him, to which he responds by ceasing to apply force in our clash and lets himself be pushed back to take a good distance from where I am. 

Seeing him retreat, I raise clouded fang into the air quickly, causing red strands to emerge from its blade and slam it forward, shooting a bolt of reddish energy across the ground that destroys everything in front of it. 

