
Inuyasha the Pokegirl tamer

Pokegirl x Inuyasha lemon fic based on Pokegirl, where Pokemon are humanoid females. Inuyasha is transported to the Pokegirl world when he enters the well, half a year after defeating Naraku. On his quest to find a way back home he comes across many various Pokegirls and becomes a successful tamer.

Grimm48 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

the porn actress

"God yes, harder." Elena shouts, getting fucked by Inuyasha doggy style on the beach in front of their house, the pair ignoring the lewd stares aimed at them by other beach tenants.

"Inuu." Elena huffs, with him squeezing her tits from behind, licking over her ears, while her tail is wrapped around his waist.

"Elena." He moans in reply, pulling out of her and quickly shoves her on her back, taking his place above her, fucking her pussy missionary style.

"Man look at them go." They hear a couple say, walking past them but neither Inuyasha or his pokegirl pay them any mind.

"Faster." Elena moans, getting kissed by Inuyasha afterwards and his cock speeds in and out of her relentlessly.

"You are so amazing." He huffs, wrapping his arms around her back and scratching her scaly back carefully.

"People are staring." She moans, unsure how the possessive tamer feels about this.

"I have to get used to it sometime if we want to compete in other sexbattles." Inuyasha tells her caringly, caressing her shoulder long black hair while fucking her into the sand beneath them.

"Good." She says, pushing against him and pushes him on his back, starting to ride him reverse cowgirl style, squeezing her own breasts while her tail is slowly moving up his toned body, until its tip slips past his lips and he starts to lick and nibble on the sensitive part.

"Oh my god!" She squeals, cumming hard when his fangs drag over a specific part of her tail.

"You're so tight." He growls, barely refraining from blowing his load and slips out from underneath her, pushing his pulsing, hard cock in her face, Elena quickly starting to lick all over it greedily.

"Yeah, suck me off." He groans happily, the big-boobed Pokegirl working on jerking him off with her bulging throat, stretching to accept his thick manmeat as far as she can, which is about two thirds of it.

"Cumming." He growls after a minute or so and his cock starts shooting semen like there's no tomorrow.

"She has to see this." A middle-aged man says, having filmed the two fucking from down the beach and leaves, heading to his employer.

"Come on Elena, let's go back inside. There's a lot of people now." Inuyasha tells Elena, taking her hand and goes back inside their home, where her harem sisters are all doing various things, Megan cooking for everyone.

The orcs and Karen sleeping, Belle, Christy and Lena playing with the sextoys while the remaining ones are just talking or training.

|the next day|

Inuyasha and his harem are massaging each other when there's a knock on the door.

"Are we expecting a visitor?" Mira asks, Inuyasha having massaged her until now.

"No." He says, going to the door while wrapping a towel around his waist.

"Yes?" He asks, answering the door and sees a middle aged man in business suit and a purple skinned beauty, with rams horns on her head, a thin tail with a heart shaped tip, large F-cup tits, a round, bouncy ass, strong, prominent abs and long wavy black hair down to the top of her ass.

She's wearing a golden, sleeveless dress reaching down to her ankles with a large strip in down the middle missing, exposing her sexy features and high heeled red sandals.

"I'm Amanda. You may recognize me from my videos." The beauty says, leaning against the door frame sexily.

"I don't. What do you want?" Inuyasha asks.

"My employee here told me about your gifted physique and I came to assess for myself and consider employing you for some videos." She says smiling and licking her lips.

"Videos?" He asks.

"Yeah. I run a porn company." The woman says, surprised he doesn't know.

"And you want me to be an actor?" He asks surprised.

"Depends on your performance." She says, stepping into the house and sees the many pokegirls massaging each other.

Mira comes over once she sees the woman.

"What are you doing here Miss Amanda?" Mira asks, knowing about the famous porn actress.

"I was told a promising young stud is renting out this place and came to assess his qualities." The woman replies, shaking Mira's hand.

"You want to recruit Inuyasha?" Mira asks shocked, getting the other girls attention.

"Maybe." The pokegirl replies.

"Wow a succubus. I didn't think I'd get to see one in the flesh." Lena says excitedly.

"John. Wait outside." The woman tells her employee and the man leaves with a nod.

"So what would be in it for us if we were to work for you?" Inuyasha asks the woman.

"Money, fame and beautiful girls to fuck whenever you want of course." The woman answers, turning to the tamer.

"Money huh?" He asks intrigued.

"I see I peeked your interest. Why don't you show me your work next? How about with those two." The pokewoman says, pointing at Mirajane and Lucy.

"Are you OK with that girls, getting nods from the group and the others make room, joining the famous porn actress on and around the couch while Inuyasha is standing next to Mira and Lucy in the middle of the room and Mira slings her arms around his neck "let's show her how it's done my love." Mirajane says before kissing him passionately, while Mira is kissing the white-haired tamer Lucy falls down to her knees, jerking off his member while sucking on his balls.

"Hmm my employee did not overexaggerate I see." Amanda says, growing slightly hot at the impressive size and girth of Inuyasha's cock.

"Yeah, our tamer is all kinds of special." Gwen remarks, licking over her dildo.

Inuyasha then starts fingering Mirajane with one hand while the other is stroking Lucy's blonde hair lovingly.

"Enough of that, let me take care of you now." Inuyasha says after a few minutes, pulling Lucy to her feet and kisses her lewdly, before pushing both girls down, Lucy on her back and Mira on all fours above her harem sister.

"Yeah Inu, stick that cock in my pussy." Lucy moans erotically while Amanda and the others watch intensely as his member slides deep into her folds, spreading them apart as it goes in.

"So thick." Amanda comments in a whisper while licking her lips, her tail swaying in the air behind her.

"Hnn Inu." Mira moans, getting eaten out by Inuyasha, who has both hands on the girls hips beneath her, spearing in and out of the fish girl like a berserk.

"God. Oh yeah!" Lucy screams, shaking in an orgasm, getting kissed by Mira during it, while groping her breasts.

"Now my lovely future wife, how about you show a pro what to sound like when you enjoy yourself." Inuyasha says huskily, pulling his now sticky cock out of Lucy and stabs the monstrous man meat in Mirajane's pussy, making her sigh pleased, before her breath starts to get shaky and uneven, Inuyasha sucking and gnawing on her tail's tip while rubbing and massaging her alpha marked shoulders to get a deeper penetration.

"Oh wow." Amanda says, getting wet at seeing how easily Inuyasha makes Mirajane his bitch and sees the redhead cumming after barely a minute of fucking.

"Mira and Inuyasha have a special connection." Nina informs the porn actress, happy for her alpha who is getting fucked stupid until after 2 more minutes Inuyasha cums, shooting her pussy full of his stream of semen before covering her entire back with it.

"I need him." Amanda says, one hand fingering herself slowly, the other biting her nails.

"Mhh. I call dibs." Lena says, rushing over to the redheaded dragoness and starts licking up the cum, surprising everyone when she goes back to the couch once she has a full mouth and kisses the famous pornstar, feeding her the seed with Amanda drinking it greedily, basically begging Lena for more by swirling her tongue over every centimeter of her mouth.

"So, now you have an impression of our abilities, what's next?" He asks.

"First of all I need you to fuck me with that monster cock right now." She says excitedly, taking off her dress and her shoes.

"Sorry, but I only tame my harem. I don't let them have other tamers so it's only fair I don't tame girls who aren't interested in joining our family." Inuyasha declines, surprising her and half of the harem.

"What if I become part of your harem? I wanted to retire for a while and with you I would have the perfect tamer for however long you will have me." Amanda asks hopefully.

"What about your job and leadership in the company?" Inuyasha asks surprised.

"We can share profits and we can send in videos of everyone to earn some more money and make you known." Amanda says, staring at the hard, juice and cum covered cock just out of reach.

"I have to ask everyone first." Inuyasha says, looking at his harem who all seem to be on board with the suggestion.

"What do you say Mira?" Inuyasha asks his fiancée who is resting on Lucy's boobs.

"Let her join. We know you won't treat us any different sweety. And I'm sure once she gets to know you she's not only in love with your cock nut the man attached to it as well." Mira replies tiredly and seconds after she agreed Amanda takes a free pokeball of his out of a backpack, poking it with her tail and Lena releases her immediately once she was captured, Amanda tackling the tamer to the ground and lying on him.

"Thank you for this. Oh, before I forget. John!" Amanda says, her employee entering after hearing her shout.

"You'll take my job. I have decided to join this harem and we will send you content to publish." Amanda tells the man.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"I have never been more certain of anything. Now go to the office and prepare a contract for me and Inuyasha's harem." Amanda tells him, rubbing Inuyasha's cock while the man leaves.

"This is your last chance to back out. Once we do this you're part of our family and I will take care of you for as long as you want me to." Inuyasha tells the succubus, his hands on the woman's hips.

"I made my decision." She says grinning excitedly, her succubus instincts telling her she's doing the right thing and she lowers herself down on Inuyasha's cock, making her gasp in pleasure.

"Let me fuck you master." Amanda says, gyrating her hips while about 80% of his cock are in her wet pussy.

"Don't call me master. I'm Inuyasha to you and everyone. Only one of my girls can call me master." He says, caressing her cheek.

"That's odd." Amanda says, taking the hand and stuffing it in her mouth, licking all over it.

"Only Rose calls me master due to her pokegirl traits. I don't like being called that, but I made an exception for her."

Inuyasha says, peeking at Rose who blushes happily, which is actually hard to see with her dark skin tone.

"Fine. Inuyasha, let me take the lead. I'm sure you've never been the recipient while first taming a pokegirl." Amanda says cockily.

"I have actually, just do what you like best Amanda. You don't have to prove anything to me or your sisters." Inuyasha says, sitting up and licks over her collar, one hand palming her ass excitedly.

"Let's find out. I'm curious too what Succubus like the most." Gwen says, fetching the pokedex and it scans Amanda before saying

"Succubus. The cum needing pokegirl.

Succubus have the need and desire to consume a lot of cum whenever possible. They usually take the initiative and in cases even assault males for their semen. Their true weakness however is revealed when their need is satisfied."

"Is that true Amanda? Will you only tell me how you like to get tamed once you've consumed cum?" Inuyasha asks.

"Yes, but no one ever gave me enough to find my true weakness." She confesses timidly for the assertive woman.

"Then let's find out together once you're part of the family." Inuyasha says, kissing her while she's sitting in his lap riding his cock.

"Time to welcome you to the family." He tells her huskily, jerking his hip upwards, Amanda taking this as incentive to start riding his cock, so she props her feet on the floor next to him and uses them to rise and lower on his impressive dick while Inuyasha is teasing her boobs, gnawing and groping them like no one has ever done before, raising a warm feeling in her that she never had before ever since her first tamer sod her due to thinking her needed cum consumption is too dangerous to keep her in a harem.

"Amanda, your skin is incredibly soft even though you can feel the muscles underneath clearly." Inuyasha compliments her.

"Thank you." She replies while taking breaths as she's bouncing on his cock, her tits swaying only slightly due to Inuyasha being focused on giving her pleasure through the orbs as well.

"Inu, can I join?" Lena asks hopefully, rubbing a double-sided dildo between her large breasts and over her abs.

"No. Everyone had their own time for the first taming." Inuyasha tells her.

"Let her join." Amanda says, caressing his cheek and slides the hand upwards to play with his dog ears while the other is resting on the front of his shoulder.

"Fine. If Amanda wants to." Inuyasha says, lifting the woman up, looking deep into her blue eyes and kisses her hungrily once they are standing.

"Welcome. I'm sure we'll be best of friends Amanda." Lena says, one half of the dildo inside her and she pushes the other in Amanda's ass, making the porn actress groan turned on.

"Let me move now." Inuyasha says after watching her bounce a couple of times with difficulty.

"Lie down Lena." Inuyasha instructs and the white tigress does as asked, pouting a bit while pulling the dildo out of Amanda with her paws.

"Inuyasha, why have we stopped?" Amanda asks upset.

"We're not stopping." He replies, going down on his knees and lies Amanda down on the slightly larger Tigress, pushing the dildo back in her ass before grabbing onto her right thigh firm and he starts fucking her at impressive speed and makes the actress scream when he penetrates even deeper, her womb working on accepting his intruding cock head.

"You make such great sounds." Lena moans from behind, her paws with claws hidden massaging Amanda's tits from behind with wide circular motions.

"My god yes. You've almost tamed me." Amanda shouts shakily.

"I'll grow to love you very soon. I promise." He tells her, before kissing her passionately and she cums hard, her tightening pussy being enough to make him blow his load deep inside her, making her smile contently before being affected by taming shock.

"Welcome to the family babe." Inuyasha says, pulling out of her and lying her down on a blanket.

"Let her rest on the mattresses Inu. What's up with you, this is not like you." Mirajane berates her fiancée, about to carry Amanda to the beds.

"Leave her here. I want to show her I'm serious about letting her find her true desire." Inuyasha says, hugging Mirajane.

"I see, I guess that means you'll need everybody's help." Mirajane says, drawing on his chest with her finger while the other pokegirls from the couch come over, lyingdown around their new sister, either alone or with another girl, making out and some while playing with sextoys.

"I love you all." Inuyasha says lovingly, lifting Mirajane's leg up and drapes it over his shoulder, his cock quickly entering her welcoming entrance.

Inuyasha then spends the next hour or so fucking every single pokegirl once and shot every load of cum, totaling in 12 cumshots in or onto Amanda, who's still in taming shock.

"I think Amanda is almost out of shock." Gwen moans, Inuyasha having her kneeling on all fours, his cock moving in and out of her.

"Good." He groans, squeezing Gwen's boobs and pulls on her nipples, making her squirt and shake in pleasure.

"Nina, can I get some milk?" Inuyasha asks with a grin, walking over to the girl lying on her back.

"Anytime lover." She replies, holding out her breasts while he pushes his cock in her pussy, making her mooh happily.

Inuyasha grabs one of her nipples and squeezes the area around it while covering the stiff bud with his mouth.

While doing this he's also fucking the minotit's pussy slowly, like she prefers it.

"Nggg. Yeah Inu my milk is coming." Nina moans sexily, milk spraying from her breasts, half getting sucked up by her beloved tamer, half dripping to the floor next to her.

"Tasty as always Nina." He comments with a smile after swallowing the warm liquid.

He continues fucking her and stretches forward to kiss the tall pokegirl, their tongues dancing around each other.

"You are so warm and welcoming." He huffs turned on, groping her boobs firmly, making more milk leak out and stick to their fronts.

"I love you afterall." Nina says smiling happily.

"I love you too." He replies, kissing her again more desperate this time and she cums around his member, making him quickly pull out of her and turn to Amanda, aiming his twitching, hard hot at the pokegirl who soaked up all 12 cumshots, all over her front, leaving a glistening shine on her body, only her face not having been covered in his semen yet.

"Let me help." Nina says tiredly, crawling over to him and jerks off his cock while licking his balls from underneath, her horns dragging against his legs and a minute lster he cums, shooting his largest load yet, directly onto the almost recovered Amanda. Once he painted her whole head white the cum starts getting gradually absorbed into her body as it did with the other cumshots, seemingly having no effect on her.

"This seems to be a harder task than I imagined." Inuyasha groans, sitting down next to Amanda, watching the beautiful purple skinned woman and brushes through her soft hair.

After about 10 minutes the woman recovers from her taming shock.

"Hi." She greets him with a cute smile.

"Hi Amanda." He replies, looking down at her.

"You really went all out on finding my weakness huh?" She asks softly.

"Yeah, sorry. I'll do better next time." He apologizes sheepishly.

"You did great this time. I..." She tells him, knowing her weakness for the first time in her life since about the 8th cumshot she absorbed.

"No, I promise you. I'll let you find that weakness." He says seriously, squeezing one of her hands.

"Alright." She says smirking, something Mirajane catches.

"You already know it don't you?" Mira asks intrigued, sitting down in Inuyasha's lap and teases Amanda's nipples with her dainty feet.

"Yeah I do." She answers coyly.

"What is it then?" Inuyasha asks surprised.

"It's being fucked while being carried and facials as it turns out." Amanda answers, dragging a finger over his thigh thoughtlessly.

"You heard her hunk. Get to work." Mira tells her soon to be husband, kissing him lovingly and gets off his lap, watching him pick up Amanda and lift her up in front of him, the woman wrapping her arms and legs around him excitedly.

"I'll help." Mirajane says warmly from behind Amanda, lying her head on the woman's shoulder, pushing against her back so she can't fall and gropes her large breasts while peppering her neck and ears with kisses.

"Thank you Mirajane." Amanda moans loudly.

"You're welcome." Mira says, her tail sliding into Amanda's ass, making her go wide eyed and freeze up for a moment when their tamer's cock joins, pushing up into her pussy.

"You look amazing you two. It looks like your horns are almost interlocking" he tells them, exploring their horns with one hand, the other being wrapped around Mirajane's back, holding his alpha firmly against Amanda so she can't go anywhere.

"He's right. We look like sisters." Mirajane says smiling.

"I always wanted a sister." Amanda moans, Inuyasha's cock reaching her deepest part.

"Now you have a whole bunch of us." Mirajane says sexily, kissing the older woman passionately.

Inuyasha looks at this a bit jealously and pulls out of Amanda, only to stab himself back in in one motion, making her clutch onto him while groaning into the kiss, Mirajane conveying her enjoyment over the womans reaction with her eyes.

Inuyasha repeats the action and Amanda screams in pleasure, a line of spit still connecting the two beauties lips.

"How is it Amanda?" Inuyasha asks, nibbling on her throat, letting his tongue slide out and meet Mira's as she's doing the same to Amanda's neck.

"Amazing." She says breathing heavily.

"Good, now let's make you cum like never before." He says, starting tl fuck her pussy while grabbing Mira's tail and moves that around in Amand's ass as well, making Mirajane bush turned on from the sensations while Amanda is squealing and moaning like a slut in between them, the other pokegirls lying in the room looking at the three happy for them.

"You go Inu. Fuck her pussy. Claim her cunt as yours. Make her forget all the dicks she had before you." Josie cheers him on, making the others smile and Inuyasha grows more desperate at this, having forgotten that as porn actress she must have had countless of cocks before his.

His thrusts become more intense, almost knocking Mirajane over at the strength and he drives Amanda mad, with her orgasming around him for what feels like ages to the woman since with every possessive thrust he draws out the pleasurable sensation.

"Inuuuuyasha, Too much." Amanda screams, breathing heavily.

"Sorry. I got a little jealous because of your pornstar activities." He apologizes, slowing down, only idling his hot cock inside her soaked pussy.

"You don't need to be. I never cared for any of them. They were just a means to get cum to survive." Amanda informs him, drool covering half her chin and throat, sweat beading down all over her body.

"I'm sorry. I went overboard just now." He says feeling bad, kissing her.

"What are you talking about. That felt beyond amazing. I just don't want to pass out on the first time we do this." She tells him, caressing his cheek.

"How about you finish Inuyasha and we all go to bed." Mirajane says, pulling her tail out of Amanda's ass and lets go of the woman, who almost falls over, Inuyasha catching her quickly.

The other pokegirls all join Mirajane on the bed, looking at Inuyasha and their new sister with love.

"Inu, let go. I think I know how I want to finish tonight." Amanda tells him, caressing his cheek and kisses him once more, the hanyou releasing his hold on her back and Amanda leans back slowly, Inuyasha still holding onto her by her legs and ass while the purple skinned goddess is leaning backwards until her hands touch the floor with her looking at her harem sisters upside down happily.

Inuyasha restarts pumping in and out of her, while keeping her position secure and watches his harem stare at them contently.

"Here it comes Amanda!" He bellows after a bit, his cock swelling up with cum and he shoots his load in her pussy, making her eyes roll backwards in pleasure and he lifts her up, carrying her in front of him again while his semen drips down between his feet, her pussy overflowing and unable to absorb such amount so quickly.

"I hope everyone is satisfied?" Inuyasha asks, walking over to the group and sits down, Amanda still in his arms.

Once sitting he lies her down next to him and the other girls join the two, spreading out over the sea of mattresses with blankets and kisses being thrown around.

Inuyasha watches his harem snuggle up to each other happily, Megan making out with Christy while they share a blanket, Nina holding Karen close to her, with the vampiress lying on top of the large girl, sucking some blood and milk out of her tits, having bitten over her nipple.

"You did well Inuyasha." Mirajane tells him, joining his side, leaning into him happily.

"Thank you all for letting me be your tamer." He says happily.

"We have to thank you for taking such good care of us." Belle replies.

"And for being such a hot cutie." Gwen jokes, making the other girls giggle.

"Good night girls." He says smiling and they all lie down for the night.