
Inuyasha the Pokegirl tamer

Pokegirl x Inuyasha lemon fic based on Pokegirl, where Pokemon are humanoid females. Inuyasha is transported to the Pokegirl world when he enters the well, half a year after defeating Naraku. On his quest to find a way back home he comes across many various Pokegirls and becomes a successful tamer.

Grimm48 · Anime & Comics
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heading to the beach

4 days later Inuyasha is looking at a map while casually walking through a forest until he stops, Belle and Rose who were accompanying him looking at him confused.

"I'm gonna get everyone. We should all decide the next place." Inuyasha says and releases his harem out of their balls.

"Wow, everyone's here. What's the occasion? A big orgy Inu?" Lena asks, hugging herself against him.

"Not now. I want us to decide where to go together." He explains, putting the map down in the middle and points to their location.

"We are here and I think the best places we could go to are the crystal mines, this beach or the city." He says.

"How are we gonna decide?" Josie asks.

"How about everyone who wants to go to the mines goes to that tree, the ones who want to go to the beach over there and the ones who want to go to the city over there." Mira says, pointing out three spots and the harem splits up, 3 voting for the mines, 2 for the city and the rest for the beach.

"Alright. I guess we know that outcome." Inuyasha says, hugging Mira to his side.

"Thank you for involving us honey." Mirajane thanks him, giving him a long, deep kiss, before entering her ball again, the others besides Belle and Rose following her lead.

"Too bad, I really wanted to see a big city." Belle sighs.

"You can stay in water all day isn't that a dream come through for a frocunt?" Inuyasha asks packing up the map.

"Maybe..." Belle shrugs.

"I'm happy wherever we go master." Rose says, leaning into his side while taking a deep whiff of his smell.

"I know." He says, giving her a peck, before pulling a pouting Belle against his other side.

"Upside from the beach is I can tame you more without so many people around." Inuyasha tells the blue skinned girl who perks up at this.

About 2 days later the group arrives at the beach side village where they'll be staying and Nina finds a house they can rent out, big enough to house everyone, Nina and Karen being the ones accompanying him that day.

"Alright, before we head to the agency though, we need to find a clothing store for Freya and Wendy." Inuyasha says, walking hand in hand through the village with them, everyone they pass only wearing swimwear if anything due to the place being rather hot.

"Let me look at that map there." Nina says, heading over to a map of the village.

"There. We aren't that far from birth places." Nina says, pointing at the spots on the map.

"Hey, can I get a feel of those tits of yours?" A teen asks Nina, walking past the group of three.

"Beat it, she's mine." Inuyasha says, gripping his sword's hilt.

"Buzzkill." The teen frowns while leaving.

"Still as possessive as always beloved." Nina says smiling.

"You can touch me whenever you want." She whispers with a wink and laughs joyfully.

"I don't get it though. I mean trading pokegirls and fucking other tamers girls is normal, healthy even." Karen says, the two girls walking behind their tamer.

"You know how Rose gets Karen." Nina says.

"Yeah, but I'm not saying she should do it. Anyone else of us could though." Karen says.

"Are you not satisfied with Inuyasha?" Nina asks surprised.

"I am but he's only one tamer and we the harem is getting bigger and bigger, isn't it just a matter of time until he doesn't have time to tame us?" Karen asks with a sigh.

"I don't think so. He's very considerate." Nina tells Karen, hurrying after their tamer who is a couple steps ahead of them and takes her place besides him, Karen joining her quickly.

"Everything OK?" He asks, having noticed them talking privately.

"Yes." Karen says after a short pause.

A few minutes later they reach the clothing store and Inuyasha steps inside with Nina while Karen waits outside.

"Hello, please take your time looking around. Also we have some new additions in the side room you may want to check out." A girl in her early thirties says, standing behind the counter.

"Alright, thanks." Inuyasha says, releasing Freya and Wendy.

"You can choose some clothes." Inuyasha tells the two, heading to the side room the owner mentioned with Nina and sees many different sextoys all around the room.

"What do you think?" Inuyasha asks, looking around unsure.

"It might be a good idea to get some. Our harem is big, that's what Karen was worried about just now. Maybe this could help make things easier."

Nina suggests, looking at some of the stuff lying around.

"Alright, I know just who to ask for this." Inuyasha says, getting out Belle.

"What is... nice." Belle says, looking around the room excited.

"Can you choose some stuff for the harem and meet us in the other room?" He asks her, receiving an excited smile and nod.

"Nothing you liked?" The woman asks, watching Nina and Inuyasha come back from the room.

"One of my girls is choosing some stuff, thanks for the suggestion, my harem is getting rather big." Inuyasha informs her before heading over to the orc pokegirls while Nina chats with the store owner.

"So, anything you like?" Inuyasha asks, arriving behind the orc girls.

"I have this." Freya says, showing him a black one-piece swimsuit with most of the stomach section cut out.

"I think I want this." Freya says, looking at the clothes she collected.

A red bikini, white choker and black leather pants leading to red shoes.

"Nice, but are you sure you don't need more Freya?" Inuyasha asks.

"I like this. The more i can feel directly the better." She explains.

"Alright, I'll go check it out. You can try it on later." He tells them, taking the clothes and heads over to Belle and Nina.

"We already ringed up the other stuff it's gonna be a surprise." Nina tells Inuyasha cutely, holding a bag.

"Alright." Inuyasha says and pays for everything, stepping outside with the two, joining Karen who was sulking in front of the shop, watching a tamer fuck his evu in the middle of the street jealously.

"Come on let's rent the house." Nina says, walking ahead with Belle hand in hand.

"If you want to leave, I understand." Inuyasha tells Karen, lagging behind with her.

"Why are you OK with that?" She asks surprised.

"I don't want any of my girls to be unhappy and if you'll be more happy elsewhere then you have my blessing." He tells her gently before speeding up and joins Nina and Belle.

"Oww." Karen hear a whimper from the other street side and sees the tamer she watched earlier slap his pokegirl angrily for her making him cum too early.

Looking around the street she sees a few other pokegirls sad and disappointed with their tamers and looks at Nina and Belle who look like they're on cloud 9. She shakes her head and hurries after her harem, jumping on her tamer's back and biting his shoulder from behind, nuzzling herself into his back, whispering "I'm sorry. I love it with you."

"It's fine." He tells her, letting her off his back and picks her up, carrying her in front of himself by her soft ass, kissing her while walking next to her two harem sisters.

"Here it is." Nina tells them a couple minutes later, stopping at a rental agency and Inuyasha quickly rents the advertised house right at the beach before heading there with his girls.

About 20 minutes later.

"Nice place Nina. This is certainly big enough for all of us." Inuyasha says, the four exploring the place.

"Yeah nicely done." Belle says.

"Let's get everyone out then." Inuyasha says and releases his harem one by one.

"Again it's everyone!" Josie says happily.

"Yeah, you can get used to the company. We're gonna stay here a while." Inuyasha tells them.

"Where exactly are we?" Gwen asks.

"The beach." Inuyasha says, opening some blinds and showing them that they are directly at the beach.

"Nice." Elena says.

"So, what's the plan Inu?" Mirajane asks.

"Whatever we want I guess, some training, some time to relax, maybe some swimming or sunbathing." Inuyasha suggests.

"Sounds nice." Rose says.

"Let's celebrate. We can take our time and get to know each other really well while we stay here." Mirajane says, starting to take off her clothes, starting with her turquoise bikini top.

"Yes. I agree." Lena says, stripping as well before starting to take off their tamer's clothes.

"Mhh. Always delightful seeing you in all your glory." Mirajane comments, trailing her palm up his hardening member.

"It's a wonder I can keep up with all of you." He chuckles, kissing her lovingly while everyone of his harem takes off their clothes.

"Well we have this to help out with that now." Belle says, putting sextoys on a table, most of which are either dildos or vibrators.

"Inu's getting kinky." Lena purrs, taking a dildo with nobs on it and licks over it.

"Belle chose everything." Inuyasha defends himself while the girls look at the sex toys, taking them and inspecting them.

"Josie, come on let's try this thing." Megan says, holding up a double-sided dildo.

"I'm in." Josie says, the two going over to a free spot in the large living room and fuck each other with the sex toy.

"Nina?" Rose asks, taking a vibrator and the larger girl nods sharing the object with the dark-skinned beauty.

"Now Freya, Wendy. Let's share our tamer together." Mirajane says, pulling them over to the couch in the room, making Inuyasha sit down on it while the three fall to their knees in front of him.

"Mira? Trying to bond with your new sisters?" Inuyasha asks knowingly.

"Of course, I'm the alpha afterall." Mira replies, sliding her hand up his thigh while pulling Wendy close to herself with one of her wings.

"Let's treat our tamer well." Freya says, starting to jerk him off.

"Sounds good." Mira agrees, her smaller fingers joining Freya's large ones.

"I'll get the top then." Wendy says, swallowing the head of his cock while grinning.

"Nice to see you're not shy." Mirajane says, breathing on Wendy's ear hotly.

"She's not used to proper technique though." Freya comments, licking up Inuyasha's balls and taking over for Wendy, swallowing much more of his thick cock, deep throating it with Wendy biting her lip sexily, aroused by watching her mother give their tamer a blowjob.

"Looks like being a pokewoman has its advantages." Mirajane says, playing with the older woman's brown locks while she's blowing off Inuyasha.

"Honey." Mira whispers hotly, straddling Inuyasha's leg, nibbling on his ear while sliding one hand up his chest and leads his hand to her wet entrance, getting him to finger her.

"Wendy too." She breathes hotly, patting his other leg and Wendy follows the alpha's actions, licking all over his neck and throat while getting fingered.

"How am I doing?" Freya asks barely understandable with her mouth stuffed full of his veiny, throbbing member.

"It's great." He moans, getting caught in a threeway kiss by Wendy and Mira.

The dragoness slides her tail down to Freya and brushes over Inuyasha's balls over and over while Freya is busy with his thick shaft and cockhead.

"Mira you naughty girl." he gasps, biting down weakly on one of her alpha marks while rubbing her clit, soaking his leg in her juices with her having an orgasm.

"Think you can do this daughter?" Freya asks Wendy.

"I'll give it another try." She replies, rubbing over Inuyasha's muscular stomach and down to the hot tool her mother is pleasuring.

Freya releases his cock which now glistens from the spit covering it and Wendy slides off his leg, taking her mother's place and gives him a blowjob, still not being able to take as much of him at once as her mother.

"She's trying her best Inu." Freya says, caressing her daughters hair.

"I know, she's doing great." He wheezes out, close to cumming from the three girls pleasuring him.

Mira's tail slides up the young orc girl's body and starts teasing her nipples, only giving the green skinned pokegirl a tiny bit of pleasure due to the tail being soft and not putting enough strength against her stiff nipples.

"I'm gonna cum." Inuyasha groans soon after, putting Mira next to Wendy and pulls his cock out of the girl, sheathing himself in Mira's willing mouth and Freya's greedy lips a few times with the older woman sitting down next to her daughter.

"Cumming." He says loudly, jerking off with Mira's tail helping out and sprays his load over most of their front side, other than their faces.

"So warm." Wendy sighs enjoyably tasting his cum over and over.

"I want to see you fuck them honey." Mirajane tells Inuyasha, groping his ass a bit before sitting down on the couch, her tail at her mouth and a small ball like vibrator held to her nipple while staring at the three intensely, the moans and screams of pleasure all around them not distracting the alpha.

"Wendy can go first." Freya says, Inuyasha being quick to put the smaller orc girl in doggystyle position and shoves his hard dick right into her warm pussy.

"Go harder stud." Freya tells him, kneeling in front of her daughter, who either licks her mother's pussy or some more cum off her hard body while Inuyasha fucks her like a mad man.

"Freya, lean over." He growls hotly, staring at her tits and the woman leans over her daughter's back, presenting the large orbs to him with him grabbing at them firmly and literally biting into them with half strength. Making her sigh in pleasure.

"So good." Wendy moans from below, pinching her own nipples with one hand, her juicy ass rippling and shaking with every forceful thrust of the tamer.

"Let's finish you off." Inuyasha says, pushing Freya back gently and grabs Wendy around her tits, squeezing them while pulling her upwards and fucking her with powerful thrusts, the pressure and resulting pleasure making the young girl cum soon after with her shouting while cumming.

"Can I go now?" Freya asks the redheaded alpha.

"Of course. I'll watch and observe." Mira says kindly.

"Ahnn. That won't work for me." Freya says, gasping from Inuyasha already fucking her missionary style.

Freya pulls the dragon girl off the couch and paws at her body, kissing and licking everything in reach with Mira moaning in delight.

Inuyasha looks at his fiancée, who's facing away while riding the orc's face and smirks, reaching over and pulling her backwards.

He starts peppering her fit body with kisses and massages her tits with one hand, the other firmly holding onto Freya.

"Yes, oh god." Mira moans, her tail moving to Freya's crotch and slowly pushes into the orc's pussy additionally to Inuyasha's violently fucking dick.

"Hnnnn." Freya hums delighted, getting more pleasure with Mira's tail tip added in her cunt due to Inuyasha stretching her further and the scaly skin slightly rubbing against her pussy walls.

"Oh, damn." Mira moans, shivering slightly, having almost all her weak spots pleasured at once.

"I'm gonna cum again." Inuyasha groans, pulling out of the large orc and fucks Mira's upside-down mouth a couple of thursts before hammering into Freya's juice dripping pussy again, switching back and forth a couple of times before finally cumming, first filling Freya's pussy and then shoots the rest all over her sexy, muscular stomach and Mira's face, her horns being completely covered in his release once he's finished along with her having a mouth filled to the brim with his semen.

Inuyasha looks down at the three girls, all looking satisfied for the moment, so he turns his attention to others of his harem after kissing Mira's nose once.

He heads over to Karen and wordlessly makes out with the vampiress who was shoving a vibrator down her pussy.

"Looks like the toys were a good idea huh?" He asks her, licking over to her ears and biting them teasingly.

"Yesss." Karen sighs pleasurably.

"No, keep it there." He tells Karen when she was about to remove the tool from her pussy.

"You need it to tell me which is better." He growls hungrily, stretching her anal entrance with two fingers before pushing his cock head in slowly, his member slick from his cum and Freya's juices.

"Oh.." Karen gasps, arching her back up from her lying position.

"So tight." Inuyasha sighs, filling her ass with his cock bit by bit, always giving her time to adjust to his thick intruding penis.

"So, which is better?" He asks breathing in her points ears while holding her close to himself.

"Your monster cock. It's the best." Karen screams before biting his neck needily and starts drinking his blood while cumming around the vibrator.

"I'm relieved to hear that." He says, leaning up and pulls the wet vibrator out of her pussy, replacing it with his hard cock, making her squeal happily.

"You are so beautiful." He tells her, pulling her silver hair to one side and tugs her up towards him by it slowly, meeting her halfway and kissing her passionately.

He slips his hands around her ass and lifts her up in front of him while staying buried inside her cunt.

Once he's standing he starts to bounce her on his cock with Karen supporting herself by his shoulders while Inuyasha sucks on her sensually shaking breasts and nipples.

"Cumming." She screams not long after, cumming for the second time.

"Inuuu. Come here." Christy calls him over in her singsong voice, standing next to Belle and Morgana, who is lying on top of the blue girl, making out with her while having a vibrating toy rubbing against their clits.

Inuyasha lowers Karen down gently, kissing her forehead lovingly before walking over to the three waiting pokegirls.

"How was your day?" Christy asks Inuyasha, hugging him once he reached their spot.

"Great. How about I try to make your day great as well." He suggests, palming her appealing ass calmly, her butterfly like wings fluttering behind her which means she's happy as he's learned from the taller, slender beauty while he's biting in her long blue hair jokingly.

"Please do. In fact, how about I spice things up around here?" She asks, looking around with the tamer, the four girls Inuyasha just fucked resting with the rest of the girls pleasuring each other in small groups.

"What do you mean?" He asks intrigued.

"Sex pollen." She whispers with a cute smile on her face.

"Spread the love my butterfly." He tells her, kissing her deeply and she releases the orange powder into the air in the living room the harem starting to sound sweeter and more erotically around them.

"Well done." He praises her, leading her the few steps to Belle and Morgana and lies her down on the metallic girl, her stiff nipples hardening even further against Morgana's slightly cooler skin.

"Inu, you came at a great time." Belle moans while sweating.

"I did huh?" He asks cockily, rubbing over her pussy lips teasingly before pulling away and pushes into Christy's awaiting entrance, grabbing her ass and pushing her against Morgana's back.

"Yes." Christy says, taking in the feeling of his large member rubbing against her pussy's walls and hitting her womb every few thrusts.

"Your pollen works great, I'm gonna cum already." He says, painting her insides white while making her cum as well.

"Has our frocunt behaved Morgana?" Inuyasha asks, caressing all three of their asses.

"Yes." The metal girl answers and Inuyasha stabs his cock in Belle's pussy, making the blue skinned girl yelp in surprise.

"Such a fat cock!" Belle moans excitedly while Morgana starts teasing the pokegirl below her by playing with her small breasts and nipples.

"You are so slutty." Inuyasha huffs turned on and continues to pound her welcoming opening happily.

"Nyaa." Belle shouts, cumming once he starts playing with both hers and Morgana's clits.

"Fuck my face." Belle requests after a while of him punishing her cunt with his manmeat.

Inuyasha walks around them and falls to his knees again, angling his cock downwards pressing it against her lips and slowly pushes inside, stretching her mouth and throat soon after with her glurgling happily. While Belle has his fat cock down her throat Inuyasha makes out with a satisfied Christy until Morgana pouts, feeling left behind.

"Don't worry Morgana, I'll never forget about you." He promises stroking her smooth slightly cool cheek.

Christy gets off the silver girl on her own and lies down next to them observing contently.

Meanwhile Belle has all of his cock fitting snugly in her stretched out throat and starts humming and moving around a bit, getting rewarded by a blast of precum.

"You look like a goddess." Inuyasha tells Morgana, who sits up over Belle's chest, making out with Inuyasha greedily while he paws at her body passionately, focusing on her nipples soon and bites them roughly, making Morgana cum a bit.

"You're getting too good at this." The silver girl moans, holding him against her large boobs lovingly.

"Hah, I'm gonna blow my load, are you ready Belle?" He asks and she pulls his cock out of her mouth, jerking him off with her skilled hands while her mouth is wide open, hoping to receive his release, which it does not even a minute later, Inuyasha groaning loudly while filling up her mouth and covering her upper body with his thick cream.

"My turn." Morgana says while he's still cumming a few stray ropes and she pulls him up, walking over to a window, plaxinc her hands on the windowsill and spreads her legs while presenting her shiny smooth ass towards him, Inuyasha cumming against her thigh actually from his previous release.

"Glorious." He pants, spanking her ass a couple of times before stabbing himself inside her, her softer, warmer pussy welcoming him by squeezing around him.

He graby onto her hips and starts fucking her like a beast, Morgana smiling contently at this while fondling her own boobs.

After 5 minutes of him relentlessly fucking her pussy Morgana collapses to the floor, knees shaking after her fourth orgasm.

"You're the best." She stammers erotically before he heads over to Nina and Josie, who don't even notice him, rubbing their clits against the vibrator with Rose lying on Nina, her face buried in the enormous tits of the minotit.

"Hello you two." He says after already entering his hot member inside Rose's pussy, making her squeal and the other girls moan or pant at feeling her pleasure due to her ability.

"Masterrr." She moans, grabbing onto Nina's tits, making her spray some milk in the air and drip onto the dark skinned pokegirl's back.

"Nina, backed up again I see. Let me have a taste." Inuyasha says, continuing to fuck Rose from behind while leaning over the dark skinned girl and starts suckling on Nina's nipples, her milk filling his mouth quickly, making his cock get even fatter while replenishing his copious amount of cum.

"So big." Rose pants, her tail shivering in the air while her ass bounces with every passionate thrust of Inuyasha.

"It feels so good master." Rose groans, one of his hands sneaking down to where the vibrator is pleasuring them and he caresses her markings above her pussy, making her release a silent scream of pleasure.

"I want to look at you." He says, pulling himself out of her and flips her around so she's facing him, her head lying on top of Nina's massive knockers, her white hair draping over the orbs.

"I'm gonna claim you all over again my lovely Rose." He pants turned on, grabbing onto her curved horns and pulls her downwards while shooting his cock up in her, taking her breath away with him repeating the action over and over, getting stronger and faster until he's just grabbing onto her horns with one hand, while the other is palming her ass with his cock speeding in and out of her juices gushing pussy.

"You're mine." He growls after a while, cumming into her and lifts her off Nina lovingly, Rose spasming with a content smile from an overload of pleasure.

"Please not so rough Inu." Nina requests, gingerly as usual.

"As you wish." He says, taking the vibrator which is now lying across her stomach and holds it to her nipples one after the other while slowly sheathing himself inside her.

"Yes like that." Nina mewls happily.

"We need to massage you more I think." He remarks, seeing milk drip out of her hard nipples.

"I'd like that." Nina huffs, caressing his cheek with a smile.

"Maybe I can join Megan every now and then when she massages you after training." He tells her, sucking on one of her nipples again, her milk filling his mouth and he feeds her a share as well before drinking the other half.

"Moooh." She moans, gripping his arm tightly while cumming from the lovemilk increasing her lust and his eager cock filling her insides just right.

"I love that sound." He grins, kissing her across her throat as much s he can with their size difference.

"I love you." She replies, breathing heavily.

"I love you too babe. And you're so incredibly sexy." He replies, dragging his hands over her firm abs and cups the undersides of her tits.

"I'm cumming again!" She squeals, holding onto him tightly.

"Ugh, I'm cumming too." He grunts, spraying his load inside her once her pussy clenches down on him and his release fills her quickly with the rest landing on the floor beneath.

Inuyasha kisses the sweating, panting minotit before walking over to

The group consisting of Lucy, Elena, Lena and Gwen.

"Wow the Lena's are getting along great." Inuyasha says teasingly, Elena and Lena making out passionately with each other's hand pleasuring their pussies with Lena having the nubbed dildo stretching her ass.

"Open wide Lucy." Inuyasha says, kneeling down to Lucy and Gwen, his cock standing proud in front of the fish girl's mouth and Gwen's pussy, the two eating each other out.

Lucy looks up and swallows his cock as far as she can.

Gwen releases a muffled moan when Inuyasha starts fingering her eagerly.

"Hello Inu." Gwen says excitedly, taking her dildo and fucks Lucy with it who starts sucking off their tamer even harder.

"Hah, yeah, that's nice Lucy." Inuyasha moans, roaming through her soft blonde hair.

After a minute or two he pulls his member out of her mouth however and inserts himself inside Gwen's pussy, the tan beauty wrapping her legs around him passionately, trying tl keep him buried in her depths.

Lucy gets off the tan blonde and lies down next to her, Inuyasha being quick to lean down and kiss Gwen hungrily, brushing through both girls' blonde hair.

"Lover, I'm close." Gwen moans with him kissing her along her throat.

"Good." He growls, fucking her even harder, making her scream in pleasure while Lucy watches jealously.

"Cumming!" Gwen groans soon after, her muscles tightening, trying to make him shoot his load as well.

Inuyasha however pulls out of her and grabs onto Lucy's fish scaled legs, lifting them up slightly before plunging his dick deep into her pussy after pulling the dildo out of it.

"Thank you." Lucy moans loudly and he pulls her up to him, fucking up into her while bouncing her on his cock.

"You're part of my family. You don't need to thank me for taking care of you babe." He moans, licking over her vine markings and peppering her skin with kisses.

"You are so tight." He growls, one hand sliding up her body and starts fondling her breasts.

"You are so hot inside me. It feels so good" she tells him, pulling his face up and makes out with him needily.

"I'm cumming." She gasps soon after and her entrance clenches down on his member, making him shoot his load with a groan, filling her up almost instantly and pulls out of her, pushing back into Gwen, shooting his load inside her too, while holding Lucy against himself.

When he finished cumming he set the blonde down next to Gwen and kisses both once more before scooting over to Lena and Elena.

"Did you miss me?" He asks huskily, leaning down above Elena who is on top of Lena and kisses the snivex's neck lovingly.

"Always." Lena replies.

"How about you Elena?" He asks, massaging her large ass.

"Yes, very much." She replies, looking back at him, her red eyes full of love.

"You two are so gorgeous." He tells them, his hands exploring all of their bodies romantically and he pushes into Elena, making her mewl happily as he starts fucking her with deep powerful thrusts, hypnotized by her large erotic ass shaking with every thrust.

"She has a great rack too Inu." Lena says, groping her large boobs.

"How about xou focus on the front and I take the back." Inuyasha suggests.

"I like that idea." Lena answers, kissing Elena passionately.

"Ahhnn." Elena moans loudly moments later, shaking with an orgasm and she starts glowing for a couple of seconds. When the glow dies down she's still lying on top of Lena and looks the same, except that she now has a snake's tail starting above her ass.

"You evolved." Inuyasha congratulates her, kissing her cheek.

"Yes, I'm a sexvine now." She pants, her tail sliding up against his body with him reinserting himself in her pussy.

"Well I like the change." He says, taking the tail's very tip and licks all around it, making her pussy quiver in delight.

"Seems like you have the same weakness Mira does." He says huskily, his hips never stopping hammering into her and he rubs her all over her tail, making her cum and he draws out her orgasm by continuing it and fucking her throughout it, Lena looking up at her pleasure filled face jealously while kneading her large bust.

"No more." She pants, almost passing out from the pleasure.

"Alright." He says, pushing her off Lena's body and pulls out of her, scooting up and starts fucking her enormous breasts, Lena pouting until Inuyasha pulls her over, lying her head down above her sister's boobs and makes her suck on his slick cock, which Lena is all too happy to comply, especially when Inuyasha starts moving the nubbed dildo in her pussy.

"You like that kitten?" He groans, staring down at her, receiving a sexy meow in reply.

"Good, but that's only the foreplay you sex hungry pokegirl." He tells her huskily just before he cums, spraying his load all over Lena's face and Elena's G-cup tits.

"That felt amazing." He groans, standing up while pulling Lena up with him, the girl collecting his cum and drinking it all.

"Now, squeal for me lover." He growls, pulling her leg up giving him room to fuck her from below while standing.

"Ah yes." Lena moans.

"Do you miss your toy? Do you prefer my thick, greedy cock?" He asks her growling.

"No. Nothing is as good as your cock." Lena screams.

"Good answer, let me reward you for that." He whispers and licks over the dildo in his hand, before pushing it into her ass slowly.

"How's that?" He asks, leaving it half inserted to pinch her nipples.

"You're so good." She screams, holding onto him with all she has.

"Good then cum for me kitten." He tells her, speeding up his thrusts and after a minute she screams loudly, having an orgasm and he smirks, moving the dildo in her ass in synch with his thrusts until two minutes later he cums himself, filling the shaking and shivering beauty up with his seed while she's fighting to stay conscious throughout her powerful orgasms which hit her one after another like waves.

"Then there were two." He says to himself and joins Josie and Megan, lying down on his side besides the two wirh Josie riding Megan, the double dildo filling their pussies.

"You look content, I wonder if you even want me to tame you." Inuyasha says, jerking off slowly.

"We do. We need your strong cock." Josie is quick to reply.

"Good." He says, moving behind her while kissing her cheek and rubbing her ears.

"Take my cock bitch." He whispers into her fluffy ears while slowly pushing into her anal entrance, making her grind her teeth while huffing sexily.

"How's that?" He asks in a growl, sliding his hands all over her from behind.

"It still hurts a bit but it feels right." Josie replies, placing her hands over his and leads them to her boobs, making him fondle them while she slowly returns to riding the dildo in her pussy, making Megan moan as a result.

"You smell so good." He tells her, sniffing on the tip of her bushy tail as he starts to fuck her ass at a relaxed pace, wrapping his arms around her thighs and pulling her backwards so she's leaning against him and he fucks up into her, the dildo slipping out of her drooling cunt.

"Megan, why don't you return the favor." Inuyasha says, one hand holding Josie's pussy open.

"Happy to." Megan says, sitting up and pushing the dildo back into her harem sister, fucking her with the other dildo end being deep inside herself.

"I love my harem." Megan says, leaning over and makes out with Josie lewdly.

"I feel the same." Inuyasha groans from behind, starting to speed up his thrusts with Jodie gripping his thighs for support.

"Can you feel me swelling up?" He asks Josie huskily, receiving a sexy whimper from her.

"You know what that means." He says grinning and cums inside her, making her eyes roll backwards and squirt around the dildo.

Once his release is finished Inuyasha pulls out of her now reddened ass and lifts Megan off Josie once he's standing, pulling out the dildo from the pale girl in one motion and pushes her against a wall, teasing her with hit cock sliding against her pussy.

He kisses her hungrily and lifts up her legs, Megan wrapping them around him instinctively.

"Come on honey, fuck me." She begs in a whimper.

"Just wait." He tells her, licking over her collar.

He then reaches up and grabs her red horn with a strong grip, massaging the hard protrusion, making Megan pant and go cross eyed. Inuyasha shoves his cock into her pussy and makes her cum in that moment, Megan breathing labored while clinging to him.

"How do you like that?" He asks, pushing her green hair behind her ear with his other hand.

"It's amazing." She pants, drooling out of the corner of her mouth.

"That's what I like to hear." He says, lowering her down and turns her around, making her face the wall and bend over, leaning against it.

He pushes his cock back into the slightly shorter girl, making her shriek in delight and rubs her ass a bit, spanking the white orbs, excited to see them get slightly red in shape of his handprints.

"That's hot." He growls and starts fucking her while one hand drifts up her body, seeking out her mouth and pushes a finger inside, which she is quick to suck and lick on like there's no tomorrow.

"This will blow your mind." He tells her huskily, his other hand sliding down to tease her clit while he pulls his finger out of her mouth and grabs onto her horn, making her gasp.

"You ready?" He asks, pulling her backwards a bit by her horn.

"Yes Inu. Make me cum like never before. Engrave yourself into my naughty body." The rompia begs and Inuyasha smirks, kissing her neck once before fucking her pussy and gripping her horn without restraint, taking her breath away and giving her an orgasm almost immediately, her juices running down her white thighs while Inuyasha fucks her from behind relentlessly, pinching and rubbing her nipples as well as pleasuring her horn.

"Here it comes." He growls, his cum waiting to fill her up and he bites her horn, making her collapse in pleasure, giving him the signal to blow his load, drawing out his pokegirl's ecstasy.

"Man, you gave it to her, well all of us really." Mirajane says, walking to her fiancée who sets down a barely conscious Megan against Josie.

"Isn't that my job as tamer?" He asks, kissing her sweetly.

"It is and you do it verrry well." She replies, her finger sliding over his skin teasingly.

"So got one more round left for your alpha?" She asks, palming his cock erotically while her tail caresses his side, the pink glowing flame doing no harm to his body.

"I can always tame you." He says smirking.

"I don't want to be tamed. Make love to me." She replies cutely, pulling him over to the couch by his hand and lies down while looking at him sexily.

"You are so perfect." He tells her, joining her on the couch, leaning above her with his cock harder than ever.

"Do you like this?" He asks, wondering honestly while he slides his thick cock in between her ample bust and fucks her tits slowly.

"Yes. I like it. Especially since you love it." She replies smirking knowingly.

"Yeah. I do." He moans, her tongue starting to tease the tip of his cock which sticks out of her breasts.

"God you are so sensual." He moans, playing with her red hair.

"I am huh? Do you enjoy that?" She asks grinning happily.

"I love it. And I love you." He tells her, removing his member from her warm orbs and makes out with the dragon like girl.

"I love you too Inuyasha." She replies, squeezing his hand.

"Inuyasha sits down on the couch and pulls Mira in his lap, his alpha being quick to rub herself against his erect dick while making out with him."

Inuyasha lifts her up and lowers her down on his excited manmeat, making her sigh in pleasure while hugging her tamer.

"We fit perfectly together." He tells the redhead, making her ride him with his hands groping her round ass.

"We do." She agrees, looking at him sensually while riding his cock slow and steady.

"God those tits." He moans, the big assets dragging against his sweat covered skin.

"What about my tits?" She asks, pulling his head in between the soft orbs with him licking her skin in return.

"They are heavenly." He says, removing one hand from her ass and fondles the bouncy boobs in front of him instead, Mirajane smiling contently.

"Man you are slow." Lena remarks, the harem gathering around the couch with Christy and Elena sitting down on one of his legs each and explore their alpha's back with their hands and tongues.

Josie and Gwen take a seat next to Inuyasha instead and latch onto Mira's boobs, suckling and nibbling on her nipples while groping the fleshy orbs.

"You have attentive sisters babe." Inuyasha says, Mirajane feeling him get even bigger inside of her.

"Looks like you enjoy the sight my future husband." Mirajane says smirking and pulls Nina over, making out with the minotit lewdly, their tongues dancing outside of their mouths for everyone to see.

"I got this covered." Wendy says, standing behind Mira and hugs the woman's tail to her body, massaging it all over with Mira stifling a moan into Nina's mouth.

"God this is hot." Inuyasha growls, sliding a hand to her belly and her clit, making her widen her eyes in surprise.

"Cum for us my betrothed." Inuyasha groans, gripping her soft ass and fucks up into her vigorously.

"Nggyaa." She squeals, half muffled by Nina and cums with him shooting his load up into her as well.

"I love the beach." Josie says with a grin and kisses Inuyasha's cheek.

Later that day the harem collected every bed in the house, totaling to around 10 mattresses and lie them all together in the living room where everyone sleeps together instead of resting in their pokeballs.