
Introducing Minecraft in The World in Ruin!

* Just a reminder, I'm just a translator, I'm just making this readable and not something that's an abomination of words. * * I'm also a newbie, so appreciated if you point out some words that I might've missed! * ______________________________________ Being isekai'd in another world with the ability of Minecraft , Senju was wandering helplessly in this ruined world full of steel. He thought he was the only one here. It wasn't until he met his companions that he found the goal of survival. He traveled with them and was with them. Going forward together, even if in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, he will find a way to break through the desperate situation and lead to survival. After breaking through the desperate situation, Senju discovered that the world really had many pitfalls. In order to live a leisurely life, Senju began to look for an ideal home. Volume 1: Girls Last Tour: The Human World - 70 Chapters Volume 2: Girls Last Tour: The Uninhabitable Deep Zone - Chapters idk Anime: Girls Last Tour Note: I do not own this fanfiction, I just wanted to translate this/make it readable to people who don't know the Dao of MTL. Before I write the link, I should warn you that in later chapters in the raw, their names would be...messy, that's why I'm translating this. ______________________________________ How many stones per extra chapter? Wel idk, unlike before, update schedule is (right now)random. Disregard any of the previous chapters "goals" as it is expired Here's the link for the raw: https://trxs.cc/tongren/8398/1.html

Bruh20 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Chapter 24: It's Farming Time!

"Guys, wake up, you can't sleep here," Senju, immersed in the allure of the starry sky, shivered from the cold after lying on the snow for a while. Hastily rising to his feet, he realized he was nestled between the two girls,who were fast asleep embrace.

"Huh? What's the matter?" The two of them mumbled, gradually stirring awake, shivering in the cold. Sensing the chill, they realized they had dozed off lying on the snow.

Their bodies, previously warmed by the hot soup, now felt slightly numb.

"Huh, it's so dangerous. We almost slept until dawn," Yuuri wiped away the non-existent sweat, then hugged Chito besides her, "It's better to go back to the car and sleep. It's really cold without a quilt. ah."

"That's not the issue; it's easy to get sick if you sleep on the snow," Senju scolded, but Yuuri appeared perplexed. "Sick? Why would you get sick from sleeping on the snow? Chii-chan and I often sleep outside, after all."

"Ah, are you both that robust? Are you sure it's alright?"

"It's fine, Senju. The temperature is still quite high today, and there's no wind, so it's perfectly fine." Nevertheless, Chito ushered the bewildered Yuuri back into the car, and the two settled back down.

"Well, you might be okay, but let's go to the building over there," Senju suggested.

Realizing that the two of them had much sturdier physiques from enduring this environment, he had to keep an eye on them. He worried they might fall ill.

Then he knocked out a hole in the building next to him. There was nothing inside.

After sorting it out, he drove the car in. Although the car made a loud noise, the two of them were still sleeping there.

After looking at the two sleeping people, Senju installed two doors at the entrance of the cave. Then he looked at the large space in the building and was satisfied. He had recently collected a lot of soil, and now he could plant some wheat and trees.

Thinking of this, he placed dirt on the ground. When searching for supplies recently, he found some dirt in some places. However, there has never been enough time to cultivate things. But now that there is a lack of food, he remembered this matter.

(T/L: So, didn't changed cultivate, since that is usually a word that farmers use.I think, or anything that requires taking care of a plant...)

After arranging the soil and water sources, he placed torches nearby.

Then Senju used iron hoes to tidy up the field, and then planted wheat.

(T/L: Changed 'picks' to 'hoes', seems much more appropriate.)

There were a few wheat seeds now, so he used bone meal to ripen some. Then the crops instantly matured.

Although this is very convenient, Senju now only has more than thirty bone meal left on hand.

All he had accumulated in the past was spent on ripening this time.

By the way, he put a few pieces of soil aside and planted saplings. After thinking for a while, he placed a sign next to it with the words "No Trampling" written on it, and then surrounded it with a pile of iron railings.

Senju felt more at ease, no longer afraid of anything that could harm the saplings.

However, when he took a closer look at the tools in his inventory, he discovered that there was a green bar below his items, which was the durability of the tool.

Senju thought about it for a moment ,the moment a tool's durability has turned to zero. The item would break into nothing.

'That's why my fishing rods always disappears after long periods of use.'

(T/L: Bruh)

Thinking of this, he decided to repair the tools. After making an anvil, he put the iron tools in it and repaired a few of it.

After repairing the only few tools, he found that the levels that had been improved these days were increasing. It had become more than Level 4, and looking at the many sundries in the package, he wanted to try to see if he could repair these broken things.

First, he tested it with a tank that he had collected for a long time. This tank was one of the tanks he had found in a ruins before.

At that time, they were still in good condition and the damage was not very high, so they were collected by Senju.

After putting the tank in, Senju thought for a moment and tried to put iron ingots on the other side, but unfortunately there was no response.

After thinking for a while, he replaced the iron ingots with another tank, and then the light came on behind him, but he failed after trying it. It turned out that his level was too low.

However, after knowing this, he felt that he should collect more tanks and aircraft.

(T/L: Yeah that's kind of bad, since mobs don't spawn at night(well in a sense it could be good, since they will be having a hard time fighting through the hordes of mobs.)and even animal mobs don't spawn...)

(T/L: Though don't worry, that problem would be solved in the future, when Senju goes to a certain hot place.)

After finishing these things, Senju felt tired, so he took out his car out and fell asleep on it.

When he woke up again, he felt itchy on his face, as if someone was scratching it, and Chito's voice came from beside him, "Yuu, haven't you woken him up yet?"

"Ah, I'm awake! I'm awake now," Senju wriggled a few times before opening his eyes to find Yuuri standing beside him, her face slightly red either due to the cold or something else, with a hint of nervousness.

Senju couldn't help but feel suspicious for a moment.

But he was immediately interrupted by Chito, "Senju! Are you awake? let's eat something quickly and then go find supplies."

"Thank you, but how did you move these in?" Senju looked at the pressure plate below Chito with some confusion. He still thought that only he could move these installed items.

"Ah, as you said, without this iron plate, the electric stove is completely useless. Luckily, this iron plate is very light, so I moved it here myself," Chito proudly explained, her face radiant, expecting a compliment, as she patted the pressure plate.

Yuu, who was besides Senju, interjected, "I was obviously the one who brought that piece of scrap metal over."

"Shut up, Yuu, do you still want to eat?"

"Yes, Chii-chan, give me the food."

After Senju got up from the car, he found that he had stepped on something.

After a closer look, he saw that it was a packaging bag, which seemed to have just been opened. He shook his head in confusion and went to check his farmland.

After knocking a hole in the iron railing, he went in. Yuuri and Chito looked towards Senju, "Senju, are these all wheat? Why are they different?"

"It's because of the light, but it will all become the same in the end."

Because of the torches, the wheat seedlings in the field were uneven. He looked at them and found no missing seedlings. It didn't matter, but the trees next to them were still sapplings. Looks like they haven't grown up yet.

"Light? Why not plant it outside?" Yuuri was a little confused, but Senju still patiently explained, "It's too cold outside. Those wheat and trees are afraid of snow... Hmm!"

Senju suddenly remembered that he seemed to have a kind of tree that was not afraid of the cold. Thinking about it, he rushed out, and the two behind him followed.

After arriving outside, he placed a piece of soil, planted a spruce sapling, and sprinkled some bone meal on it. In an instant, the sapling turned into a tall pine tree.

"It's so big, Chii-chan," Yuuri raised her head and saw the branches above. A square dark tree trunk more than ten meters high had a bunch of square leaves on it.

Senju was also in a daze for a while. It was so big. How could he deal with these leaves, but this tree has a lot of wood, which is much more useful than the birch tree.


Nice! We've reached our milestone! Though the chapters might be delayed for a while.

I'm currently translating so early in the morning. I just finished this one...

Hmm tell me, if you somehow had gained the "Interferance" what would you do? Secretly use it without anyone seeing? Cause I sure do, wouldn't want to be a lab rat for an international government COUGH *China**US*. Or any government anyway

Bruh20creators' thoughts